Asian immigrant living in the UK with 100% integration and a trump supporter AMA

I am tired of media representing us wrong and would humbly like to dispel some of the confusion.

Before any slander is thrown at me, I am not Chinese or Indian, nor am I muslim or hindu.

Lastly, I have no religion and I am full of opinion of those who do. Will gladly post timeline is this gets traction.


gtfo paki

when will you go back?

What is the proper way to have fish and chips?

Is your name the sound that a pan makes when you throw it off the stairs?


In a newspaper, even though it's fucking gross.
Don't forget the malt vinegar

Integrated as fuck

Fucking get out. The proper way is doused in cheap chip shop curry sauce.



Why will I go back? I have a life here and work as an investment banker (1st year analyst) in tier 1 bulge bracket bank. I am 23 at the moment, I will definitely would like to move to somewhere warm later in life for sure!

@Fish&Chips guy - until you get food poisoning.

@NL pan guy - Nope, I have an European name, given to me by my grandma who was a big fan of a German actor back in 1960s.

Btw I fucking hate muslims, i wish people understood that they are cockroaches of 21st society. I fucking loathe how liberal and Caucasians are blinded by hypocrisy and support them in the UK.

Are you honorary japanese or not?


>not knowing how to reply to posts
fuck off

I will go back when you cucks start defending your country, not from me, but from fucking muslims that are festering in your country

What's your opinion on Trump, his actions and how fast he is doing the things he promised?

Dude I figured it out now, relax.

I have a job and life you know, dont spend my day on this forum you know


you mean middle eastern?

nice painting

I like Trump because he's the only sane politician that is willing to defend his/her country in the western world. He comes from a privileged life, no doubt about that but I can see why he rose from the ashes to move the masses.

The average person on the street is tired of political correctness and globalization (I am the lucky one who benefits from this since I work in finance), and they just want a country that enables them to live in peace and not have to live through misery & afraid of certain type of people. I can definitely get behind that.

I fully support all his movement, except Climate Change which should not be overlooked.

No you fucking knobhead. Middle East will never be fucking Asia.

I will wish for a day when PetroDollar will be abolished and America will snoop in to annihilate middle east to the ground. Pray with me!

What are you doing here in this forum anyways? Go out and save your women from all the crimes that are happening in your country. Idiot.

An immigrant can never be "integrated" nor can an immigrant ever be one of the people.

Your children MIGHT be, but you never will be.

Sorry to break it to you; if that's upsetting you should go back.

This. The immivader has to go back.

>100% integration

Theres no such thing, also


I will gladly, that's why I live in London (which is a beautiful bubble). Just making a promising career before I make the move, no worries mate.

Alas, you should get your act together and protect your country better before its too late. Since you are still in denial of immigration when you should be vetting immigration like in Australia.

Who am I kidding though? You probably are some IT guy who has no cojones to stand up for himself.

Anyways, thanks for the heads up! I will not stay in your country forever! :)

No you'll just leech from us for as much as you need then move on like the parasite you are.

Thanks, bruh.

You seem OK Aki, just don't rape my sister in the back of your mini cab or serve me dog in my noodles and we are golden.

Trump is indeed a rare breed and his rate of uncucking the world is breathtaking

Dont worry I am not leeching from you, unless you are a retail investor with aggregate wealth of £5million+ or institutional investor! :)

Heck, I pay my 40% tax on my monthly income and have not even taken advantage of your country other than free museum visits lol.

I am dating a dutch girl at the moment, 3 years almost and going strong. Dont worry! :)


Why does the UK call pakis and browns "asian"?

They are clearly shitskins are you kidding me?

t. chink

Indians are middle eastern.
Asian incudes white russia.
Orientals are like thai and japanese.
USe the correct term: Oriental
Trump is the man!!

He's staying m8, you're fucked.

Nah mate proper chip shop gravy is the way to go, Fuck off with your paki liquids

People don't naturally associate crime with asians and so then they think omg it's an isolated case I've never thought asians would rape and beat someone,specially after eating so much rice and killing so much dog (because they think of asians as chinks not as mudslimes afghan,pakis, and bangla)