Sup Forums will defend this

>Sup Forums will defend this

You are being ruled by a tyrant.

Other urls found in this thread:

Meanwhile, everyone around Clinton is dying and nobody bats an eye.

>inb4 fake news

wake up before its too late.

he will drag america and the world into the abyss

>this somehow justifies the murder of an innocent man

stop defending billionaires and politicians and think about the people you care about.


Trump doesn't play around.

Fake news

Never post here again. You are not welcome

nice fake news ya got there

leaf... day of the rake wheN?

>Spy hired by (((them))) to make a believable "report" that Trump is compromised by Russia
>team up with a British spy to feed intel to each back and forth, making it up as they go
>dossier becomes completely ridiculous that even intel from someone on Sup Forums including Trump, hookers, and piss is included
>Buzzfeed realizes the dossier
>people see how ridiculous it is, and the entire narrative that was paid for is completely unraveled over night
>(((they))) dispose of the two spies to cover their giant fuck up

You don't deliver, you get dead. It's simple, and has nothing to do with Trump. Now that he's dead, he can't talk about how someone from the Council of 300 paid for this shit.

The people I care about don't spread fake news.

A tyrant is precisely what the United States of America and indeed, the rest of the world, needs right now in enormous doses. People are weak. They have been fed the sewerage of liberal subversion for decades, since Eisenhower's speech about the "military-industrial complex", and they do not require the "hunter/gatherer" fortitude that millions in the provider-states harness, in order to keep the weak coastal-dwellers alive.

People are going to have to start realising that their so-called "good days" are over. They are going to have to realise that they will need strength. Strength is what is needed to prepare everyone for the final onslaught against the true oppressors, the elite families that manipulate entire governments like puppets to do their bidding.

Trump knows this.

Trump is making us all tough. One executive order at a time.

I am ready to become strong to serve His will.

>leaf poster

The fire rises for you brother




>KGB spy


The difference is that Clinton never actually had anybody murdered and the implication that she did is low quality propaganda. This is real.

>KGB spy

>active measures


Since when did you guys consider KGB and Russian innocent?
There's delusional and there's leaf.

How convenient you leftist cucks get to decide what is and isn't legitimate murder.

But Putin is a good guy right?

I may be liberal, but I am informed. I've browsed Sup Forums and other right wing sites for years. I know your methods and I've watched your lies and conspiracy theories evolve. Save your deflections for the normies.

>people surrounded to clinton organization get murdered
>wikileaks publishes these reports, media covers it and everyone knows about it
>hence trump wins
>trump has ex kgb agent murdered
>media reports
>Sup Forums 100% defensive, not even willing to think about the possibility that trump may not be the man he says he is

There is devoted then there is 100% indoctrinated trumpfag.

>this level of delusion and denial
Maybe you should discuss devotion with the retard above you.

Yeah, hes doing what we elected him for, god forbid

>ordering hits on innocent people was what the american people wanted

Donald Trump: Forget Illegals - Lets Bring In More Europeans





kys nigger lover


Save it for the normies, fag.

So the mysterious deaths around Clinton is bullshit propaganda and fake news but with trump it's somehow different in your eyes? Fucking idiot.

Wait, isn't this all based on a hoax perpetuated by people on this site? See pic

You are incorrect. Obama was a tyrant. "We are still ruled by a tyrant" is more correct.

>(you's) a German flag and an American flag
>thinks it's the same poster
Facebook/Redditor detected.

Beat me to it. If they're killing people it's because of stupid shit Sup Forumsacks made up.

leaves should be banned, every síngle time i see canadian flag, its a garbage shitpost with zero value whatsoever

I hope he drives north and Americans hang you from a lamp post.

Yes. They don't know the half of it.

Lemme get this straight? A man who wants to protect our soverignty from communism, marxism, mexican drug cartels, islamic terrotism (ISIS), and any other horrible degenerate shit is a tyrant.

A person who allows for this and hosts pedophile rings in a pizza place is not? What the fuck dude your priorities are fucked up.

Dead Russians is what the leftists wanted because they thought they were covertly influencing American politics, and now that they got it, they're pissed. Sounds about right.

Clinton isn't president.

Drumpfags are cancer. Back to /r/The_Donald with them.

So this guy was a "spy chief" - an accomplished career professional - for the KGB which was 26 years ago?

Dude probably died of old age.

Naw, he's saving the sovereignty of the US from anti-white globalists. Big difference.

>the people you care about

How do you know the people I care about, leaf?

That's hilarious. So in other words, this story about a dead KGB spy is completely false.

the Bushes killed the guy. tying up loose ends.

Stop acting like you're going to be with us when we steamroll the world. Fucking aussies need to learn their place, either getting drunk with abo's or washing Chinese feet.

The establishment is kicking and screaming. We are facing some rought shit up ahead. Leftists will try to say "The russians did it! Trump is a tyrant he likes Putin."
The thing that makes me laugh is that we complained and screamed that Hillery and Obama were, but I guess this is a taste of your own medicine leftists. You tried to implement a dictatorship and we swept the rug from under your feet. 1488 and Heil Trump.

>They're still dragging out the pissgate narritive.

Since they believe Russia is so evil shouldn't they draw the conclusion that they did it?

Thank you my Australian friend. Will you join me in making the internet a Cyber Reich?

The FSB might've killed one of their own, but it had nothing to do with this. The media's just rainmaking, partly to deligitimize Trump, and partly because they're too obstinant to admit they got played by a bunch of NEETs.

So anytime something happens involving Russia's intelligence services, or interior politics, or traffic from TOR exit nodes in Russia; anything at all, and they'll just scream the ol' Russian hackers meme.

When are we invading Canada? Yanks can have it all, but we need to purge these fucking people.

> no article, no source, no link
> just a screenshot of Facebook click bait, originating from Australia.
> posted by the lowest form of shit posters, a Canadian

you people can't even see how fake this is? Forget red pills, you need a reality check.

>Doesn't know that the word Tyrant actually just means a powerful man with a lot of influence and confidence of the people
For being the one's who are supposed to be so learned and into literature you faggots sure do know fuckall about language

Lmao true. I'm leaning heavily towards he was old as fuck and died of a heart attack in shitty Russian traffic.

I could list over 100 people right now that Hillary has killed
Bill would have a list that spans thousands

>KGB Spy
Putin is spying these days how exactly?
He IS the KGB but he doesn't spy anymore he runs the damn thing
Are you retarded?

Can you list any proof?

This is the most recent list. There is more.

he was a kgb agent u fuckwit

I sure can

Proof you dumb nigger. Do you own a dictionary?

Proof. Where is it?

The election was rife with fraud.

He was fraudulently elected.

>Trump has someone murdered

Proofs, or fake news.

>accusations are proof
Proof you dumb nigger. Smoking gun? Fingerprints? Fucking proof.

>you are being ruled by a tyrant

and you are being ruled by emotion

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here.

But I have personally gone through all the cases on The Clintons' mysterious death list. I have concluded that these were all definitely coincidences.

This one about Trump, however, was definitely dodgy.

t. unbiased neutral citizen who is not employed by any political party

>FSB rat found dead
>clearly it was the CIA

Nice Whataboutism, friend.

He is the god emperor of mankind

even if it was true I think no one would care

Here is the list learn to do somthing called "Research." if you did you wouldn't constantly ask for it.

Or are you just going to plug your ears and close your eyes. Your fucking idol is corrupt to the fucking core.
There is another video a hit man who worked for the Clinton foundation. Watch it all he will tell you everything.

Why would Trump/Putin/ have him killed AFTER the report was publicly released? Doesn't it make more sense that the political establishment had him killed for fucking up the narrative?

this is an average canadian Sup Forums poster

How is this case anything else but wild speculation and innuendo?

>Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here.

Nice b8

>he will drag america and the world into the abyss

so toronto?

Can you just shut the fuck up you stupid fucking drump WHITE MALE drumpf supporter?

We already confirmed that all the suspicious deaths around the Clintons were fake, okay? 90% of our polls showed a less than 1% chance of them being real.

But we have done polls about this and all of them show that DRUMPF IS GUILTY.

Literally shaking at your ignorance.

There are multiple reasons why this guy could have been killed. It might have had nothing to do with the Trump dossier. When spies like this turn up dead, nothing is exactly as it seems.

>I know your methods and I've watched your lies and conspiracy theories evolve.

has anyone else notices liberals think there bruce wayne now for some reason

Does Soros pay you well? Are the shekels worth it?

Fuck you kike

You're really bad at shitposting


to be fair, I did read about this story but srsly there was no proof he was actually linked to Steele in any way and spyguys drop dead all time for a million different reasons. Especially the KGB/FSB ones in Russia since they're usually knee deep in every sort of criminal activity and intrigue

Ahhhh well. It's what we wanted.

protecting the ones i love and western democracy is worth enough.

trump is a tyrant and must be stopped. the cia and fbi should do a criminal investigation on the matter and if he is found guilty, should be charged for murder

I can't believe that they're still trying to push this shit. A mothafucking Gay Pornstar.

Hey shut the fuck up. Do you want to get suicided by that post?

>this guy has shady connections going on
>therefore you should have voted into office this other person who was basically pure shady shit
First of all I question the validity of this report. If it's true I don't condone it and I think there should be an investigation. But to suggest Hillary is better is a fucking joke.

hate to break it to you
kgb doesn't exist

Proof please

prove the illegals voted in the election

thats right you can't.

the fbi must do an investigation on trump.

Implying people are not here with a proxy shilling for their team?

I'm telling you that if I was in the threads where you guys decide to make up shit about Seth Rich and #pizzagate, then it's sorta pointless to try to pass it off to me as real. I'm like a magician watching a magic show here.

>I'm like a magician watching a magic show here.
exactly my point

stay mad