Seattle creates safe sites for addicts to inject illegal drugs

>Officials in Seattle on Friday approved the nation’s first “safe-injection” sites for users of heroin and other illegal drugs, calling the move a drastic but necessary response to an epidemic of addiction that is claiming tens of thousands of lives each year.

>The sites — which offer addicts clean needles, medical supervision and quick access to drugs that reverse the effects of an overdose — have long been popular in Europe. Now, with the U.S. death toll rising, the idea is gaining traction in a number of American cities, including Boston, New York City and Ithaca, N.Y.


>implying junkie scum care about safety, their own or others

He's gonna save you druggie ingrates out West.

doe anyone else thinks this MAGA???


Junky centers is probably a good idea. It confines all their filth in one spot. Makes it easier to clean up.

This is not a problem. horrible for people in that area. good for the rest of the city. But it is privately funded wright?

I'm only interested in whether it effective or not.

Seems better than the drug war
confused filipino

Basically this. These people are going to take drugs no matter what. This way, it keeps their degeneracy away from the wider public, makes it easier to clean up the after-effects, and provides access to help for those who want to try and go clean.

Depends. do they ever get out of the building?

I don't like the idea of safe spaces/rehab for junkies, but even as a fiscal conservative, the war on drugs is more expensive, more costly, encourages beaner migration, and is an all around fuckup. One of the best things Trump could do is ease back on federal enforcement of drug laws period.

Is he right, Sup Forums?

ohk so fags are going to fag in the park. so lets make parks where fags can freely practice their fagginess.

are you stupid?

Why not just restrain these people so they don't take the fucking drugs?

This is a great idea.

All addictions, every single one of them, are borne out of obsession. Giving addicts a clean, sociable place to do their drugs instead of rejecting them, will have a net result of them doing less drugs, and making friends

These places are also, naturally, plastered with services to help with rehabilitation and trained medical staff onhand to advise.

Also reduces the spread of things like HIV and hep C, which is good for everyone

Why should we get in the way of natural selection?

just makes it easier to have a clear target with an address when the day of the rake comes

>Is he right, Sup Forums?
Considering he created cesspools within a cesspool, no.

So you prefer fags to fag in the same park as you ? You should try sucking a dick one day if you're into that.

What's the problem? It probably actually saves money and makes it overall a nicer place, now junkies can do their degenerate filth in a secluded area away from anything where it's known what's going on, plus it decreases the medical costs overall. Not to mention the state can get involved and actually apply strict standards to these people to try to get them off of substances and working jobs like garbage collection or the like to get on their feet and producing again.

it's happening

But carrying drugs is still a federal crime, right? How does that work?

no the idea is to stomp out homosexuality. not give them a safe space to be fags. have you seen those images from the fulton st parade in san fran? or whatever it was?? fucking degenerate as fuck.

building the wall and stopping the flow of drugs will be a big help. how did singapore cure its gum problem? (gum everywhere on streets and curbs) they simply stopped the importation of all gum.

how simple is that!

Fags can legally fuck in private and generally do so it isn't an eyesore or the crime risk that public drug users create, not to mention in general it doesn't end up costing nearly as much in medical costs to pay for their shitty ass health outcomes like it does for druggies.

>Expecting stubborn Sup Forums to understand your point, expecting stubborn Sup Forums to understand that in this case bettering the quality of life of those they despise will actually work in making them get clean.

I don't want you to be disappointed but...


many fags go to the park for cruising IYKWIM

The problem is that addicts are filthy and dangerous not because they lacked safe spaces; addicts turn safe spaces into filthy and dangerous spaces. Encouraging them only allows the filth to infect your society faster.

Works in Germany/Switzerland. Keeps the streets clean. Also substitute those niggers with Heroin. They will even start to have a regular job i. some cases.

> Implying the rule of law is applied logically and uniformly in the US on a state-to-state basis
Basically there's a bunch of just doing what states or federal authorities want. It's technically still illegal to carry marijuana, but nobody at the federal level really gives a shit about enforcing it at this point, other states will probably follow suit with other drugs in legalization or looking away if more stuff like this takes off and the federal government will in turn start to care less about them too.

you forgot the part where mike pence is there if said fags wish to not be fags and he can help them not be fags anymore.

They will all be dead soon so it doesnt matter

Normally we do. Its called jail. But liberals encourage this shit and the addicts end up dying. Its bizarre how short sighted liberals are

Maybe addicts in Russia are horrible, but a lot in US are just homeless people and have held jobs before or periodically. So long as they're given the right support network and hopefully pharmaceuticals which can lessen their drug addiction an effective treatment plan should be possible which would allow them to be at least somewhat healthy and sober and able to do at least low-skill jobs which contribute to the economy.

Even if most of them stay addicts, which they probably will, just based on how common relapse into addiction is, it's honestly cheaper to just pay them in order to control them and their behavior so the costs of their medical care and other behaviors aren't absolutely massive, it's basically minimizing the problem.

That's a good idea, I'd just avoid faggot parks like I avoid faggot bars/clubs. Makes the rest of the world better by keeping them contained and out of sight

>> Tfw your life doesnt turn out as you planned

Except addiction doesn't work like homosexuality.

A lot of people take the same addictive substances in a perfectly legal context (At hospitals), yet do not get addicted, because addiction comes from not the drug alone, but the drug's effects coupled with a shitty boring life.

A lot of the problems caused by drugs are actually the unsanitary conditions people have to cope with (or do not bother to change anymore), cut shit, shared needles, etc. Safe sites not only create better conditions reducing those problems, that are COSTLIER than actually building the safe sites, but also provide help for those who would like to just change their life, helping them getting their life back on track and thus breaking free from addiction.

But hey you might want to spend more money in chasing drugs (totally not effective), or treating the diseased you didn't prevent (you could just let them be, but that's not happening and that will make the overall problem even shittier).

it's a good thing for the general public because you get all the junkies hooked on needles and then you make them go through treatment to keep getting drugs. also less junkies in public and less stds and broken syringes and shit on the ground

>Works in Germany/Switzerland.
No it doesn't. Anytime one of those places goes up the whole neighborhood gets ruined.

P.S. It's amazing how shitty and unsafe European cities have become in just two decades, a slo-mo trainwreck.

>b-but d-drugs! kill them!
(even though it costs way more than it would to actually help them getting rid of their addiction)

and who exactly pays for these centers?

How retarded and sheltered are you? Addicts are the same human filth everywhere across the globe.

> So long as they're given the right support network and hopefully pharmaceuticals which can lessen their drug addiction
You are truly one retarded cookie. Addicts, by definition, are people incapable of moderation. No addict ever in the history of humanity said to himself "I think i got high enough already, maybe I should lay off the heroin for a while". A "support network and pharmaceuticals" just means the addict can play idiots like you for a double fix.

The only way to fix addiction is complete and utter isolation from society and civilization. They are cancer and incurable.

and who exactly pays for solving the costlier problems caused by the absence of those sanitary safe spaces ?

(tip : same answer)

>(even though it costs way more than it would to actually help them getting rid of their addiction)
No addict wants to get rid of their addiction. Everything they do is 100% their own wilful choice.

I like Duterte approach better

The places where it goes up are fucked ofcourse. But they are a magnet and keep the rest better. Its a necessary sacrifice.

>I do not understand what addiction is or how it work. I could do meth and be totally fine they just have no willpower.

The delusion. A lot of these people actually become addicts because of the same way of thinking.

This will never be allowed here so its just a dream. No,point in dreaming about it.

Portugal has those and consumption decreased a shitton, you fucknugget.


Well in the Burger healthcare system insurance companies would pay for HIV/AIDS treatments I assume, whereas these centres come out of Burger tax dollars.

Now imagine if people with HIV/AIDS and hepatitis were denied treatment? Imagine no clean injection sites? Junkies would be decimated by disease and there'd be a lot less of em.

i thought zezima played runescape

Who pays for the supplies and staff?

Hint: it's the taxpayers

OR hear me out. We just let drug users die when they overdose.

>drugs should be legal
>"wait nope dont do it here, this should be made in a specific place."

INB4 changing sex with drugs, its bad to see others making sex unless you want to do so

They do something like that in Switzerland too, I'm all for it. It's pretty effective for prevention and that way they stay in contact with people who can help them to stop

They should also provide these safe spaces with heroin and other drugs. All mixed with dimethylmercury and botylinum toxin.

I'd add something.
Of course they want to inject it when they're injecting it.
But a lot (A lot doesn't mean "a big portion of them", for instance 1% of 10 million is still a lot), would like to stop wanting to inject themselves.

They can keep injecting themselves, it doesn't mean they wouldn't want to get rid of this urge.

>Shiet I ain't going to no Hampsterdam


Why would you even want to argue with retards like OP?

Same here by the way, some of the big cities which had a huge junkie problem in the past introduced those safe spaces with great success.

Who pays for ambulances and burials for junkies who overdose in some park or toilet? Hint: taxpayers.

These places under treat of becoming safe trade center of drug transactions.

This is why alcohol should be banned in Russia.

A year ago I would have been with you, but now I can't shake away the fact that letting them die like this would just be legalized nigger behavior.

A legalized drug market and free transactions would actually be much better than what we have now though, we could control the market and minimize the costs of caring for addicts and develop better treatment plans for them, like using chemicals or alternatives like DMT which have been shown somewhat effectively to cure addiction to certain drugs in some instances.

there are ways to cure addiction though, how do you explain how many alcoholics end up going through tumultuous periods in their lives but end up recovering and leading relatively successful lives thereafter?

>Harms illegal drug market
>Reduce the cost of the war on drugs
>Safer products, not cut, not of questionable origin
>Less violence resulting from the illegal drug market

>"They're bringing drugs" : not anymore, with the wall PLUS a competitive, legal way to get safe drugs

>A legalized drug market and free transactions would actually be much better than what we have now though,
But it must federal level Local level will turn into horrible disaster with legal conflicts when drug traders hide inside safe places from prosecution after they sold drugs in ares where drugs are still prohibited.

Good. Seattle has always been a leader in harm reduction. Despite having some of the highest IV drug use rates in the country, we have some of the lowest HIV rates. Cops carrying Narcan has already saved a bunch of lives. Maybe safe injection sites will make it so someone doesn't get poked by a needle left behind in a park. Harm reduction saves millions in tax dollars.

I don't care, the Federal Government has been, is, and will continue to get fucked on this issue since they sluggishly adapt and refuse to admit what an abysmal failure the war on drugs has been in this country.

An actual war on drugs would focus on just curing addiction and ensuring virtually nobody would need drugs or be addicted to them in order to minimize drug use and costs anyway, instead we have the nation which uses more drugs on earth than any other by a substantial margin. If the individual states want to adopt policies which aren't absolutely retarded to benefit themselves while the federal government continues to bumble like an absolute retard, even if it is harmed in the process, then more power to them.

>legal conflicts when drug traders hide inside safe places from prosecution after they sold drugs in ares where drugs are still prohibited

Do you know what's the best way to get rid of shady illegal drug dealers? Simply hand out 100% clean smack for free to legit addicts.

You are right. Best it to kill all the addicts.

For simplicity, let's start with smokers and alcoholics. Maybe continue with coffee, sugar, gaming and internet addicts.

Don't forget porn.

It would actually be a better idea IMO to force them to work in a government municipal job like garbage collection or city landscaping and as partial payment they would get prescribed amounts of free drugs/smack in addition to their wages and/or benefits. It helps the city tackle multiple issues at once.

Amsterdam does that pretty successfully with alcoholic hobos for a while now. For a couple hours of collecting garbage in the parks they get a few cans of beer, a pack of tobacco and a little cash on top of it. It's a win-win for both sides.

Fuck those junkies
This is coming from a former junkie with 5 years clean. These people just want to be degenerates and think only of themselves. They need to either
>Go to prison
>Straighten out their lives
It's a choice, odds are they had plenty of chances to change and chose not to
The last thing they need is a safe place to shot dope in between scamming and robbing people
The choice to live the life of a junkie let them live it

Brave new world much?

> t. retard who has never touched H

I don't know. I really liked some of the results of this type of program in Oakland last December.
36 problems solved.

>Open safe space
> Take note of who's entering over a span of 6 months~
> Arrest them all.

ok bernie.

Let's solve all our problems by giving out free shit; except that doesn't make a good society either.

>For simplicity, let's start with smokers and alcoholics.

How about we start with the ones who are the biggest disruption to society. Regardless of what their drug of choice is.

So, obese folks?

Got a better plan to destroy the black market?

>Arresting them and providing them food clothing and shelter at the public's expense
>Not letting them die

That's not how you maga tbbh

drug legalization is good
not even an anarchist fag either i'm conservative

It's actually helps reduce the HIV rates

>So, obese folks?

These are not the biggest disruption. The most extremely obese folks literally can't move themselves. They don't have the ability to disrupt anything if they wanted to.

Criminal activity is the most disruptive to society.

States rights.

Look, they aren't going to be productive people working in high-end jobs like software engineering, and the world isn't just some utopia, in maintaining a state we have to realize that there are costs involved.

Sure it sucks that we're basically forcing people into certain roles or niches and restricting their freedoms but some people are just inherently shit and incapable of using freedom effectively, and drug addicts are a great example of that.

What do you propose we do with these people? Just give them drugs freely without any requirements? Let them die or kill them?


Would they set up free showers for them?

This doesn't actually discourage people from using drugs. In fact, it actually incentives it.

Unless this facility is equipped with ovens.

this and

I put it to you to come up with a better idea, OP. And one that's not

>J-just make the drugs illegal! Then people won't do them!


>We need harsher punishments, then people won't do drugs!


>Purge Seattle Duerte-style!

Should be offering clinics instead to wean them off

cool. cities used proven cheap techniques to reduce overdoses, which cost more for the tax payer because of emergency room services.

>make shitty ass , cheap "heroin"

>buh BYE junkies >:]

great containment strategy,
just like welfare (a tax to stop hungry mobs roaming the streets)

>Junkies all in one place.
>Chain doors shut.
>Junkies passed out.
>remove poppy.

That's part of the goal of these safe sites. People using them will be offered information on how to seek treatment.