What happened to your empathy Sup Forums?
Did you just lose it one day? Or was it taken away by someone you trusted?
What happened to your empathy Sup Forums?
Did you just lose it one day? Or was it taken away by someone you trusted?
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Sympathy is when you know how some one feels about something.
Empathy is when you share the feeling.
I can't really share the feeling of other people doing shit that makes them shit when I'm doing none of that.
I am empathetic, but I direct that empathy firstly towards my own people because it is more practical to do so. I'm more concerned about little white girls being raped by Muslim gangs in Britain than I am about the same happening in pakistan, because I share kinship with the "indigenous" people of Britain, and in a functioning society I (or men living in Britain, more likely) would kill these rascals. I still feel some of the responsibility. It is natural to stand up for and not act against the best interest of your "family". The closer related someone is to me, the more they can have this connection. The cultural connection is important too, but shallowly consumerist "American culture" has weakened peoples' identities to a point beyond understanding one's own culture without effort. In tribal societies its much more straightforward that a people have a shared fate. The psychological and evolutionary principles remain intact.
Not being able to stand up for values of democracy, liberty and freedom because you're a spineless liberal isn't empathy
I guess I lost it when I realized this is a shit world with shit people. Whenever I look at people I can no longer see their good qualities, all I see are their flaws, so if they die all I can think of is "good riddance".
you have that backwards...
>1. feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.
>2. understanding between people; common feeling.
>the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
I am empathetic, but being empathetic doesn't merely equate to being nice. A serial killer can be nice, a thief can be nice, until they commit their deed. For the immigrants coming to my country for example, I feel quite bad, on my own, as many die in the seas, but that doesn't mean that I want them here, if we also consider that we have a 40% unemployment and knowing the risks of multiethnic societies. Why should I accept immigrants to please them on the short term, knowing that on the long term there are far worse problems?
And after this, are really the Sup Forumsacks those who lack empathy? Aren't Liberals, and by extension anyone who favors mass migrations, merely being nice, instead of truly understanding the material consequences?
nigger thats what he said
no he said empathy is when you SHARE the feeling.
empathy is "the ABILITY to understand and share the feeling"
the ability to share the feeling means you understand the feeling not that it's mandatory to be empathetic.
sympathy is having a feeling in response (it may or may not be empathetic).
Never had it to begin with
I have empathy for those that deserve it
I have nothing but contempt for the rest
When you empathize over your own logic and reason you become a naive bleeding heart retard who can only think in platitudes you'd read in a Hallmark card.
We just know what love is
Love is protection
Tell me OP. What do you international commies protect? Besides your spiced pumpkin latte?
To be honest I don't know if this Muslim ban was the right thing to do. If the left raises enough hell and Trump flounders on Obamacare the GOP will be wiped out and leftists will take legislative revenge with the full backing of the elite. But the battle line has been drawn and I will fight for my race and my culture.
>implying I ever had it
Empathy is the white man's curse, you must free yourself from it
>Obama makes a list of "troubling" countries but lets not do anything about it
Meanwhile at the Trumpenlair
So why do we need to hasen the decline of America again? Many such cases! Sad!
>Or was it taken away by someone you trusted?
This is exactly what happened. Not just by someone but by whole groups. People you respect and value who were playing you for a fool the entire time. Talking shit without remorse, disingenuous with every resource, placing you like a trophy on a shelf or another notch in this stupid shit hell. Sound edgy, don't it? But it's an awakening after years of deluding yourself and trusting spineless people who disgust you in retrospect.
My empathy is for my people, not criminals and invaders.
> What happened to your empathy Sup Forums?
Op's pic is old, but what is it from? I like the art
>why don't you want to kill all white people are you a monster or something
Ah the morality of the modern leftist globalist neolib cunt
excuse your crimes to help others is not being emphatic, it's virtue signaling
people are wannabe altruist without putting the work themselves, that's what politics are about
Of course it wasn't the right thing to do.
Ivè been on Sup Forums for over 10 years, what do you think happened?
Never had it.
Ironically I'm more moral than most people since I need an ethical code to keep myself out of trouble.
>truly understanding the material consequences?
yes, do they?
do you?
or have you maybe watched one too many fearmongering videos, or read fearmongering Sup Forumsshit?
also do you feel empathy/smypathy for the 99% of muslims that now can't travel as freely as you and i?
as a child, nobody cared about what I needed let alone what I wanted. I quickly learned that genuine tears meant nothing to people who could produce fake ones. I realized that my existence was to make others feel good, and to generate an extra source of income, for selfish narcissistic people. As my understanding of the cancer grew so did my awareness and then I realized something very important
>If I made it through this storm, whatever smouldering embers of talent and drive I had left would be taken for granted by these very people, perhaps they would continue to plague me into my professional career, or perhaps they would ignorantly push me aside or misuse any gifts I managed to create for civilization
It wasn't until much later that I was proven correct. At this point I tried military as one last grab for money that I could use later in life to start my personal desire driven endeavors, but that resulted in a short time at boot camp followed by the discovery that I had crohns.
With nothing to do and no faith or hope in the human race, I began a life of depression and video games, silently hoping the retards manage to end it all.
The shit I've been through is enough to make a man vote trump, because he promises to destroy the very things that made me. Perhaps at last humanity will become something of value or maybe I will finally get to witness the end of this morbid beast at the hands of its glorious executioner.
morality was always a crutch made for sociopaths which is why religious power structures are full of them.
Never lost it
Me too. Anyone know the source?
Empathy will come when most of you fucks figure out that you are going to suck more 1% cock than ever.
hey i'm like you buddy.
except somewhere around the middle i grew up.
there is nothing admirable in having empathy towards remote strangers from completely alien cultures that just want to move to the west because they were lured in with gibsmedat offered by a traitorous political class
of we do too, and we do not want those fucking consequences to happend you fucking libshit, you wanna destroy your heritage? you wanna genocide yourself? GOOD take a fucking ticket to Somalia or Siria and ROOT there as you want.
apparently not if you're using this opportunity to feel better about yourself.
Most people learn at a young age there's no need for empathy. It's doesn't stop things, it doesn't prevent things, it just muddles your brain.
Firmly, I believe that I could be alone. An entire universe meant to stimulate me alone. Why would I care for the extras in my movie?
eh, it's like telling your old self to grow the fuck up.
why wouldn't i feel better about that?
I could write blocks of text of how I am in pain of starving children in Africa or somewhere and it won't stop him from dying.
One thing is traveling, another is settling.
When Europeans came to New York, didn't they have tribalist tendencies too? The Ban on muslims is ludicrous and terribly enacted by Trump, but free movement without proper vetting is just as bad. (pic related is the tunisinian of the Berlin attack, he has had collaborators in italy)
Not only that, most Westeners have no idea of the Tribalist tendencies non-westeners have. I don't believe the myth of the "good savage" just as much as I don't believe them as monkeys, but stay assured that they will lobby each other, and they form their own criminal associations:
Have fun believing that just because you met some good immigrant now you can be assured the rest of them aren't bad. Stay assured of minorities going against each other and against natives.
>inb4 grow up
you dont have empathy so how can you classify whether its admirable or not?
Antipsychotics, I was put on them for substance induced pshycocis and took them for two years. I've been off them for like 3 now and my empathy still absent returned. Those pills ruined my life. I was better off being crazy
Immigrants are granted the privilege to come to my country from their shit holes. They then join gangs, abuse welfare and try to change laws to benefit them specifically.
They make my county a shittier place to live. They dont give a fuck about me. Why should I care about them?
God knows Italy bros deserve unabated sovereignty. It's sickening what your U.N. and government expect of you, but not themselves. I understand watching Illegals die in the water is a tourist attraction in Italy now, so maybe that'll work out.
Muslims arent banned though, retard
Jokes on you, I'm an aspie motherfucker.
You should definitley give a fuck about them. No shit, I've let on my 'power level' on social media too much, friends, familey and coworkers know my disgust. Now if I were ever implicated in something pertaining to violence or hate, there's a lot of people that wouldn't be surprised. I should have been socially pro-immigrant, pro-Non-trump, basically pro-flow. I.e. liberal mentality etc. Then while everyone thinks I'm madly in love with leftism, Im out burning refugee centers, safe places, etc etc. I've fucked myself.
Being a bleeding heart doesn't help making practical changes to help the most people.
Typical Sup Forums protection. Yawn. When are you going to own up to your own failings and stop using memes to assert your influence in a giant circle-jerk echo chamber of a North Korean paper folding website? Will to power, bro, not will to cower.
There's a thing we preach here called "hiding your power level." Not our fault if you were too stupid to follow our advice. And if you must share your true feelings with normies, at least do it in a conciliatory manner, not by sperging and posting "FUCK RAPEFUGEES" all over your kikebook.
I'm not that bad, not blatantly. But it's obvious I stand against immigration. It's undoable, but not easily.
>When Europeans came to New York, didn't they have tribalist tendencies too?
yes, and aren't they pretty melted together perfectly?
well, the important thing here is the ratio, right?
how many actual criminals will there be out of a 100?
in the same vein, how effective is trump's ban?
what about the large majority of innocent muslims?
>Have fun believing that just because you met some good immigrant now you can be assured the rest of them aren't bad.
i could say the reverse about you. but i bet you haven't met many muslims of any kind. and yet you want to tell me that there is one good muslim and the REST of them are bad.
again, all about the ratios here.
europeans are gorillas. they fight until the order is established and then they accept it.
semitics are chimps. they fight no matter what.
niggers are not even human.
its not about empathy its about having hope for the future of humanity and unending conflict isnt the way.
The truth is that in this world, suffering cannot be avoided. We should not give up our happiness because others suffer. If somebody is going to suffer, it's better that it's them, and not us and our family.
This is the unfortunate truth.
Ive always been alienated. Get fucked normies so glad trump is making everyone so miserable.
Normies don't respond to banter and shitposting, only well-reasoned arguments. If the subject ever comes up again, just give logical reasons as to why you're against mass immigration.
It was unproductive so I sold it to a jew
Why are you here?
Empathy is an emotional appeal, and a good distance from reason.
this thread's use of words is really triggering me
Empathy: understanding how other people feel.
Compassion: acting to help someone else in a distressing situation.
Sympathy(as feeling)/Compassion: having an emotional response to someone else in a distressing situation.
Sympathy(as display)/Virtue Signaling: displaying an emotional response to someone else in a distressing situation.
I have empathy but I'm also a realist. Can't support literally every single human and still have a functioning society.
For example I do feel bad for the middle easterners who are just normal people trying to live their lives but all these warring factions keep fucking everything up constantly so it's impossible to just live in peace.
However that doesn't mean I welcome them here or anywhere in Europe. Why should we get fucked up culturally and economically because Syria is currently in a bad place. It's not our problem. I hope they can eventually sort it out but that's it.
I mean if you take the "these people are suffering so we NEED to help the no matter the consequeces" mindset then why isn't every well off person sending most of their money to starving people in Africa/India? Because there's a limit to how far you will shit up your own life to help those less fortunate.
Empathy, like anything else, has healthy limits
"Let us in your country or else" is well over the line
I empathize with good people. I don't with bad people. That's all.
Why should I have sympathy for those who lack empathy?
But lots of us aren't failing? I'm the spitting image of an upstanding citizen IRL.
we became aware, we see the bigger picture
>However that doesn't mean I welcome them here or anywhere in Europe. Why should we get fucked up culturally and economically because Syria is currently in a bad place. It's not our problem. I hope they can eventually sort it out but that's it.
how would welcoming in some new people "culturally and economically fuck up" Europe?
What the fuck? Normalfags don't respond to logic you mong. That's the whole reason we're in this mess. "Feels before reals" is a Sup Forumsism from as far back as I can remember.
There was a study some time ago that found that liberals are pathologically incapable of empathy beyond their immediate attention, which is why they cry for the criminal on trial and not the three innocents he murdered.
Really perturbs the noosphere
Who hurt your fee fees, OP?
I have plenty of empathy.
I feel empathetic towards mice looking for food, but that doesn't mean I want them in my house.
Same goes for refugees and my country.
Are you really asking me this question? Have you been living under a rock?
You don't pay much attention do you?
How dare you dumb liberals come over here and demand stuff from us, when you yourself are so daft and uneducated. You should shut the hell up already and stop talking about garbage. On better places we even ban you.
A little bit of A, a little bit of B. Being a turbo-autist means that you don't keep friends around for very long, and when you stop talking to people out of the blue they can get really fucking angry with you.
ah mee too! thats when i started writing webcomics and having polyamorous relationships
because it's a pitiable psychological disorder. you have sympathy for people with parkinson's or whatever so...
answering a question with a question is a diversion tactic.
also what philosophical geniuses do
Also, somewhere along the line you just have that realization that you're not special, you don't do anything particularly well, and you're just average-looking. That realization definitely made me angry and jealous of people who were good-looking or more talented then me.
Western empathy has been taken advantage of and exploited. It's gotten bad enough that it threatens our future now. We no longer have the luxury to be altruistic anymore. That's what happened to my empathy.
that's a lot of projection there user
>demanding, invasive
>banned on all other boards
Sup Forums in a nutshell
half your posts are pathologizing, why is that user?
what colour is your skin?
>inb4 white
post timestamped nipple pic
What's with plebbitors and /leftypol/ and being unable to write the first letter of a sentanced in upper case?
Like what the fuck?
Also as for your question, have you been living under a rock. Did you not hear of all the rapes, the terror attacks, the EU economy suffering because of the rapefugees?
Current situation in Europe has proven that trying to integrate masses of refugees from a completely different culture with different morals and a different religion makes everything terrible. They are a huge drain on resources and every area that is densely populated by muslims in European countries has become a terrible neighborhood with crime up the ass.
Mixing of cultures simply doesn't work except over an extremely long period of time at a slow pace (i.e. natural immigration instead of refugees).
>how would welcoming in some new people "culturally and economically fuck up" Europe?
Who's going to give jobs to all those people? Especially when most of them are barely literate in their own languages, let alone in ours? And also when millions of young europeans are unemployed themselves?
Where are they going to live? There are not enough houses to go around. Sweden has even started putting refugees in hotels and old palaces.
Who's going to give them medical care? Who's going to pay for their welfare? You think it's just easy to bring millions of people into a country and there are no social consequences? What about the crime? Crime has risen in many countries because of these refugees, and many prisons are already full.
People like you are hopelessly naive and an actual danger to our future. Stop voting or better yet, kill yourself.
I was young and niave, then I enlisted and got sent to Iraq where the worst examples of humans are, after that I said fuck people
that's just how i see pol and the people it creates.
leave my nipple out of this.
Muslims are not people. Like evangelicals.
my empathy is fine
empathy is the very reason I hate jews so much
I have selected pshycopathy, I feel nothing for anyone not a Romanian or a friend.
until you post nipple i wil assume you are projecting your own sense of inferiority to Sup Forums
Empathy and compassion are the curses put upon the White man to give the others at least a fighting chance.
Now our enemies have turned these sometimes useful tools AGAINST OUR THROATS.
No more mercy, no more empathy. Those days are gone.
Will to power starts with recognition and self awareness, cunt. Recognize that which you hate in yourself and others and then work to correct those issues.
Empathy is for degenerate animals.
>ur projecting!
lmfao you sad little nigger
i am white, jew AND asian so inferiority is not an issue here, you lowly pleb.
Stories, my sandbox friend?
Wtf same here,contrary if the rest of the world would burn tomorrow i would be fine with it.
I think it only changed in relation to nonwhites. And it was what happened in Rotherham which caused the change for me.