Sup Forums is no longer /pol

80% Shills threads, "pol will defend this", "pol BTFO", "Drumpf", and other pro-Israel threads

What went horribly wrong ?

En masse butthurt and autistic screeching has manifested itself in a perpetual raid on our board.

people left or are on break from here

kek it's nothing, during the elections it was worse.


Too many newfags too little time to assimilate them. We need to temporarily close the border to figure out what the hell is going on

>"pol will defend this", "pol BTFO", "Drumpf"
it's a meme you dip

i think this is CTR's new plan. they tried to sway Sup Forums with concern shilling, outright pro-hillary shilling, and other methods during the election, but not of that worked.
there was a leaked CTR memo that said it was hard to disrupt something that was constantly in a state of disruption.
i think they're now trying to turn up the disruption to 11 in an attempt to drown Sup Forums in white noise. they want to flood us with slide threads constantly in order to make it harder to spot quality threads.

/r/The_Donald refugees

>Civic nationalists
>Newfags from Trayvon or black Rambo and after
>People who haven't read up on Natsoc
>Unironic cuckservatives
>CTR shills

The summerfags graduated and have no job

Mods, outright ignoring Sup Forums until it gets really ugly. Well, it's not just Sup Forums, but a site wide phenomenon that mods only care for their selected boards. On some boards you get banned in 10 sec for shitposting, on others CP can stay up for hours.

>it's a meme you dip
More often than not, it is not used in a mocking tone, just for shitposting. And then it's just spamming, especially if it is a literally who's tweet...

Add the entirety of Australia and Canada to that list.
Also checked.

CTR just got a budget of 40 million, so yeah there is that

stupid CTR
we do it for free

And the newfag that didnt swallow the bogpill yet

I mean over the year

Plebbit invasion along with Bumblr.

Vice, Buzzfeed, CNN had articles on Sup Forums / pol and memes this week.

>forced meme
Totally not reddit guys!

there's nothing wrong with "pol will defend this", "pol BTFO"
it's a good way to start discussion by challenging Sup Forums's views

Trump won the election, is keeping his promises in some very questionable ways.

Sup Forums traffic has increase fivefold.


>Sup Forums is no longer a right wing echo chamber

/r/the_donald exists if you want that kind of thing buddy

Sup Forums has been Sup Forums - niggers edition for years. go to eightchan if you want actual discussion

reddit, CTR and liberal shills

at least a few quality redpill threads for the newfags are left from time to time

>trump subreddit

Yeah, nah

>it's a meme you dip
It's a shitty one. Take away these shity bait threads and generals youd get a much slower board.

Sup Forums getting shit means Sup Forums is getting biggest traffix

Daily reminder that Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong. Not even memeing at this point. What we see is logical conclusion to the 70 years of Social Democracy and Jewry.

They're in denial


Fuck Hitler

White America and the West is the final Redpill

Probably could have handled the jew problem without killing them all desu

Mods are not doing their job, Sup Forums are getting lots of normies and shills, some people are leaving because of this degeneracy including myself.

Too much shitposting now.

Antifa is raiding Sup Forums because they don't have an argument. They just like to shout and cry. You'll witness this yourself on the HWNDU stream, antifa retards don't have an argument thus they resort to this type of shit.

>believes in the holocaust
toppest of keks.



you all are taking the bait
that's what's wrong


I'm talking about this kind of memes

> coming to Sup Forums and asking 'what went wrong'
Pull your head out of your ass. Sup Forums isnt here to be your friend, or your fucking 'safe place'
Sup Forums is the UNsafe place. It's were the bad kids assholes tried to make white power and jew-hating mainstream.
you did it. and now you complain that your popularity is wanning? DO. YOU. EVEN. LURK?
good luck with your camp of angry-face white guys who look like male prostitutes cruising wall street. we'll see how much sympathy they inspire.

C'mon dummies. you clicked because you wanted this shit.

Newfags replying to slide threads and not using sage.

>they want to flood us with slide threads constantly in order to make it harder to spot quality threads.

And sliding quality threads quicker into the archive.

And wasting time of newfags that can't recognize them and take the bait.

I don't think CTR posts on Sup Forums.

It's probably just autists wanting replies and the attention their parents never gave them.

I perssonally do not have a problem with conflicting opinions (btw i am a genuine unironic national socialist).My problem with /pol is that there is little to no political disscusion going on,all the threads are /b tier with some political flavour.For example the HWNDU stream being shilled 24/7 its sgit and boring to watch some subhuman shitskin failures.The problem does not lie in the different ideologyes but in the quality of the posts.

My boat full of holes doesnt "work" because stupid fucking WATER keeps, just like, LETTING itself into my boat, like it thinks it belongs here or some shit.

Very underrated post.

Huh, what are you on about? Sup Forums was always a Zionist board.

There is only so much you can blame real user.

When there is a cap of like 199 threads on the board and someone spams 20 slide threads on top of the 20-30 regular ones thats usually still about 1/4-1/5 of all potential decent threads forced early into the archive before mods did anything.

Its was always too easy to spam this board even with a single IP. The only difference besides some minor increased traffic by Trump newfags is the increased interest in derailing and dividing Sup Forums the "anonymous chat room of the alt right" due to all the memeing during and after the campaign.

Only the popular topics can survive with fast enough responses. Any other topics are diluted to quick responses or just cease to exist.

I'd significantly increase the timer to create new threads at least.