Looks like the NYPD ain't taking that traitorous bitch judge's unconstitutional ruling! Muzzies still being shipped out!


Other urls found in this thread:


What a waste.

A Ph.D student? That makes her more valuable than the people posting on this board, unless it was some arts and craft shit

Who fucking cares... she's a shitskin.

It's basics. Every inch, you give, every compromise you make, they'll take a mile.

Never back down. Send them back.

Probably a doctorate in Islamic Studies...

Linguistics with a focus on languages of the near east.

You have to go back.

Don't you get it? It's about race, it was always about race. Trump isn't going to turn a blind eye to the Mexican rapists and the Nigger gangs that have destroyed America

>A Ph.D student? That makes her more valuable than the people posting on this board, unless it was some arts and craft shit
Linguistic in Semitic and Persian languages.

It has literally nothing to do with race.

well she's well prepared to be shipped back to the far east

>mfw talented iranian students(students from other banned countries are shit) will move to Russia, instead burgerstan

HAHAHA nice work russian hackers

Wow. So useful.

>Nothing to do with race

oh shit
she has to go back

I come from a STEM degree and can assure you that a graduate studies in linguistics is nothing to scoff at.


She looks like a fucking caveman...

hm wonder if she knows jason reza jorjani

SBU's a pretty decent university, too. Although it's basically Little Tehran at this point.

DLI student here.

Linguistics is like fucking a cactus.



>They keep calling it a Muslim ban
>It's not a Muslim ban
>It's only for 60 days, max 120.
Whole lotta fucking nothing when you get to the details.

> and freeze to death

Indeed linguistics PhD's do a lot of formal verification work in computer languages I just read an entire book by robert harper on type theory that has origins in linguistic theory.

That said she only has to wait 90 days for the visa ban to lift, as there is not "proper vetting" in place. Since she will obviously clear the proper vetting the school will not expel her or charge her for tuition or anything, they will probably offer a plane ticket back most grad schools have all kinds of financial perks

>Correction : CBP

nypd is local law enforcement. only federal agencies can enforce federal law


DLI is quite a bit different from actual lingustics studies.

>deep throats cheeto dust off of fingers
>holds waifu close as Trump takes away my healthcare
Im so winning right now.

Are you dolboet, aren`t you? They are PhD students, we should invite them, especially STEM students, that will be great, as i remember last Fields medal winner was emmigrant from Iran





Ho yeah because no one ever got sent back under Obama.


Isn't that the capital of Pakistan? Pakistan isn't on the banned list.

>The Department of Homeland Security will faithfully execute the immigration laws, and we will treat all of those we encounter humanely and with professionalism. No foreign national in a foreign land, without ties to the United States, has any unfettered right to demand entry into the United States or to demand immigration benefits in the United States.

That's called patriotism right there!

fuck that bitch, she has to go back. America needs real scientists and doctors, not shitskins

Mathematicians are a whole 'nother animal and can come from anywhere. You usually don't see their work applied until a century or more after they publish. Besides, you guys have the great Grigori Perelman, so tell Putin to stop Trump from brain draining us.

best time line

fuck non americans




It's the capital of turkey, please stop making Americans look bad.

>doctorate in human combustion

fuck off

Perelman in Sweden now, the other Fields winner(Stanislav Smirnov) is here, but i mean not only mathematicians, but some engineers, biologists, chemists and physicists.

I hope you're wrong.
I want it to be about race.

We voted for Trump in spite of his (((civic nationalistic))) stances but in hopes that he would promote/send us closer into a white/European ethnostate.

They have to go back.

Seriously, WTF is up with all the shilling on this board the last few days?

Is CTR back?

Brain drain is bad. They come here while leaving their country a shithole that pushes them to breed beyond their means, resulting in more people in poverty.

She has a doctrate in linguiesting... in PERSIAN ELIPSE USAGE.

Degree/doctorates are worth fucking nothing if they are credited for fucking nothing.

He probably just got cobfused with Islamabad.

>my current area of study is ellipses
Jesus fucking Christ she's getting a doctorate in dots. Nothing of value will be lost

American education everyone

>mfw I was a Briton doing immigrant H1-B work in the U.S at a law firm
>mfw this is actually happening
>mfw all those people who I was helping get into the country are now being turned away
>mfw the butthurt
>mfw the government agencies are straight up ignoring US law because they're sick of foreigners
>mfw i'm living in the least cucked times of the past three decades

I thought it'd be just a ruse, but Trump is actually saving your country. Godspeed Americans.

She's just a student though. You cant expect them to learn in their retarded countries.

mmmm gotta agree on that

They get an education in the US paid for by their home country. When the degree is completed they have to go back home and work for their home land. They are only valuable to the countries we are sending them back to. They can all piss off.


Boy you're retarded.

Illegal immigrant? Lmao

that's because the judiciary has no power to enforce laws.

Basic governance 101 -

Executive - Enforce the laws
Legislative - Make the laws
Judicial - Adjudicate legal issues

In theory when enforcing the laws of the land, Trump can ignore even a supreme court ruling without violating the constitution. (something past presidents have done I might add)

So the lefties praying the courts can stop him are in for a rude awakening.

yes. with a vengeance.
sage their threads, and remind newfags to do the same

>Stanislav Smirnov

Wiki says that guy is in Geneva. But yeah, looks like Perelman is in Sweden. Maybe your country should be more accommodating to top tier mathematicians. We treat Terrance Tao like an animal in the states. Give him an office the size of a closet and feed him cheese. He doesn't seem to mind.

Ph.Ds at Stony Brook are usually fully-funded. They come with a stipend for expenses as well. The state funds it.

And to the american schools get the tuition money.....

yeah you're really winning leaf.

Dots are actually a very academically enthralling field of study, shitlord.

This news legitimately brings a smile to my face.

Libs eternally BTFO


By having a woman deported that doesn't harm to anyone? You're scared, miserable pussy.

that's in cali right? everyone says that shit is the best thing in the military.

How's the housing, just barracks or is it nicer? I might have to go so just wondering how the arrangements are

Fuck yes.

Cheese is brain food

cant with all the explosions outside from US supplied "moderate rebels'

The thing that made that stupid whore cunt bitch judge Donnelly's ruling so fucking infuriating was that it was entirely unconstitutional. Trump is well within his power to ban any non-citizen for any reason at any time.

emphasis on 'man'

Post your name and address.


this is ridiculous

Don't remind me...



>not shitskins

This "shitskin" is infinitely more valuable than your autistic neet ass


They will go to Western European countries instead blyat

What's your point?

The real investment is in the education itself, these people all leave and take it home with them. They are not citizens and have no intention of becoming one.

The guy who was stuck at the airport likes Trump! Liberals BTFO!

> huffingtonpost.de/2017/01/28/omid-nouripour-usa-einreiseverbot_n_14463152.html
A tanned German green politician Omid Nouripur is also blocked from entry to USA
Danke, Opa Drumpf!

John Stuart Mill was a feminist fagget

>muh utilitarianism

You morons were screaming about how the rule of law was deteriorating under Obama. Now you want the wholesale destruction of it.

The stupidity is unending.

Sup Forums is filled with autists who see the world in stark dichotomies

If you don't like trump's retarded flailing, you're a numale cuck liberal

best post

obama was a dumb nigger monkey there's a difference

Ankara is the capital of Turkey, you fool.


Reminder that about half of america is double-digit iq subhumans

>tfw no one will tell me about DLI

i came here to post this

It makes american schools than employ american people money. Isnt that good enough?

That's just straight up retarded. Why would you ban muslims that have US citizenship, a green card or studying permit?

Jesus christ... this is close to real fascism.

Our immigration minister would be banned

Is this one of your "alternative facts"?

>actual real science totally believable truth

The argument against that image can be summed up in pic related