Sup Forums you don't understand, you should let muslims in or else they'll become terrorists

Sup Forums you don't understand, you should let muslims in or else they'll become terrorists

Is that a fucking threat? Or is this retard implying people haven't immigrated to this country and committed terrorist attacks

Prove him wrong

Oh wait...

>tfw they win because you don't let them win

>Muslims are peaceful and not all terrorists.
>If you dont let them do what they want they will all become terrorists.

Pick 1

Muslims are totally peaceful unless you say you don't want them
Got it

Muslims are so peaceful and tolerant that if you dare to contradict or go against them even once, they will blow you shit up and murder you so hard that you'll literally be at war with them.

>This ban will turn muslims towards terrorism!
>Terrorism has nothing to do with islam!

But then they'll just blow up outside the country anyway. So.. okay then.

because north korea has so many terrorists

They can all become terrorists for all I care, if they don't make it in the country it doesn't matter.

So did 9/11 happen because of closed borders? And Charlie Hebdo? And the Christmas Market rampage? And the New Year shooting?

Good riddance.

>muslims are so mentally unhinged that if they cant immigrate wherever they want they will become radical terrorists even though terrorism has nothing to do with Islam

>muzzies threatening infidels

really amps up the brainwaves.

Well now that they're terrorists, it makes sense not to let them enter the country.

>Ban everybody from a certain group from entering your country
>Continue waiting as the terrorists are unable to do jack shit to you

Its baffling how they're unable to see how simple a solution this is.

They are so peaceful they will kill you if you don't give them what they want.

Hate America
Hate western culture

Want to live America

Go the fuck.home


that cuck is such a loser I guarantee he's saying that WE will be the terrorists. god it's like he refuses to take Muslim cock out of his mouth

This logic is so FUCKED. hey let me in your house! no? oh well then I am going to kill you because you wont let me in your house.


europe didn't have so many terrorists until they opened their borders

Mecca is Muslim only, yet who do you see cutting heads off and fucking kids?


He's right. Banning terrorists is pointless, they need to be physically removed from reality.


stop saying it's a Muslim ban. it's a ban on citizens from certain countries. they could be of any religion

>My husband is really nice and peaceful, until I do or say something he doesn't like, then he becomes violent and attacks me. It's my fault for making him violent.
Got it, this is acceptable again. Thanks for letting me know, leftists.

By that logic we literally could never turn down pretty much anybody and would have to accept the entirety of the third world into our country or else they would all somehow become terrorist.
Also it kind of seems like this is basically saying that Muslims or people who aren't here already are all terrorists.

KEK they're already becoming terrorists. Let them try to chef up some huge attack here while they're being bombed to hell. Not going to happen


How to stop terrorists:

1. Kill them all.

2. Crack open a beer.


That sounds like a threat.

How to make terrorists:

1. Make Islam
2. Wait

I'm confused, that's actually a perfect way of keeping terrorists from entering the country.

If they're not in my country why does it matter if they're terrorist? 9/11 would never have happened if Arabs were banned from entering the United States and that's a Real News Certified Factâ„¢.

im pretty sure buddhists wouldn't blow themselves up if the US banned them


Why do these fucking brown cunts feel so entitled to live in our countries? It makes me sick. The audacity of them. Fuck. It triggers me hard.

I don't know, I think it would get them pretty fired up.


Poor kermit.

Has to be made party to this fucking lunacy it aint right.

>Kind, easily manipulated rich people who have different values from yours, including ones your value system says you should have contempt for, are shutting off the spigot you used to exploit their kindness and riches.

3. Nothing happens.

Based English teacher!

>Let me in or I'll try to kill you

How can people have this mindset? This makes me so fucking mad that people think shit like this breeds real terrorism.

I'd love to see the research on this.

Iran doesn't allow US Citizens in their country, yet you don't see millions clamoring to get in and asking for special treatment. Also, shooting people.

>Let me in or I'll try to kill you

How did we get into this country though?

In Islam it's acceptable to fight "oppression" through killing and oppression can be considered as anything that prevents the spread of islam.

What does that pic mean? America needs single moms?

Cubans were banned for decades, they never terrorized us

not deliberately anyway

>give in to the will of Muslims or they will kill you
Thanks , Kumail, for showing us again the peaceful tolerant nature of your people

This is Vietnam. There are rules.

alternative way to make terroists

1. let the terrorists in
2. wait

It's ultimately white people that are their cheerleaders.

Don't believe me? Go to any of these pro immigration/open borders rallies. They're always majority white

That's why I've lost respect for you whites. You are intelligent people, you created space travel, medicine, mind blowing technology and the greatest, most free societies on earth

But ultimately your weakness is your empathy. The entire world is taking advantage of you, and not only are you letting them, you are actively encouraging them.


wait you're not white?

>Muslims now have no culpability for their actions and lack moral agency because I said so the power...........of ideology!!!!

>Other countries are allowed to ban ppl from entering the country except the US
>Moral higher ground

Why do some Americans have their heads far up their own ass? It's their country, do what the fuck you want to.

How to deal with Muslims:

1. Ignore their region and their cult entirely
2. Bomb them when they get uppity
3. Repeat as necessary
4. Laugh at liberals

yea we should let them in
then they'll be able to control their murder tendencies and keep it in check


The leftist doublethink is greater than anything Orwell could have imagined.

...because their whole fucking life depends on america....they literally use everything to excuse their attacks...
it's so fucking ridiculous...these guys have "totally peaceful" took over like what..65 countrys...but they don't want to live there...
It has to be north america ,or else !!!!
if nobody from the left ask themselve WHY .. i mean...

>If you don't open your borders to us we will kill you

Really changes my mind, I guess I just don't fire the same neurons when I think as cucks cuz this shit don't add up.

why don't israelis bomb malaysia in that case?

I'm not. I was born here but I'm not ethnically British or European

I am however extremely grateful to be a British citizen and extremely worried about the future of this country. I voted Leave on the referendum, and we won luckily.

Based marine molester.


Muslims are the scum of the earth. They can't keep getting away with it.

he's probably spinning in his grave right around now

Then there's no problem with it them becoming terrorists, they can blow up and running over people in their own shitty countries.

We'll be fine, because we didn't let them in.

thousands of white liberal scum liked that too

>not all Muslims are terrorists
>until you disrespect them

Well, Iran has a ban against Jews entering. I'm sure this filthy fucking poo in the loo goat fucking mooselimb nigger faggot cares about that, right?

Become terrorists motherfuckers! Do it!

They have other plans though.

>be nice to us or we will blow you up

k, keep me posted

I have Jewish friends who have told me IRL that the best way to reduce terrorism is to increase Muslim immigration because the Muslims feel alienated. I don't like to talk with them very much ( ._.)

Muslims and their white Liberal cheerleaders.

They both need to go. Political correctness is the cancer that is destroying America. Trump must never cave into Leftist pressure. We need to keep fighting on.

So he is saying that a group has more right then another group...

But if this group don't get what they want they are attacking the USA...

So long story short this group are terrorists and are treated like terrorists.

Radical leftists terrorism btfo one again

did you ask them why Israel doesn't let them in to reduce terror?

Nobody was b& in France, Germany and Sweden and still there was a lot of terrorist attacks and mass raping.

This argumentation is absolutely flawed.


If we just gave them our country they wouldn't be terrorists.

>don't let any other sort of people into a country
>nothing happens

>don't let Muslims in

>let the Muslims in
>still terrorism anyway

well fuck me

OP confirmed Kafkafag

So what you be saying is, we should start letting white people do what they want or else they'll start committing acts of terror

No, they're full cancer liberals - only speak a few words of Yiddish, zero connection to Israel. They just want the whole world to be brown and of unclear race like their family.

Holy fuck, leftists only respect law when it's what they want.

If that's all it takes to make then a terrorist, then it's better to do it and fight them now.