How do you rate this
How do you rate this
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Off yourself.
move RT,buzzfeed,activist movements to garbage,and the rest is fine.
Young turds is garbage left
>economist slightly to the right
>black lives matter
>high quality
Take the econonomist out of neutral, its a nutjob publication now has been for a while
Move everything a bit to the left.
HuffPo, BuzzFeed, and especially Salon are absolute garbage tier, Salon probably ranking lower than Info Wars
>High Quality
Jesus fucking Christ
>high quality
>Mother jones
>High quality
>This whole list
Forbes is wrong (should be at least neutral), the rest is good.
so many shit publications in high quality, which retard put this together
fpbp, checked. kek confirms
I've seen this picture before. It's as if some normie that was trying to be objective just placed all the news sources based on how he "felt" about the source and not the content itself.
All the mainstream media is tarnished, except maybe Fox news.... They've fucked off Megan Kelly which is good. I still tune in. But everyone else? They're ruined, they are all garbage. They said Trump was finished at every corner and just pumped crap out shaped as news.
Brietbart is decent. It's content is tabloid like, but what they report on is decent. Some of their writers were calling for a Trump win since the beginning. It's a decent place to know what's going on.
Infowars have been insanely good with their predictions in the last few years. Almost a little too good... They were calling the Trump win since the beginning as well as kept us informed with the Project Veritas videos. However a lot of us know Alex Jones can report on some seriously wierd shit.... Infowars is also a good place to know what's going on.
isn't ap and reuters owned by rothschilds - if so how r they neutral?
Not every picture you see on the internet is factual
>high our mixed quality
lmao is this a joke?
>RCP leans right
>Salon is high quality
>RT lower than Jezebel, CNN, Salon, BLM, Mother Jones etc in terms of quality
>CNN not fully Hyper Partisan left
>no Daily Mail, BBC or Al Jazeera
>High quality
majority of the far right networks should be neutral or leans right.
because they actual tell the truth.
Better version.
That version is still terrible.
> bought into false average
>they didn't see it
Dude, Salon has the highest quality keks on the market. Everything they publish is so wrong, it's hilarious.
>infowars ((((dont read))))
you are fucking right about that one
1000 hours in mspaint
Better one here.
>not accurate at all
>BLM = accurate
>Black Lives Matter
>high quality
>The Daily Beast
>high quality
I don't need to read anymore to know you should kill yourself.
> dont read infowars aryans... err i meant goyims, welp
AP is a who feed Norwegian media with most of the bullshit about international situations. I bet they work closely with CIA etc.
Also the others in the neutral is not what "journalism should be". There are terrible news outlets and better news outlets.
RT are not right, CNN should be removed completely from the picture.
I do and will continue to watch InfoWars every day. Alex is fucking hilarious and when he's not shouting presumptuous conjecture based on history (not news) he's merely reporting articles and headlines published from other sources (actually news) amalgamated to his platform.
You can't go wrong unless you hate hearing Hillary be called a doddering old has been Satan worshipper who looks as bad as Soros when he's not sucking down stem cells from an aborted foreskin. And I'M NOT BRAGGING HERE, that doesn't mean he's THAT GOOD! It just means that mainstream media is that bad. But these are truly historic times and we need patriots like you to cotinue to support the broadcast and to continue the fight against the new world order.
The best part is - he checks the facts, before he talks. Does not work every time, but his quality is very high.
His snake oils are also not useless, despite advertisement styled like they are. And people will thank God for his store, when SHTF. He would be selling sustainable remedies against shit like ebola-inducing-atrazin first.
>Cringe that theblaze is in mixed quality and not in garbage.
Probably most accurate but infowars is a bit high and right
Alex Jones is good.
He just doesn't have good rep. And it doesn't help when he starts talking about the crimea or chimea project.... the half man, half pig embryos.... it's all just a bit to much for feeble me lol
Other than that the bad rep keeps normies away, and his predictions are really good. In a lot of ways he's shown up the msm too.
>High quality
>The Economist
In to the trash it goes
Fucking Hell... I'm really going to need some time to reexamine my life at the moment lol
thats just the tip
First thing I saw too... Opinion discarded.
hell no, what in the fuck is that 'high quality' section? who made this? like for real
Well, if you take the center as Karl Marx on steroids and the far right as regular karl marx yeah maybe
> eugenics on the right
> any terrorism on the right
This was clearly created by a libtard. Shift everything to the left by 3 and you will have a more accurate. Also InfoWars and Breitbart belong in the High Quality section.
And then they say we are ">natural enemies".
communism didn't take over peacefully whimp
nothing of value is achieved with sacrifice and we should revere our martyrs as heros
is you don't then your not committed to your ideas and your just larping
>any media not shit
>washington post "russia hacked our grid"
>cnn "burn their shit down"
fake news
Add Rolling Stone to Hyper-Partisan Left, Mixed Quality