Sup Forums, wtf is wrong with modern women
and how do we fix this degenerate behavior
Sup Forums, wtf is wrong with modern women
and how do we fix this degenerate behavior
Stop rewarding it with attention, you dumbass.
Didn't even watch your video, but that's the answer.
dr phil a str8 bitch
I woulda handled dat hoe
Daughters without fathers.
This is American television.
Faker than my girlfriend.
So uhhh... is she acting like a negroe or do negroes act like cunts?
your younger women*
that girl just has a 75IQ like all coalburners
I had a buddy who took his gf drama to Maury. It was 100% real.
>falling for the negro jew
i would let the one on the right sexually assault me anytime
We aren't allowed to hit them
Then America's even worse off than I thought
That kid needs her ass beat. The more humiliating the better.
cash me outside how bow dat
I saw a video of her getting her ass handed to her by a nignog
She's like 13 there
i would let the one in the middle sexually assault me anytime.
Second the one in the right.
Please, sauce on names and facebook of this sluts, someone must know.
Link please.
That girl is real as fuck.
Why does the majority of Sup Forums always shit itself with anxiety and panic when anything remotely unorthodox happens?
But what does that mean?
Sauce on her.
A bullet
single mothers
It means that you need to cash her
I found a better image of her.
I found three names, anyone can confirm wich one is her?
Bbrogan Gillard, Shannon Jones and Paige Cunningham.
If her old man saw this shit, he needs to go beat some respect into her, as well as the mother for letting his daughter hang around with niggers.
>Real AF
She talks like a nigger. She is brainwashed.
Is that an actual name?
thats clearly the result of living in a low income housing district, no father at home and exposure to niggers
it's not your job to fix anyones shitty kid you redditor.
fuck off you idiot
>ywn be sexually assaulted by a gang of qts
why even live
Cash me outsigh, howboutdah
Fatherless people act the same