Well, Sup Forums?
Is there a logical reasoning other than MUH fugees?
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Apparently not. Good to know
iraq didn't kill any americans in the iraq war?
what a shitty nation
Looks like the ban works.
we are bombing 5 out of those 7
they really need to get their shit together.
>invade another country
>hurr why do they kill us
>none killed by Iraq or Somalia
This chart is horseshit
Id like a drumpfnigger to explain
Trump has business ties to Saudi Arabia.
So now Benghazi didn't even happen in the mentally ill left wing world
Drumpf has business ties to those countries so he can't ban them.
O wow a billionaire businessman has business ties in one of the few middle eastern countries that isn't a smoking crater. Fuck you idiots.
They are all countries with civil war / muslim organized rebellions I guess.
Meaning normal people who are not supported by a foreign government or organization.
Civilians is the term you're looking for.
How can irregular militiamen be anything else? The aren't government property like regulars
The fear the ban was based on was because those individuals who were fleeing/trying to enter the US are said to be troubled and deranged ones that have one thing in their mind, to harm the united states and its citizens, that chart implies that this is simply false because of how reality is. And it also displays the hypocrisy of the reasoning behind issuing the ban against those specific countries.
Ordinary citizens*
OSU and Minnesota attacks. Just because there aren't many refugees in America doesn't mean we will be safe with tons of them. Europe is eveidence of this suck a cock reddit ctr fag
So why not against Saudi Arabia and UAE?
Doesn't change anything in the chart.
>Minnesota attacks
Add Kenya to the list.
Not Kenyan he was Somalian, and just because you have a dishonest chart doesn't mean attacks haven't happened. I don't care only when people died I care that people's lives were intentionally put in danger in attempts to kill them. Just because Somalians suck at killing unless they are high on opium and raiding ships isn't my concern.
You're just splitting hairs and ignoring the purpose of that chart, which is why those countries and not ones that have actually committed atrocities against the United States over the past 5 decades.
No I think the purpose of the chart is disingenuous. This is circling on kikebook and I promise you if ALL were banned people would still be shitting themselves. The EO its self states that the selection for these were places with insufficient record keeping. I don't care how many they haven't been able to carry out yet, I know if let kn they will commit plenty of crimes
I'm pretty sure Trump just continued Obama's Terrorism Prevention Act of 2015 and the associated Visa/Waiver program. All those countries were already on the program list and the DHS listed them all as countries of concern. Does he have the power to add countries of concern? If Obama had to pass the bill I think Trump is in the same situation.
Also love how these infographics never showed up during Obama's reign.
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, and Lebanon no longer condone terrorist attacks on their soil. The other countries are apathetic to it, and the people in those countries are more likely to commit acts of terrorism these days. I won't dispute those statistics, but times have changed.
Wait a minute, when did the outer jewish territories get internet?
No, mudslime. user is correct in the fact that your we WUZ kangz Facebook chart is trying to refer to civilians.
Nig gonn always nig
This just makes ops list innacurate
>using a retard voice refutes the argument
It doesn't. It's also against the rules.
Same fucking countries.
Everyone's just pissed off because their Jew masters told them to be because TRUMP
Did it ever occur to you that President Trump and his advisers know a lot more about foreign policy than some paid globalist shills, and there could be greater benefits towards the American people by forming good relationships with Saudi, UAE, Egypt, and Lebanon than by banning their people? I think all people from all Middle Eastern and North African countries should be banned, but I don't know how that could upset things. Maybe putting them on the list will make them jack up oil prices, maybe putting them on the list will make them kick out our companies and cost American jobs, maybe putting them on the list will make them crash our economy somehow. President Trump should do what's best for the American people, which may not necessarily be what seems obvious.
data is about attacks on us soil
yeah u should be banned too
Nice strawman. Nobody gives a shit about how many people they kill. They don't belong in America, period. They cannot preserve our culture, or people, or our heritage. All they can do is bring their backwards, incompatible culture from their backwards shithole and make us a minority in our own homeland, while making it more like the shithole they left.
I suppose the list should be longer.
I mean, these people have killed thousands of themselves, and raped thousands of European women in the past few years, and are the cause to why Sweden will be a 3rd word country in a few decades.
But they haven't killed anyone from the US on US soil in a Terrorist Attack, so just let them in.
Sure doesn't say that
Keeping inbred, violent brown people out of one's country is always good, but yes it makes no sense that we didn't ban the worst of the lot. Trump clearly hates the Saudis based on his campaign rhetoric but it may be hard to get a ban through on them due to their influence on US politics. We should still put his feet to the fire though.
According to this chart... When the US had 0 casualties in the 1st, and 2nd gulf wars.
>Terrorism is only the justification. It plays a minor role in Trump's reasoning. Terrorism is just the selling argument.
>Trump doesn't want the American population to be further infested with this brain cancer called Islam.
>The US doesn't need to fear mass immigration from the countries at the bottom of your list. Hence, no ban.
Needless to say that Trump is doing everything perfectly right. We can only hope for an awakening among European governments: do the same thing and deport most Muslims while not letting any new ones in.
Doesn't travelling to yemen automatically get you put on the terror watch list anyway???
are you a real palestineian or just a proxy ?
if real please get the fuck out of jordan you disgusting scum
You ruin our country motherfucker
>Sup Forums
(you) know what to do.
We're not looking at America's past but at Europe's present.
Forces the media to question why he didn't ban these states given their nature, which they otherwise would neglect to report about.
Methinks this is 5d intergalactic chess.
Finally a good answer. Thank you user.
^He did it
>Other than MUH fugees
I understand your refugees fear, but that subject is open for debate whether you like it or not, which is why I excluded it when I started this thread.
>Muh american culture
>wants to talk about migration politics
>excludes the cultural aspect from discussion
Muslim reasoning: I define the boundaries of this discussion. Expect ignorance or even punishment when you breach those boundaries.
That is exactly why goatfuckers have never achieved anything. The cancerous pedophile mass murder ideology called Islam prevents people from being free thinkers.
>>Muh american culture
What was that? Couldn't hear you over all the rocket engines and freedom.
Drumpf sucks saudi slong as he should.
>want to invade another country
>hurr why wont drumpf let us in
It's about terror attacks you god damn moron
The banned nations are known hot beds of terrorism and people from them cannot be properly vetted due to lack of documentation and intel.
I mean, I'm sorry but does America really have any culture that's truly American? What I'm sure these anons are saying they're defending is just the byproduct of Europe's settler ideology that was present during the past few centuries.
>I define the boundaries of this discussion
Yes, why would I want people like you misunderstanding the point of the post and derailing the thread to something else that needs a thread on its own? In any case, not setting some boundaries to a discussion is how you have a broad, weak and purposeless discussion like the one that'll spur if we consider the only reason for the ban is the harmless foreign citizens that are trying to enter the country.
He pissed off the Muslim world and put no travel restrictions on the countries that have already shipped terrorists to us. That is gross incompetence. Now, even liberals don't want to pay thier taxes. Thanks Trump!
Well there has been no ban before and the statistics say otherwise regarding those banned countries.
>I understand your refugees fear, but that subject is open for debate whether you like it or not, which is why I excluded it when I started this thread.
The logical reasoning is that the cultures are incompatible. In fact ALL cultures are incompatible. I don't want you here and more or less than I want Chinese here, who commit no terror attacks against my people. You are incapable of preserving my culture, and I of yours.
We are biologically, socially, and ideologically different in a way that cannot coexist. That's why Americans invent computers go into space and Pakis kill their women and fuck goats.
You are a parasite who wishes only to live off of the fruits of the west. You have no right to be here.
My country is the way that it is because of the success of my ancestors, and my people's continued success. Your country is the way that it is because of your ancestor's failure, and your people's continued failure. If your country is worth fleeing you have no-one to blame but your people.
Your people did not build this nation. It was not built for you, it was built for whites. Your ancestors left you a steaming pile of shit that you want to run away from. Too fucking bad. America is a white nation and you do not, and will never belong here.
You can stick you retard fake chart up your ass.
If you dont like america stop coming here and dont talk to us. Otherwise suck it up we will never accept Islam.
Then why don't they ban all the muslim countries? Lol, I was in America 6 months ago, if we're taking your points as reality, I should be banned as well, but I am not. Your argument also is very childish, it doesn't take into consideration how much foreign individuals can be helpful to your country's growth.
Money talks naive lamb.
But don't fret sweetie, their time is coming soon :^)
Thank you for proving, once and for all, that it's not a FUCKING MUSLIM BAN even if the numbers on the chart are horseshit.
Really? Iraq never killed a single American? Somalia neither?
Are you really this retarded?
Look to international terrorism, rape, and assault
This pretty much sums it up. Trump is litterally virtue signaling.
Guys I'm an IRANIAN (ARYAN) who double majored as a Doctor and an Engineer and had the highest GPA in MIT but now I can't come to school because Trump banned us and not Saudi Arabia! The Saudi Royalty gave Trump TRILLIONS and he is just playing you so you think he accomplished his campaign promises!
>Then why don't they ban all the muslim countries?
I would like them to ban immigration from all non-white countries.
>Your argument also is very childish, it doesn't take into consideration how much foreign individuals can be helpful to your country's growth.
It is not my country's growth if its foreigners who are growing in number, it is it's atrophy. It is you who makes the childish argument.
>Saudi Arabia and Turkey not included
Gotta keep the petrodollar up right goyim
>iraq zero
Are you saying that no american died in both wars?
>claims to be Iranian
>posts some pic of a filthy Semite
What is invasion of kuwait?
>trying to get a logical explanation from trump supporters
>does America really have any culture that's truly American?
The contents of a melting pot of all the ingredients in the world are nothing but flavorless gray goop with no texture at all. Being the central hub of international capitalism doesn't help either. The culture that we're defending is really just what's left of the Anglo (and to some extent German) way of life. America as a whole has no culture worth preserving but there are sub-cultures under threat from increased immigration and low native fertility.
Now.. now, they weren't REAL Iraqis.
fixed, faggot.
apparently they DIDN'T kill us, was his point
>he unironically believes this
Stop being such naive children. You elected a business man as president, now expect him to act no other
>America has no culture
American culture is extremely broad. I give you that. But Muslim "culture" is extremely detrimental for American culture because it is based on freedom.
>people like me derailing the thread
Derail from what? On this board, one could rightfully title every middle-eastern/Muslim related thread "Muslim hate thread". Because there is where the problem lies! Without fucking Islam, the world would mostly be at peace! (with the not so noteworthy exception that there would be some tribal wars in Africa still.)
As long as Muslims stick to their motherfucking pedophile murder psychopath Muhammed there will be no solution.
Islam is the problem, Islam should be abolished, banned, destroyed. No people would need to be harmed. Just freed.
Making his enemies tell the truth. 4d cribbage
he's not president anymore
>its a ctr spamming fake news thread
you guys are pathetic, here is a DHS report from a year ago
> the Secretary of Homeland Security has determined that Libya, Somalia, and Yemen be included as countries of concern, specifically for individuals who have traveled to these countries since March 1, 2011. At this time, the restriction on Visa Waiver Program travel will not apply to dual nationals of these three countries. DHS continues to consult with the Department of State and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to develop further criteria to determine whether other countries would be added to this list. Last month, the United States began implementing changes under the Act. The three additional countries designated today join Iran, Iraq, Sudan and Syria as countries subject to restrictions for Visa Waiver Program travel for certain individuals.
well would you look at that it was Obamas administration that came up the list a year ago.
No, it's un-American. America at its core is accepting those of different religious beliefs and backgrounds, this law literally assumes that a few bad apples means the entire tree is bad. And that's wrong. Germans aren't bad despite Nazism, Christians aren't bad despite the KKK, why are Muslims bad because of a few attacks in the last ~20 years? Especially since Islam is more prevalent than Germans and Christians twice over. No one would care if you just stopped breathing, Sup Forums.
So, basically your argument is that
Column 1: Trump doesn't protect us from countries that have actually attacked us
Column 2. "It's ok because Obama..."
Column 3. Pure conjecture
Column 4. The ban is still stupid and doesn't address the major attacks that happen on our soil (San Bernadino, Pulse, Boston, Etc. Etc.) because those are all US Citizens.
Good points.
He is doing it so when the shills say "OMG WHY"
Trump can say fuck u, your beloved Obama singled these nations out. 9D chess. eat a dick.
Perhaps you should consider going back?
Reminder that Muslims only wanted to come to America after it was so rich they gave away welfare to worthless people
>why are Muslims bad?
Have you ever read the Qu'ran? Their eternal political and religious leader urges them to act and be bad. That's why.
There are good people who happen to be Muslims. But in essence, they must be bad Muslims. Those two things are mutually exclusive.
we need to ban all the muslims
Who cares the ban is temporary
This image is beyond stupid.
Even the simplest consideration would lead you to be like 'well obviously that's untrue'
Black Hawk Down was 94? in Mogadishu.. how many thousand Americans have died in Iraq ..
Yeah the logical reasoning is "fuck those fuckin arabs"
If it's about the fugees in Yurop,
why aren't Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco on the list?
The law attempts to stymie immigration from countries whose governments are in shambles and we can't trust their documentation. It's a 90 day ban that affects less than 200 people until we figure out a better way of vetting.
>Iran largest state-sponser of terrorism in the world.
Whew lad.
Wait! Didn't the invasion of Iraq happen in retaliation for the Twin Towers? Shouldn't they have those kills?