You're a 2004 Democrat, and I appear from the future

I tell you:
"In 2017, the President of the United States will be someone who has very clearly and forcefully stated to the world that the Iraq War was a mistake.
He will also make it a major priority to renegotiate NAFTA and other trade deals to get a better deal for American workers. He will repeatedly exclaim that, when it comes to trade, corporate profits should come second to securing good jobs for American workers. Not free trade, fair trade!, he'll say.
On the first day of his presidency, he will make it a priority to meet with several organized labor leaders in the White House; they will leave the meeting thrilled and state that they truly believe he is on their side and that he wants to do whatever he can to help create jobs and improve wages for American workers. He will make it a favorite pastime to call up fat-cat CEOs and yell at them about how they need to stop outsourcing jobs and need to invest in American labor OR ELSE."
"That's amazing," you'd say. I might reply: "well, you know, some people think that is a little tyrannical and autocratic trying to bully people like --" "Oh please," you'd cut me off, "I think those CEOs can take it. It's amazing to hear we'll finally have someone showing a little bit of back bone for labor against capital in this country! Anyway, this guy sounds amazing. Tell me more. What does he think about health care?"
I'd continue: "Well, when it comes to health care, he will come out in favor of negotiating against drug companies for lower prices on prescription drugs. And he will say that, whatever we do on health care reform, we need to make sure that we guarantee coverage for people with preexisting conditions.

Other urls found in this thread:

He will be forcefully in favor of preserving social security and medicare. He will call for six weeks of guaranteed maternity leave.
Also, I should note, he is in favor of large-scale government spending on massive projects to put Americans to work rebuilding our national infrastructure.
He will also come out in favor of reform to close the carried interest tax loophole.
Also, he won't seem very religious all. Not only will he be for civil unions, he will in fact openly admit that he has no problem with gay marriage. He will even wave around a rainbow LGBT flag at one of his rallies."
At this point, you would probably stop me. "Stop, stop. I don't believe you," you'd say, "It's too good to be true."
In your head you are picturing some heroic left-wing dream candidate.
"Well, there is more," I'd say. "You really should know that he wants to build a wall on our border with Mexico to prevent further illegal immigration and, although he has suggested that after the wall is built he may be open to some limited amnesty for illegal immigrants already here, he does not support blanket amnesty for all 11 million+ illegal immigrants in the country. He dismisses all arguments about illegal immigration ultimately benefiting GDP, because he believes the most important thing to focus on is the well-being of low-wage American workers."

In response to this, you might say that you need to see the specifics. But you'd probably agree wholeheartedly with that last point about low-wage workers and generally think the 2017 President's view was within the range of reasonable views. After all, at this point, even the NYT editorial board is still against amnesty for illegal immigrants ( ) and the idea of a physical wall on some or all of the Mexican border doesn't seem like a crazy idea ( ). See also: ; . You might even say "wait, did you say 11+ million? We haven't done anything about that yet?"
"Uh ok," I'd say, "well you should also know that he is going to make some very strong statements about the need for law and order and say that he wants to crack down hard on crime."

Again, you might ask for specifics. But, at the end of the day, you'd probably say something like: "don't all politicians talk that way these days? I mean Bill Clinton sure did. I think we can stomach another Clinton/Biden crime bill. This doesn't seem so bad, especially when weighed against all of that great stuff you were talking about earlier. Tell me more about how he wants to renegotiate NAFTA...."
"Well, I'm not sure you understand," I'd say. "He is going to say some pretty controversial stuff on race and the inner cities that people are really not going to like."
"Like what?" you'd ask.
"Well," I'd say, "one particularly controversial statement that will rile a lot of people up is: '[The] inner cities of our country . . . are a disaster education-wise, job-wise, safety-wise, in every way possible [and] I’m going to help the African-Americans. I’m going to help the Latinos, Hispanics. I am going to help the inner cities.'"

Good shit. Spam this on reddit.

"Bravo!" you'd say. "I'm glad we will finally have someone willing to speak honestly about the inner cities and the terrible conditions so many people, racial minorities especially, are living in. If conservatives find that controversial, then that's their problem. I'm tired of Bush ignoring our inner cities. This guy sounds great!"
At this point, I'd realize you weren't quite getting it. I could try reading out some particular awkward Trump quotes, but I'd probably realize I'm not going to convince you that your left-wing hero of 2017 is a racist on the basis of quotes like that. If "you cannot go to a 7 -Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent" or "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean" doesn't do it for Joe Biden, the taco bowl tweet probably won't do it here. So I switch gears.
"Well," I'd reply, "there's more you need to know." "He is going to come into office on the heels of some terror attacks in Europe and the U.S. by islamic extremists. Don't worry, nothing as bad as 9/11, but still pretty bad. Because many of the people involved in these attacks came from overseas, he is going to institute a temporary ban on immigration from 7 middle eastern countries until the government can establish better vetting procedures for new visitors and immigrants."

You'd probably reply with something like: "Well, I'll have to see what those new vetting procedures actually are. But after Bush, I'll just be glad if he doesn't invade all seven! Anyway, tell me more about this guy...."
At this point I'd have to start reeling off things like lowering the corporate tax rate, an ed secretary who believes in charter schools, cutting back on administrative regulations in certain areas, seeking to balance the budget in view of our $19 trillion national debt.
You'd probably say something like: "Well then, I guess we won't have cured the democratic party of Clintonism altogether by 2017, but....... wait? Did you say $19 trillion? Our national debt is really going to more than double between now and 2017?"
"Yes, it's going to get pretty deep," I'd reply.
"Hmm. Well that's what we get for all these dumb wars in the middle east," you'd say. "I guess our president in 2017 will be left to try and clean that up."

"There's more," I'd say. "He is going to have a pretty sordid history when it comes to women. There will be a couple accusers who say he sexually harassed them. Nothing definitive, but a lot of allegations. There will be a tape where he's caught, about 10 years before running for president, saying he has 'grabbed women by the pussy.'"
(Long sigh) "Well then I guess we realllly won't have rid the Democratic party of clintonism entirely" (chuckle). "But it does sound like he will be pretty good for women on policy. Tell me more about that six weeks of maternity leave. Sounds very progressive...."
"Oh shit, there's one big thing I forgot to tell you. He's pro-life. Or at least he says he's pro-life now. He had said he was pro-choice in the past, though. Some people think he just plays the pro-life role now because he needed it to get elected."
This you would probably be very taken aback by. "I don't believe it," you'd say. "Are you sure? He's so progressive on all of those other issues.... we've progressed so much that we can elect a guy like this, but he still needed to play the pro-life card to get elected? Even as a democrat? How did we go backward on that one?"
"Well," I'd say "he'd been a democrat previously, but actually ran for president as a Republican.

That would probably blow your mind. "You're telling me this guy is a Republican? I mean, jesus, I'm going to disagree with him on abortion and the corporate tax stuff but, oh wow.... it seems too good to be true that we're really going to progress so much between now and 2017 that this is what our REPUBLICANS will look like? I mean, wow, from George W. Bush to this guy? I mean, it sounds like we are really going to have a lot of common ground to work from. I could certainly work with a Republican like that. You are sure he's a Republican right? Really? OK, wow."

At that point, I would have to ask: "would it surprise you to learn that you are literally going to cry openly in the street while waving around a sign comparing this guy to Hitler?"

absolutely masterful

good read 10/10

Bump for interesting.

I'm trying to think what 2004 me would think if I was told this, and you're basically spot on. Well done.

Good shit

he said you "could" grab them by the pussy

he was implying what whores they were for status

thanks op

Bretty good read tbqh family

He said they "let you."

This implies consent.

Great post user

You would then say, "and what is 2017's president's name? I forgot to ask!" I would look him in the eye and say, "you're not gonna believe this, but have you ever watch the Celebrity Apprentice?"

ur the man, op

Bumping for Wisdom

Oh dear God.

You're doing God's work OP.



Enjoyed that.

This is why I hate leftists.

bump da da bump bump... bump bump

>(Long sigh) "Well then I guess we realllly won't have rid the Democratic party of clintonism entirely" (chuckle).

never use that phrase again please.

shave & a haircut?

two bits

Nigger are you writing a book?

Congratulations to you, OP.

Actually read it and it was purty good

>MFW I could have been the guy in that last sentence. That could have been ME.
Thank god for Obamas countless failures I guess.

Great series of posts. I agree with moth of your take on here. Early 2000s liberals would have loved this guy. Just goes to show how powerful the media is.

10/10, saved for future reference.

9/10 post

Include me in the screencap

yes, yes, he's a leftist at heart, just like Sup Forums. we all know that, we just don't admit it.


I used to be a leftist, then they took it too far and now the right/trump is the only fucker not focusing on hating others. The left refuse to listen for a god damned second. You ask them "how exactly is his actions hateful?" and they'll repeat shit they heard on MSM that easily is debunked or easily shown the true tone of the event. They then lock up and start screaming histarically "RACIST BIGGOT FASCIST!!" until their opposition subsides like their conciousness has been overpowered by some deep programming. Its horrifying, they're like a cult.

I mean, who isn't a leftist at heart?
Even Adolf was of national *socialist* party.

all of us here old enough to be political in 2000-04 that are not stormcucks share a similar story, I'm pretty sure of that, user.

10/10 points out liberal double standard perfectly. Saved for weaponization in my memes. Put me in the screencap,

Well, they're calling him hitler because he's the leader of those diverse online nazis. Proving yet again how much progress Obama brought.

Isn't that New York? So all the Sup Forums users there are New Yorkers?

There isn't a single white man in New York now that Trump has left.


I used to be a classical leftist in the early 000s. I was for equal rights (as should anyone) and didn't think there was anything inherantly wrong with people from other countries or races.

But over the years, especially the last half decade, the left has become increasingly "shrill" and divisive. Nobody is allowed to just live their life anymore, they have to persoanlly stand for trans people, attack helicopters, and hate white people for no apparrent reason. The left has ran out of things to fight for, so what they've done is gone even further left, which as shifted the left/right dycotamy to a place where a Republican president is now more liberal than leftist parties from the early 000s.

The left are the ones judging everyone by race and sexuality, dividing people into groups and pitting them against eachother, hurling insults and violence at people. It's actually kind of funny to watch, it's like a child that's throwing a fit, they don't listen to reason and they lash out at everything around them.

The right on teh other hand is sitting back and just watching, they aren't attacking people, or trying to demonize people. The right are now the bastion of liberal morality and stability while the left is descending into anarchy and marxist violence.

Trump is doing literally nothing wrong yet the left is calling him Hitler for the sake of having something to fight against. They are inventing issues and going further left to justify their views.

The left is imploding upon itself.

Someone screencap this shit. This is amazing OP, great work.

Yeah OP, this a great way of showing how much people only care about their "side" and just oppose people politically because they're not on their "side" exactly. They don't actually listen to the words the politician says or pay attention to what they actually do in office.

If they're from the party they don't like, everything they do is automatically bad.

>Trump is doing literally nothing wrong yet the left is calling him Hitler for the sake of having something to fight against. They are inventing issues and going further left to justify their views.

Yeah I can't emphasis this enough. They're literally just making shit up to oppose as they go. Just to oppose because they're being meme'd into it by their media.

>The left is imploding upon itself.

You notice how we don't have the term "far-left" anymore? But we use "far-right" to describe all sorts of different non-mainstream groups. And being "far-right" is bad. But the normal, average Joe Conserative guy seems to reject the "far-right" groups, saying their racist or whatever.

The left doesn't distinguish between the mainstream and the fringe. All these identity politics, hating whitey thing was a fringe thing and it should be. But the Left promotes it with their other more mainstream ideas. This is where they don't realize they're losing too. They don't tell the seriously extreme people to fuck off like the Right seems to do.

So now they're all following the insane, hysterical part of the group. Following tumblr. Because they won't make a distinction between an adult and a child's political opinion. The left needs to take this defeat and practice some hard introspection into what they've been pushing lately, instead of doubling down on it and playing the RESIST bullshit.



here it is

I love when Trump goes against GOP cuckservative PC beliefs just as much of not more than when he goes against leftycuck PC beliefs. I love when he is a pragmatic solutions-oriented problem-solver without apology.


The post that saved America
KEK are you here?


>not being trumpilled

Interesting train of thought. More of this.

Pretty much. The left finished off their checklist and have nothing left to bitch about or campaign for so the slippery slope fallacy turns into an 85 degree slope covered in vegetable oil.
Had the current liberal narrative won a presidency instead of Donald Trump, there is no doubt in my mind that at the very least child brides and/or light bestiality legalization would be a thing within 3-4 years.

Good read thanks OP.

This hivemind.

alphas have implied consent, alphas don't rape, because the woman is so grateful to be chosen that she will never report it

This is great op, on a side note my Sister actually believes that shit about Trump being sexist and xenophobic and shit and it disappoints me.

I finally remember what pre 2010 was like again on a political level.
Fuck, do I miss pre-2010...

the left has went so far that they've dragged everyone with them, what even is a conservative anymore??

Do it, Faggot

Someone needs to vocaroo the shit out of that

Fuck Democratic party, fuck white people, fuck Donald Trump

i wanted to vote republican but im white and i couldn't help myself :(

Makes u wonder what happened to the Democratic party LOL under Obama they just went full commie??

the jews like to make progress in terms of decades

after 2010 they really ramped it up

You're a 1829 Democrat, and I appear from the future...