Ukraine should be annexed by Russia because "“Ukraine as a state has no geopolitical meaning...

>Ukraine should be annexed by Russia because "“Ukraine as a state has no geopolitical meaning, no particular cultural import or universal significance, no geographic uniqueness, no ethnic exclusiveness, its certain territorial ambitions represents an enormous danger for all of Eurasia and, without resolving the Ukrainian problem, it is in general senseless to speak about continental politics". Ukraine should not be allowed to remain independent, unless it is cordon sanitaire, which would be inadmissible.


Ukraine posters please share your thoughts on Russia/Ukraine situation.

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Why is a country which lost to emus entitled to speak about Europe?


who cares?

Afaik, Russian citizens don't want to reunite with Ukraine, only with Belarus. However, they do want Ukraine to be friendly and in the same economic zone (Eurasian Union).

Fuck Ruskis

Czech dem

Ukraine is a meme country invented by Stalin. Like all sad legacies of Stalinism it should stay in the 20th century and has no place in the 21st.

Shouldn't you?

>Ukraine as a state has no geopolitical meaning, no particular cultural import or universal significance, no geographic uniqueness, no ethnic exclusiveness, its certain territorial ambitions represents an enormous danger for all of Eurasia and, without resolving the Ukrainian problem, it is in general senseless to speak about continental politics

Please share your proofs on any of those claims.

FYI, this is from here:


>MFW the goals for each country are happening as we speak and Sup Forums still supports the Russians.


You live in Ukraine, tell us what makes you unique. Prove that quote wrong.

Both hohols and vatniks are bydlo, liberals are in the minority both in Ukraine and Russia.
It's piss vs shit, whoever wins, humanity loses.

True but they also some of the hottest females.

Russia should annex the lower eastern half of Ukraine, and leave the North Western portion of Ukraine as a Kosher Nazi paradise.

Also my country should encourage unlimited immigration of Ukrop females in to the USA.

I wouldn't mind an Ukrainian state, but the problem is that modern borders make no sense. A lot of ethnic Russians were trapped in a hostile country and were forced to learn Ukrainian. Yanukovich tried to solve that problem by regional language status law, but euroshills and literal nazis got butthurt

I always admired Russian selfhate.

I'm an Aussie in Ukraine and they have a lot more culture and history than us lol

i unironically hate Ukraine

and i want to nuke them for having the same colors as our flag

What are you doing there lad?

ITT: Salty Poles who want Lviv back

probably fucking whores
you can fuck a 18 yo 10/10 Ukrainian girl for less than $100

My mother is Ukrainian. Their culture is better than ours, definitely.

No we dont

It's a sovereign country.

Nice taqiyya

>Less than $100
Is that supposed to be cheap? Even over here whores only cost like €50

Rise of proxy hohols.
Return of proxy hohols.
Proxy hohols strike back.

What episode is this thread?

Nope, we dont want african tier city in our borders, we are poor already

Shut up Ivan, I see you guys all the time spewing the same propaganda as your media
>Sanctions are good make our economy more nationalized and strong
>Ukraine is no real country hurrrr
Just chill it on the propaganda koolaid over there for once

>Yanukovich tried to solve that problem by regional language status law, but euroshills and literal nazis got butthurt

I can guarantee you western Europeans don't give a shit.

The New RIDF


how much do they pay to putinbots?

I'm here for a few months visiting friends and traveling. Ukrainians are pretty similar to us to be honest just poorer and have a tougher life. I can relate to them much more than the Asians back home.

Kind of weird thought to have. I myself think Botswana is cool, even if its in africa.

I know that feel.

I hate Russians for the exact same reason.

...and Americans, and Brits, and Serbs, and especially Luxembourgers.

But not the French.
I hate the French for a lot more than just their copycat flag.

Can Belorussia become a independently governed Oblast or will it be impossible politically

60 roubles/post

Yes. It's always been part of russia until the Kaiser invented the country after WWI.

That's mostly due to the price of oil. Ironically, the worst sanctions for Russia were those that Russia itself imposed.

Nice 1 euro for a post

You're replying to a (((Russian))). Most likely a homosexual, too. Not really "self" hate.

It used to be 50 guilders. (about €23)

Then we got the euro so it instantly became €50 since whores suck at math and economy.

Then the crisis hit and it dropped to around €30.

>Ironically, the worst sanctions for Russia were those that Russia itself imposed.

That's true.

There are even gangs smuggling Dutch cheese to Russia because nobody wants to eat Russian food.

> Irrelevant muslim country
>Not even a country
Oil prices. Since 80' we've been very dependent on oil prices. Sanctions in their turn focus on personalities (which is a good thing, we all hate russian oligarchs), and several high tech military spheres which are also irrelevant.

The only thing ill say is this, i've grown up on american\western culture, i know english language, i've been watching us news for years and still i think i understand america and west about 50%. Yet, some western bros knowing literally nothing about post soviet states, history of slav countries, or even modern political reality of russia(they even think putin is some sort of patriotic cool dude, when he is just a crook clinging to power like mubarak or kadafi) and they make these huge claims about whats right and wrong, what should be and what doesnt. Thats a prime example of american ignorance right there.

I don't like both libertards and vatniks. I think that the primary reason of the Russian and Ukrainian shit quality of a life is the Slavic corrupted and criminalised mentality. They will both shit holes regardless to vectors their governments. China is the world second economy and people there live like a shit because of their mentality and their values.

I was born in the USSR. I'm not a Jew, I'm not an LGBT faggot. I'm white. I'm a good goy. I want an h1-b visa.

>Country with a much higher Muslim population calls another country a Muslim country
kys Ivan

>Sanctions in their turn focus on personalities (which is a good thing, we all hate russian oligarchs)

Because they are meant to hurt Putin, not the common Russian people.

Putin's daughter had to GTFO of Amsterdam for example.

Our muzzies drink vodka and do suka blyat' stuff while your muzzies on fucking sharia watch.


I think the criminalized mentality is a result of the corrupt governments keeping their citizens poor with shit infrastructure and services.

Considering that you are from the same country as I am, I can say you are an enormous fucking faggot and should be deported to the rest of WesternShittholia
Now fuck off Ivan you have no right lecturing anyone

That was fucking decades ago.
Rare cases
Fucking Egyptians so fucking WHAT?
At least we don't have fucking gettos where white man aren't welcome. AND EVEN FUCKING POLICE.

It would be stupid and will only cause a massive fund drain for no benefits. Rebuilding process alone will take billions. You also would receive an overwhelmingly anti-Russian populace, due to recent war and all bullshit that followed.

No, Ukraine should be left alone.

>coming from a country shitfucked by sweaty fat arabs, taking hold of your economy
> one of the most politically cucked countries which ever existed, being known for waffles and cheapest whores apart from Netherlands

kys Ahmed

Does anyone have that one copy pasta green text about the US and it's full 60% white and ground zero for feminism. That one Russian guy always posts it

> I'm not a Jew, I'm not an LGBT faggot.
Sure, whatever. Top kek.

P.S. If you stop hiding your true identity you could get Israeli permanent residence within the month. You need to go back.
>Local criminal gangs are involved in kidnapping foreigners for ransom.
>Shootings and indiscriminate bombings are common.

That's fake shit if you ask me, honestly. There is gangs but they are really fucked by local forces.
>including the areas of Chechnya, Ingushetia
One of the safest places in Russia.
>and Dagestan
There is actually some snackbars allahu ak borking around but as I told you, they are removed we need time.
>Also stay away from North Ossetia
>Chechnyan rebels
Fake shit there is no more rebels anymore, only Qatar sponsored terrorists that not even bases themself in Chechnya .


And why are you so sure? Because you media told you? Because they would never lie to you right
Don't make me laugh, Russia is a joke country, we get called a non-country but at least we have a nice life

Holy shit!!!

Ukraine soon become second Jamaica!!

Take that moskals


>And why are you so sure? Because you media told you?
Nope, my uncle doing business there. Also I traveled a lot in Caucasus region.
>Don't make me laugh, Russia is a joke country
Rich coming from non country.
>we have a nice life
Sharia is nice goy.

Is it going to be comfy?

Shut up!

Ukraine should stay the same as they are!

I will never pay ugly Paris whores $500 per hour, I would rather spend my time with young Kiev whores for only $200 per hour!

you dont have anything nice. You are brainwashed by your leaders and your euro regime, which in turn is controlled by nato and the jew families. Russia is free.

Instead of hating on a country, why dont you start reading books? Sup Forums is not yet for you, kid

>invented by Stalin
you got it all wrong, it was invented by the austria's spies to defeat Russian Empire in the ww1

Pol supports it because it is true.

>its certain territorial ambitions represents an enormous danger for all of Eurasia
like what?

>The book states that "the maximum task [of the future] is the 'Finlandization' of all of Europe"

>you dont have anything nice.
T O P K E K, what are you even talking about, we have healthcare, because my mom is on disability I'm literally getting paid quite a lot of money to attend college which affords me to go on vacation twice a year if I wanted to

I can pick up a bunch of hobbies in one of my local clubs if I want, there's plenty of events in my country from time to time

>nice life
I can literally taste the salt


why is 'always been' has anything to do with what's happening now?

200 is way too much. 50 at most.

>we get called a non-country but at least we have a nice life

Not for long. You are fucking filled with sand niggers and other sub-humans. I'd say in 20 years you're 3rd world shit hole.

Even your police is bending over to muslim cock

russia apparently doesn't want the lot of them, evident in that didn't even back donbass like they did with crimean repartiation

>for only $200
For ten?

Cheap whores. Easy STDs. Classy and clean, your countries are.

>atleast we have a nice life

Okay muhammed from molenbeek. You guys are a disgrace and pro EU fags

Ukrainian chicks are overrated

Tarnisha I wouldn't pay for you crack, so shut up.

That's not how you spell - overpriced.

Nah, fuck Russia
Ukraine belongs in the EU.

Has anyone ever said this?

Pukeraine. A derigatory term mixing "puke" and "ukraine".

KEK I love you guys. Stay strong, Ukrobro.
Slava Ukrainya.

They're just slav brothers that didn't get love. Western Ukraine was just never loved and now they're like rebellious children. Russia should just embrace and discipline them.

>Russia is free.

Fuck that fuck Russia let Russia collapse already. Don't give Russia an inch. Russia is the mortal enemy of the western world and all you leftists pro Russia fags forgot that. The only reason Russia wants Ukraine is for extra buffer land

I admire your objectivity. At least you understand why your country is inferior to Western nations.

Russian economy is about to collapse for the same reasons it collapsed before. High defense spending and low energy prices. Russia will not exist after Trump's second term. Same with China. Trump will really experience some crazy shit.

Good one! :^)
>pro russia

Fuck Russia. Fuck that corrupt shit hole. I can't wait till they're so poor they can't afford to go on our Internet and shill for the Kremlin.

most of the country is already is, or always was that way, all the russian people on the internet are from moscow, that's where all of this 'federation's' money goes

tbqh leftists are pro-russia too, that`s okay, just like Malcolm X and Rockwell

>all the russian people on the internet are from moscow

B..but i`m from Nizhny Novgorod