Will the Democrats ever get their shit together or will they just die off and get replaced by another party?

Will the Democrats ever get their shit together or will they just die off and get replaced by another party?

Split and changed, the beans will want their own thing, same with blacks. LIbcucks/selfhatingwhites/Jews will make some progressive bullshit and fall over themselves trying to lure non whites to aid them.

Great idea, goy. Give me one month. We'll start a jewocrafts party.

I think we should start killing them honestly. I'm ready to spill some blood.

More people identify as liberal in the US atm, so if the party were to die, it'd quickly be replaced.

It won't die though. Especially if Trump builds his wall and starts a Mexico tariff, flipping Texas blue.

>keeping out Illegals will make Texas blue

This is autism

>flipping Texas blue for building the fucking wall
Holy shit I thought I'd heard every delusional thing the left could come up with.

They will most likely be divided into the gender identity politics sector and the true classical take responsibility liberalism sector

It'll be Bill Mahers vs Cenk Uygurs, so buckle up

I think they're probably going to get fucked up, but it's not going to happen quickly enough, and not enough people will catch on, so there will be a large portion of people voting for a third party which will probably be more liberal, and the rest vote democrat, splitting their vote, and ensuring republican victory in most elections. That will change eventually, but who knows how long it will take.

They'll be replaced by the Green Party because they actually mean what they say. All the good liberals went there, became moderates, or are now unashamed Trump supporters. As crazy as that sounds.

The only "democrats" left are people that are either unaware of the insanity and drama occurring or are in denial of it entirely.

What it looks like is happening is parts of the party are trying to throw out the moderate part of the party.

If this happens Republican control of the government is ensured until at least 2024. The moderate wing in the Democrat party is the only thing even kind of making them competitive in working class union country.

This is why I always hated the Tea Party and I thank God every day they didn't take over the party.

I love this. Painfully accurate.

Who cares?

Well, that is if the US will survive the next 4 years. The first weak is past us and people are already losing their mind,

I meant your image. What you said is unrefined horseshit. I wouldn't put my plants anywhere near your infertile opinion.

They're going to have to flush the toilet.

>weakening the eternal bean will turn texas blue

You're painfully insane.

You don't even know me, faggot. But don't let that stop you. Project some more.

Hey what ever happened to Blago and that whole Chicago crew?

>being this short sighted

Guess what? Most people don't give a shit about politics in their day to day lives. Most people don't even regularly vote.

Americans care about one thing only. Their economic stability.

Last time we had a major economic depression? We went from a hands off federal government to the fucking New Deal.

Texas gets 30-40% of its imports AND exports from Mexico. Not to mention how much its agricultural industries rely on Mexican labor.

Weakening Mexico and preventing immigration may seem like ways to make Texas more red, but tanking the lone star state's economy is the surest way to flip it blue.

It's already started with the Californians moving in.

What does Texas even make? I've never seen a "Made in Texas" sticker.

they don't need to

The democrats are done for as well as the neocons. The party is headed by old people who won't make it into 2020 with much energy left or dead.

Same goes for the republicans and their neocons, most are old or dying.
Trump is a nightmare for all of these sick fucks, we took the right path I believe.

Over the last few months, I'v seen nothing but hatred for Trump spew from neighboring boomers around me. They are afraid Trump is going to cut their pensions and social security.

I have not seen ONE not one boomer who is happy about Trump being president. It's been pretty much a half of Gen X and half of Gen Y and even the older of Gen Z who is greatly pleased.

i'm sure there are plenty of boomers who voted Trump but i'm guessing the majority of them were voting Hillary to protect their moneys.

>thinks the wall turns Texas blue
>you don't know me
You're right, but I know you're insane.

trump will have stepped on too many by 2024 and the swapping of control continues

>he thinks Texans aren't political

>DNC cucks half their supporters by rigging the primary against the chosen socialist birdman
>Expects people to just fall in line, after spouting anti-establishment propaganda
>The Hillshills convince themselves with the help of the incredibly biased media, that Hillary is a solid choice
>Even Trump supporters think Bernie had a much better chance of winning than Hillary
>Dividing your own party before the main election because you're so invested in one fucking politician
>Liberal media gets caught illegally colluding with the DNC
>Liberal media claims everyone else is fake news and shouldn't be trusted
>Liberal media pushes the "alternative fact" rhetoric
Irony only goes so far. We're entering levels of Poe's Law never before seen.

>I have not seen ONE not one boomer who is happy about Trump being president.

Right, I guess, except for the fact that boomers literally elected Trump. Other than that, great point.

>thinking individual states put "made in X" stickers

It's all just "made in the USA".

Their big ticket items are fuel (processing, extraction), aerospace, chemicals, etc.

You wouldn't know how to grow anything worth while with it either if you didn't have Mexican labor (illegals make up 50% of farm labor in some states)

You're right to think anyone that would think that is insane. I agree with you. But maybe you should have read my other comment before doubling down on that.

See I am not the shitposter you are looking for but +1 for passion.

Is there something wrong with Texas stickers? I personally think Texas is pretty great.

Would China stickers be better in your opinion?


Kek is totally real. This post proves it.

they will all be destroyed before 2024, only to be replaced by something else from the democrats, maybe worse, maybe better, but strangely accepted

Democrats will fall apart and the Republican voter base will die off faster than they can replenish it. Then we will gather what remains into our bowls, preferably ones that are made to hold a certain avacado-based salsa.

You really only see those on products intended to be distributed in the same state they were produced in.

I see plenty of shit with MIO (Made in Oklahoma) on it at the grocery store, but when I've bought it out of state the sticker isn't there.

>I wouldn't know how to make a hole in the dirt, put a seed in it, and pour water on it once a day
>Thinks only mexicans know how
Or is it because you're assuming I'm white? You're a fucking idiot. Illegals only make up the labor jobs because they're jobs that no one wants. Not like no one can do them. I'm the guy that tells your precious mexicans what the fuck to do. Kindly fuck yourself.

We are just gonna run someone, not Hillary, and win in 2020.

For now, Democrats will stay out the spotlight and let Trump and his team get all the attention.

We will be back in 2018 when the news starts to pay attention to the 2020 campaign.

Like I said in an earlier comment, I'm confident the Green Party is more consistent with what actual liberals believe in. Not those attention whoring thought police that you see on TV.

>he thinks Texans are politically engaged

Ranked 46th in the nation for voter turnout. Might have shifted with this years election, but you still barely had half of your qualified citizens vote.

Except they didn't. I'm guessing 60% of boomers voted Hillary. Like I said, I haven't talked to one boomers other than my dad and step mother who voted Trump.

I'v run in to many boomers who openly hated Trump, even called for a kennedy on him.

The major breakthrough was the millennial vote being 40% for Trump compared to the 85%+ that Obama had.

They'll probably end up dying.

Hmmm Jill Stein less popular damn a damn dead gorilla.

The green party is a meme.

So you mean Obama and Rahm and Rahm's brother are in the slammer?

Or do you mean nobody investigates the Chicago gay crew? Or maybe we should investigate special prosecutor Pat Fitzgerald?

this is good, you are finally giving up, please keep bargaining and rationalizing your cuck beliefs. you are working though your stages of grief

hopefully you will have normal levels of testosterone and join us by 2020

The farther to the left the Democrats go, the more they alienate moderate white voters, the more they will be forced to lean towards extreme violence to regain control.

We have the house.
We have the senate.
We have the presidency.
We are very close to having enough states to declaring a constitutional convention and amending it without needing any leftist votes.

Well, I think we should bring back a program to put stickers on to identify our states.

Even California puts on labels for their produce.

Probably because they know they're going red every fucking year.

I'm sure the economy would do well without them then.

>Because I was totally talking about your ability to grow a single plant... y'know, that's the hard part of farming, not the scale of it or anything.


The democrats made a bunch of retarded mistakes this election and it was after a two term democrat. They will be incredibly energized in 2020. Right now both party establishments are complete shit shows so it's really hard to predict since both are so fucking terrible.

but they will def lose in 2018 because the insanity hysteria and the states at stake.

>MN, which has gone blue every time since 1932
>Has a turnout around 75%

>Texas has a turnout of just over 50%

Real reasons? Hispanics vote at rates of around 25%.

Sure hope they stay disengaged, and don't become politically motivated (they make up 39% of the state).

I have a watch that was made in Texas. My father bought it for me when he went to America.

I'm not about Jill either but the platform of the Green Party seems to be more align with what actual liberals believe, and they wouldn't have to "fall in line".

Texaas is one of our greatest states. That's pretty damn cool your watch still works.

Really it's just a way to promote keeping money in state.

The state of Oklahoma actually pays for the cost of putting those stickers on. But it works, I've repeatedly bought a product because it's made by fellow Okies.

I see stickers from every other country in the world, but pretty much never states. I've never seen an okie sticker.

Maybe I would buy.

I buy local stuff all the time that has made in MI logos on it

Most stuff we do around my area isn't consumer goods, though, it's steel milling, auto, power, metals recycling, etc. Not supermarket goods and trinkets and shit like Cali

I don't know if they're from MI or not, but I have a lot of good steel tools from when they were made somewhere in the US. Where exactly would be a neat sticker item.

That's cool to hear.

Like I said they're pretty much only applied to the product to be sold in state.

But if you see Head Country BBQ sauce, buy it, it is far and away the best bottled BBQ sauce available, many pros even use it because they can't make anything as good, and it's made right here in Oklahoma.

it depends on if they win or lose the 2020 elections.

So far they are going straight left off the cliff into full blown cultural marxism without a hint of irony.

they will oppose trump and double down on the identity politics while ignoring the fears of the working class.

if Trump does a good job in his 4 years, he will win re-election.

If he wins re-election, the Democrats will start to fall apart.

basically, Republicans are retreading step for step, what happened to the Republicans Post 2008. When the Tea Party rose, took over the GOP, and then dissolved, with the few remainders becoming in line with the establishment after the government shutdown backfired. then the Freedom Caucus came in, which are even more hardline than the Tea Party, and then Trump came about, talking about real issues and throwing politics as usual out the window, and effectively hijacked the party.

Now, bernie Sanders showed that there is a part of the party, (though granted, Sanders is not a Democrat) that actually cares about issues. Bernie's support should not be brushed aside, he had support from working class voters on the left. The issue, aside from the rigged primaries, was that those voters intersect into the identity politics camp as well as the issues camp.

but it proves that a Candidate like Sanders, who talks about working class issues, but on the left, can succeed if given the chance, and if Democrats lose 2020, I expect them to finally collapse and start to re-order themselves in 2024. though in general, Democrats dont have any Donald Trumps on their side. (right now)

My best be is we're entering an era of populism and nationalism (both right and left nationalists).

I'd bet on Republican presidents and Democratic legislator (and vice versa) after 2020.

If they manage to actually get a candidate people can get excited for instead of coronating some big name incompetent political chameleon, they might actually take the White House.

"My turn!" politicians never win.

What was real depressing was watching the big name passionate liberals not step up to Hillary. Sanders bent the knee like a bitch and Warren kissed Hillary's ass super hard during the primaries.

gutless cowards, shameless corporatists, and brainless cronies. the whole lot of them.

Depressing was watching all of them thinking Bernie ever had a chance (in his new beach home)

How far from reality were your actual brains?

It will only recover if it understand that unity and diversity are two mutually exclusive concepts.

Democrats whine and moan about how supposedly divisive Trump is while they're balls deep in identity politics and have everyone under their Big Tent hate each other.

Trump represents civic nationalism at its finest. He didn't target European Americans, or African Americans, or Latin Americans, just Americans.

They won't even name the people who rigged the elections.

They're fucking dumb as shit as far as I can tell.

>muh diversity boogeyman

Singapore, Canada, etc.

Ehtnic Ghettos are bad, immigration and """"diversity"""" is fine.

The Democratic Party is going to corbynize. The split between affluent leftists (Bernie Sanders supporters) and the neoliberal corporatists who dabble in identity politics (Hillary Clinton) is imminent. This is not like the split we saw in the Republican Party in 2015-2016... that was a split between the base and the party leadership. Trump was a coup by the base against the leadership, and it pretty much worked. This is going to split the Democratic base in half, and could wipe out the party in the 2018 midterms and 2020 elections.

The Democrats will certainly make a comeback after 2024, but until then, here's what's going to happen:

There are 25 senate seats the Democrats have to defend in 2018. Ten of them are in states Trump won. If the progressives try to primary the centrist incumbents with Berniecrats, Republicans will win those seats, giving the GOP a lock on the Senate for the next six years. Likewise, if Trump isn't a shitty president, he'll win reelection and allow the GOP to keep the house on his coattails.

What are your numbers on unemployment?

It's time to stop putting the stupid people in charge of our political system.

Canada is sliding into Sweden territory
Singapore is a city state of many asian ethnicities

also indians and white people and muslims

also canada is fine stop reading propaganda, sweden is a lot better than the US too

This guy captured the issue perfectly.