Prepare your anus Leftist - THE GOD EMPEROR HAS SPOKEN
The Reich is Rising
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1000 year Trump reich, let it happen
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
but you chinese people are alright
your women are hot, guys too because i'm a slightly gay faggot
yes chinese....thats what this flag is....
my bad, you're korean right?
Hmm, looks like America needs some liberation
but which one? remember there are... 5 koreas?
I think he's from east korea
Holy shit, Kim Jong Il is here?
um.... im from chinese korea you racists... you know.... finland...
Hes from nuclear korea
I think Kim Jong II is west korea
i'm sure this guy is Hirohito
No, I figured it out. He is Moot
I think the technical term is weebs Korea or Tentaclerea
shouldnt all you faggots be in church right now? pope cuck is shaking his damn head right now
So he's saying the same thing all over while he is getting kuk'd by powerful real womanising judges.
i'm busy fapping to your hot chicks
Please save us Donald
Queenie is our head of church not the pope, tojo.
I don't know why this is such a big deal to the left all of a sudden. He said he wanted secure borders and that's what he's doing.
This isn't some crazy new idea he just whipped out all of a sudden.
DHS said fuck you to pussypower judge and will be deporting muslims as the great lord has ordained.... faggot
I think it's because they didn't expect him to do anything that he said. It's fucking glorious to see them meltdown.
pls no bully Japan :(
It isnt even 9am here fish head
What I love about Trump is how he insists this after all the European leaders took turns having the nerve to claim moral disapproval of his migrant policy after the violent, rapey mess they made of Europe and its future.
Any other recent leader would have caved to that post-war progressive impulse to start apologizing and 'self-critiquing', but not our boy Trump.
He sees it clearly (or especially Bannon does) and he's made his choice so they can get fucked.
At this farcical stage of history, I really don't care if it seems 'unpresidential'. Things are so corroded that only direct strong-man action can possibly recover anything now.
Bannon and him swooped in just in time.
stop this shit about "race mixing is bad except with asians". it's the same as "niggers are bad but theyre different from black people"
asians have their own culture untainted by foreign genes. chinese, japanese, korean, island rice niggers, etc, theyre all different and very purified compared to europeans. we arent even close to their level
>being a cuckstain
where do you think you are?
thanks, man but i know linguistic taekungjudo. they were right where i wanted them ;)
I'm ready for the Trump Dynasty.
you tell america - 32. Miscegenation, that is race-mixing, is and has always been, the greatest threat to the survival of the Aryan race.
t. athiest(what? im confused at least i dont bang dudes like your dad does)
memes desu.
religion is an emergent property of the human social condition. you cannot remove it.
I'm going to sell all my stocks because i feel like the economy will go down the shitter with this madman in command.
shouldn't you be drawing chinese cartoons right now?
praise kek
50. A democracy is always followed by a strongman... some call him dictator. It is
the only way to restore order out of the chaos caused by a democracy. Pick your
strongman wisely! He must be a guardian in his heart. He must be one who has
shown that his only purpose in life is the preservation of the folk. His ultimate aim
must be to restore the rule of Law based on the perfect Laws of Nature. Do not
choose him by his words. Choose one who has sacrificed all in the face of tyranny;
choose one who has endured and persevered. This is the only reliable evidence of
his worthiness and motives.
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