How many Jews were killed in the Holocaust?

How many Jews were killed in the Holocaust?

Other urls found in this thread: jewish population

Likely less than 300,000 using the most generous estimates, and that's chalked up to the diseases, famine, and mercy-killings after allied bombing runs completely fucked their chances of survival in the German internment camps.

6 gorrilion

Not enough

Approximately 6 Million.


100,000 tops

Around 6 million

Nobody knows how to invent "facts" like holocaust deniers and liberals

Stop lowballing, it was atleast 70gorillion

what holocaust?

>american education



12 1/2

There were not 6 million jews in the entire world in 1945.

Not like you even have the ability to question it. If you claimed 5,999,999 you'd go straight to prison for life.

Einsatzgruppen killed 1.3 million with guns

The holocaust was a conspiracy to allow the Jews to rise to power in the west. Kill yourself Juden.

>Forensic Evidence + Red Cross + Records = American Education

Hi Merkel! How's the Tan German situation going?

About 6, probably.

Actually, it was around 2.5x that number, spread out around the globe, but mostly concentrated in Eastern Europe -- where they were fostering Communism and the genocide of their opposition over 10 years before Hitler allegedly "condemned oy vey 6 mil to die"

Too many. Just like too many poor people, slavs, gays, and Jehova's witnesses.

>straight in prison for life

debunk it if you can

Not enough

Forget the jews.
How many slavs were killed in the holocaust?

Not enough information nor evidence to say anything. With how it's used as a political tool and everything being covered up as all we have is fake holocaust survivors spreading wild tales trying to cash in the oppression Olympics tactics. At max half a million, because at least the Netherlands kept some history by importing all the jews to Sweden.

That went well.

Oh and those who died kind of deserved it by trying to launch a communist overthrowing of the government after WW1. Of course you'll get your face smashed in by trying to stage a communist coup.


mmk famalam

*Gas chambers were never part of the camp blueprints, and camps like Dachau -- were said to have gas chambers even though that has since been debunked. Gas chambers disguised as showers defy the laws of physics as we know them. Zyklon B, said to be the gas used, is a nonlethal fumigation tablet.
*The ovens can only fit one body at a time, there were very few ovens, and it takes hours to cremate a single body.
*The very idea of the extermination camps is severely inefficient
*Most of the reported deaths are attributed to starvation or disease, which can be accurately timed to around the bombing runs on supplies happened
*The Holocaust allegedly began at a point in time where the Nazis were losing, and lacked the time and resources to kill anywhere close to six million Jews, let alone the baseless "12 million people" claim
*The numbers keep shrinking with forensic evidence, camps that boasted a 4 million kill count have shrunken to 1.5 million and falling
*It's illegal to question/debate a historical event, always a red flag
*The camps were most likely slave labor camps erected out of desperation, given that Hitler was losing hard enough that he needed to enlist elderly, women, and children to fight by the time Berlin was attacked

Need I go on?

6 gorillion
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the only correct answer

F-forget the six gorillion?

Your mods did well on banning everyone voice and chatting privileges because you spam your shit here. I was so looking forwards to spamming weaboo pasta on your face.
You fuck.

tree fiddy

>Zyklon B, said to be the gas used, is a nonlethal fumigation tablet.

This definitely isn't true


Reported du mann

expect a letter from merkel, Jew (tm) killer.

about 20 billion...

no, some experts in holocaust revision have come up with figures around 245,000 mark.

6 million is the number that jewish media has been throwing around since the 1915

well, know one actually knows the figures, you cant legally investigate it. but from what people have gathered over the decades its a small percentage of what the jews say.

1.just a claim, no evidence
2.i dont get why so many people here think that every jew was burned
3.weak people=extermination camps, "strong" people = tod durch arbeit ( death by working), means they had to work in the camps till they died
4.right, many people in the camps died because of starvation
5.wrong, just a claim also no evidence
6.was right till the
>still falling
part. just a claim, no sources at all
7.this is true said before, there is a difference between a extermination camp(like auschwitz birkenau or treblinka) and a labor camp(like dachau)

literally no evidence or sources at all yet you still claim to be educated on this topic. how about you go and visit estern europe/germany to actually see the facts instead of shitposting from your shitty trailer?

*eastern europe

>1.just a claim, no evidence

Funny. I though you were talking to yourself at first.

Whoa there that's a little too much logic for you. Off to prison for holocaust denial, goyim!

are you serious?
if you want to refute a "proven" fact, YOU are the one who has to come up with facts/evidence/sources.

ever had a debate in your life?

Over 12 million louse were gassed in the de-lousing chambers in an effort to curtail the spread of typhus.

Zyklon-B was the most effective pesticide at the time for killing typhus-spreading lice.

The homicidal gas chambers are a myth, the only thing 'gassed' was the clothing of prisoners.

Ever wonder why they all had their head's shaved? It wasn't to dehumanize them, or to stuff matresses wih their hair like the history books tell you. Their heads were shaved to get rid of disease spreading lice. There was a widespread typhus epidemic and the Germans did everything in their power to prevent it.

Now tell me, if the holocaust is real, why did the evil Nazis try to stop Jews and other undesirables from dying from disease?

>just a claim, no evidence/sources

By all means, Krautbro, how about you give us some evidence beyond just going: "Wrong!"

I've wanted off this ride since I found out the Holocaust was a lie and my entire worldview collapsed.

Even you have to put "proven" in quotes. You know something is wrong here, brother. You might want to turn back if you're afraid of the red-pill, as it's starting to get to you.

An ever increasing amount.

Yes when the proven facts come from people like

Sorry, I'm a little skeptical. Btw 6 million nips died on American interment camps in WW2 too. You don't have my education on this, go fuck yourself, I am right.

many durring the war, none during the holohoax

>Btw 6 million X died on Y interment camps/concentration camps/gulags in WW2. You don't have my education on this, go fuck yourself.

That's pretty much his argument, sadly.

Well, it was satire on his argument, that was kind of the point.


Auschwitz had a capacity of 80k, of which some 30k were jews. Then there were the other camps, so maybe 40 to 50k people die after the allied forces bombed the supply routes to the work camps.

Look at the official census numbers. Some 15.3 million kikes before WW2, 15.6 million kikes after. Really makes you think huh.

You guys did it so well too. How come you get a free pass on concentration camping a race of people and Germans are hated and vilified for it?

Somewhere between 300,000 (total camp deaths from typhus, starvation and execution as criminals/communists/partisans according to Nazi records on file in Germany and Russia and corroborated by British intercepts of German radio communications during the war, which included itemised death counts from the camps)

and 20 million.

Guess which number the media is more likely to print.


Germamy burned them alive while Americans did not.

Easy: We, like the Soviets, were pawns in (((their))) war. Germany went after the right people and were too lenient. We went after them because we were lied to by our government, and because we fought (((their))) greatest enemy, our crimes were swept under the rug. The Soviets, likewise, who outdid both us and the Germans, were watered down in comparison.

I'd say something like 2 millions max, then.


27X,XXX or so. Had a liberal(see California) school teacher from LiveLeak do a little q&a and about the lolocaust.

Good goy.

>Germamy burned them alive

Lies! It was the Poles.

What's a goy?

you want to debunk something, that means YOU have to give background information/evidence rather than just claims. you cannot refute something by just saying
>actually it was .....

if you would ve posted images, sources or anything at all I had to prove YOU wrong with sources but all you did was just posting some retarded claims and nothing else.

I can agree with germany burning the bodies of disease ridden people, I think it was typhus or something that ran rampant in the camps. This is the first time anyone has ever told me that they actually burned people alive though. Even the holocaust survivors say that nazis gassed them dead before burning the corpses.

Where is this burning alive shit coming from?

Goy/goyim is a slur for non-Jew. Judaism views gentiles/goyim as cattle to be manipulated.

>number of people Hitler killed: Said to be 6,000,000, more likely 700,000-1,000,000
>Ask anyone who he is
>They tell you he's the crulest and most evil man who ever lived, killing all those innocent people

>number of people Leopold II killed: 10,000,000
>ask anyone who he is
>"Leopold? Who's that?"

2 million. Then you add 3 million russian POW (died of malnutrition and disease) and 1 million german undesirables (they had it coming) and you get the legendary, ultimate memenumber of 6 million.

From Nazi's
Why did you reply to me with that word?


All of them. The current jews are just polish and russian peasants trying to scam gullible americans for gibs.

What about this? The Auschwitz main gas chamber story has comprehensively been proven to be a hoax. It is a Soviet reconstruction of an air raid shelter, including fake chimney and holes in roof. We know this because Dr. Franciszek Piper, the head curator of the Auschwitz museum, is on camera describing this in in an interview with David Cole (23:49).

Testing has also been done on the walls of the chamber, which do not exhibit the telltale Prussian blue residue that results from exposure to cyanide gas. They were found to contain only trace amounts of cyanide, as much as one would expect to find in a room that had been fumigated. Zyklon B was also used to fumigate American passenger ships, as discussed in this journal.

>A Report on the Disposal of Zyklon-B Residue following the Fumigation of the Holds of Vessels

In America in the late 80s, Fred Leuchter was “The nation’s leading adviser on capital punishment," according to the New York Times (October 13, 1990). In 1988, he tested the walls of the Auschwitz gas chamber at the behest of Ernst Zundel and found only trace amounts of cyanide. It was this scientific proof of a gas chamber hoax that brought holocaust revisionism into the mainstream.

The results of the Leuchter reports have since been replicated by both the Auschwitz museum

and Germar Rudolf, an Australian chemistry professor who gained his doctorate from the Max Planck Institute

Did the Nazis gas thousands of Jews at a time for years on end using only trace amounts of cyanide gas from a common pesticide? No. Nevertheless, it is sold as a gas chamber by the Auschwitz museum to millions of tourists every single year.

6 million is also the number in (((their))) book needed to fulfill a prophecy to get (((their))) own country which (((they))) did actually get. Smart.

Not only did they get their own country, they got Germany to pay for it, continue to pay for it, get nuclear weapons secrets from the USA via Russia with the (((Rosenbergs))), and get protection and aid from the USA.

There are too many jews in the world for the 6 million to be true.

In 1939, there were 15 million jews in the world according to the World Almanac.

Between 1939-1945, 6 million jews die in the holocaust.

In 1945, that would leave about 9 million jews.

Assume for argument's sake that jews had the same population growth as whites (in fact it is lower). There were 700 million whites in 1945. Now there are about a billion. Call it a 50% increase.

So one would expect the jewish population today to be about 15 million again. This is a fair assumption to make, since both the MSM

And google jewish population

make the same assumptions.

HOWEVER, when you actually inspect the censuses, there are at least 20 million jews in the world or as many as 23 million, as stated here on page 88.

This is the source of the wikipedia data on the world jewish population.

Notice that there are two figures for the total number of jews in the world (the (((Guardian))) and (((google))) of course report the lower number) with exactly 6 million discrepancy. Is this pure coincidence???

Why do they need two totals? What extra people are included in the "Enlarged Jewish Population" total?

>The “enlarged” Jewish population includes the sum of (a) the “core” Jewish population; (b) all other people of Jewish parentage who, by “core” Jewish population criteria, are not currently Jewish (e.g. they have adopted another religion or otherwise opted out); and (c) all respective non-Jewish household members (spouses, children, etc.)
>all other people of Jewish parentage

Aren't these people jews???

"Good goy" indicates that you've been deceived and are parroting disinformation, often disinformation that benefits Zionists. No one was burned alive in the Holocaust. Those stories are about as credible as the Holocaust stories about the Nazi "masturbation machines" and the roller coasters that would throw 15-20 Jews into a massive oven.

No, they gassed them while they burned them. The gas made the fire more intense and burned away all evidence. Goy

Allrite. First off why is it even this big of deal? Stalin killed even to the lowest estimates 20 million people. But suddenly Communism is good again in this day and fucking age? It's war people die, yes it's sad. But I don't see the point of heightening one atrocity so much over anything else that happened.
Like I said the US concentration camped japanese people. It happened, instead they somehow got over it and stopped whining about 60 year old shit. Fuck the Japanese even got nuked twice in the greatest war crime ever dealt against civilian population. If anyone has a right to complain it's them.

Yet. All we hear is holocaust holocaust blah blah blah. What the fuck is so special about jewish people that they're somehow more special than a Rwandan genocide exactly?

Exactly as much were killed in exactly the way the official German Mainstream Historian say, or otherwise you will go to jail you Holocaust Denier!

>"Good goy" indicates that you've been deceived and are parroting disinformation,

Why did you make that assumption?

>No one was burned alive in the Holocaust.

History says there were.

>Those stories are about as credible as the Holocaust stories about the Nazi "masturbation machines" and the roller coasters that would throw 15-20 Jews into a massive oven.

Why are they "as credible as stories about masturbation machines"
How did you come to that conclusion?

Not enough

You mean WWII deaths?

It is not widely known but the vast majority of those who died in WWII were not Jewish

Roughly Estimated
Country, Military, Total With Civilian

Albania 30,000 30,200
Australia 39,800 40,500
Austria 261,000 384,700
Belgium 12,100 86,100
Brazil 1,000 2,000
Bulgaria 22,000 25,000
Canada 45,400 45,400
China 3-4,000,000 20,000,000
Czechoslovakia 25,000 345,000
Denmark 2,100 3,200
Dutch East Indies -- 3-4,000,000
Estonia -- 51,000
Ethiopia 5,000 100,000
Finland 95,000 97,000
France 217,600 567,600
French Indochina -- 1-1,500,000
Germany 5,533,000 6,600,000-8,800,000
Greece 20,000-35,000 300,000-800,000
Hungary 300,000 580,000
India 87,000 1,500,000-2,500,000
Italy 301,400 457,000
Japan 2,120,000 2,600,000-3,100,000
Korea -- 378,000-473,000
Latvia -- 227,000
Lithuania -- 353,000
Luxembourg - 2,000
Malaya-- 100,000
Netherlands 17,000 301,000
New Zealand 11,900 11,900
Norway 3,000 9,500
Papua New Guinea -- 15,000
Philippines 57,000 500,000-1,000,000
Poland 240,000 5,600,000
Rumania 300,000 833,000
Singapore -- 50,000
South Africa 11,900 11,900
Soviet Union 8,800,000-10,700,000 24,000,000
United Kingdom 383,600 450,700
United States 416,800 418,500
Yugoslavia 446,000 1,000,000

History is written by the victor.


Why should we believe any of the stories when it has now been confirmed that we were forced by law for years to believe lies about soap and lampshades, masturbation machines, holocoasters and so many more hoaxes and frauds? We need proof to corroborate the stories now. Where is it?

Just gonna leave this here.
>Jews are getting BTFO in Europe.

The chimney is connected by an underground pipe that goes inside the crematorium in the building. Idiot.

around 5.5 to 6 million

No, there are people called historians.
So many assumptions....
If we tried unpacking this the universe would crash.

I've been taught soap, lampshades and rollercoasters to the ovens. But what's masturbation machine?

So many assumptions....
If we tried unpacking this the universe would crash.

Due to no interest of my own.
I'm asking for a friend.

"History" says a lot of things. When you draft up a cover-up for an event, doctor photos, torture false confessions out of "perpetrators" of the event, make it illegal to call out gross exaggerations of the cover-up, and dig yourself too far into a hole to ever reveal the truth of the losing side, you get a lot of interesting "history" to feed the people.

Accounts of the Holocaust include all sorts of absurd details. The gas showers, the lampshades and soap made out of Jews, the masturbation machines, the roller coasters, the giant ovens, the mass rapes, shoving blocks of wood up the asses of Jews, putting six inch nails through the heads of Jewish toddlers who lived to tell the tale...

And all this, so some unlucky soldiers could finally get the mercy of death, or be spared execution/punishment for crimes that were never committed by joining the CIA in a 30 year long black bag operation, while Israel is established and funded by the same nation.

Stop denying the Armenian Genocide and apologize

>Hurr the Germans couldn't kill 6 million Jews!
>Germany killed 26 MILLION Russians.
>Nazis couldn't kill 6 million helpless people!
>Nazis BTFO'd Russia!

I wouldn't say no one was burned alive, camps often got bombed when we pushed into Germany. We might have set someone on fire.

No need to thank me for the lack of putting that search on your browsing history.

60 gorrillian and don't you forget it goy

Jews never capitalize. And also check out this horrid style of shill tactics. Easy to figure out, as for the rest...

NOT ENOUGH. And soon, your kind will be purged once again, this time ranking in the millions via carpet bombing.