Fuck Trump and fuck white people

Fuck Trump and fuck white people


You're white aren't you?

Fuck Trump and fuck Jewish people

Whites rule, coloreds drool

drumpf is a fucking fascist
fuck executive orders

I'm hispanic and I can't wait for all of you disgusting hateful white roaches to get genocided

I hope China and India and Africa show no mercy to you subhuman pieces of shit when the West inevitably collapses

Fuck Drumpf and fuck White Devils

Kill ALL the Kikes. No exceptions!


Time to go back

I love this meme that only white people voted for Trump. It's cute.

So, you're part white cause we raped you're granmammy. China, India, AFRICA? Thanks, I needed that.

Nobody on Sup Forums is white

racist goat molester

I concur


>Liberals are already trying to tear the country apart
>Its only been 9 days

This is going to be an interesting 8 years

Hey asshole if the whites go then we will go back to ripping each others hearts again. Oh wait it's already happen in Mexico.

>Fuck white people

>Why did the GOP run train on the Dems back in November?

>this delusional

not like CHINA has been the worlds most advanced civilization for the majority of human history. Nope. Us WHITES ARE DA BES


you brought us here with your retards talking about Sup Forums on the HWNDU stream. get ready for more of these "baiters". I don't think you're Nazis, I think you're bored and uninformed and have now elected a retard

Well China didn't colonize the new world did they?

Get rekt faggots, whites will always run shit.

Is that why china is a literal shithole to this day?

I'm fucking white

>elected a retard
>but is smarter than you and has far more experience than you

wew lad

China doesn't even have fucking toilets you retard.
Typical asian worship coming from some canadian cuck

prepare to have an awful time.
you will be redpilled in time and assimilated into the community

Is that the best you can do?

HEY! I prefer Mayonnaise-American.

Well it always seems when you see China on the news over its just a bridge, road, building, etc collapsing from overpopulation and lack of maintenance.

t. Spanish rapebaby

>CHINA has been the worlds most advanced civilization
>China built wall
>China praised by libs for wall
>USA is undisputed most advanced since 1945 at least
>USA builds wall
>USA shit on by libs for wall

Well, libfags? How can you possibly respond?

How do I upvote on this website?


white pussy belongs to black cock

That's racist against white people.

you're mad cuz he's your president, faggot

I feel like it's been nonstop since the election results. I'm starting to finally become apathetic to all the preschool-tier bitching and whining and protesting.

Is it normal for people to be so continually outraged by things? I feel like reality would have to hit you at some point that you're repeating a cycle and immediately forgetting what you did the previous day. Trump's done something new virtually every day since he took office that people have gotten up in arms about, only to forget about the next day when something new happens.

Yeah okay

>bait post with 2 posts by OP

Literally, type "sage" in the options box you newfucks.

Fall in line or go back to r/the donald.

I'm Hispanic and I voted for Trump.

The difference between us is that I could actually vote and not get arrested for it.

yup, thats exactly how we got here.
Enjoy watching your mirrored reflection for the next 8 years.

When the west collapses so does the rest of the world.

Those places, if they ever become world powers, owe everything they have to European culture.

They way they live their "modern" lives is entirely westernized



k ill stop see ya

Bernie would have won