hi im a black girl and please answer this poll
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't date cartoons. Wtf creep?
yes, but only because i hate meeting fathers
No I make sure you hang off a tree.
Heil Hitler and his harbinger Donald Trump.
Post timestamp with face or tits first.
tits & timestamp, or gtfo
Yes we are all civic nationalists now, so we can
Just African then?
99% of the time no
unless she was one of them Uncle Toms and I had kids through white surrogates. But even at that I'd need to be really drunk
Almost did once. There aren't a whole lot though
>black girl
>wants to know if people on Sup Forums will date a black girl
good luck
I did once and it eventually turned to sex.
Black pussies are the worst thing on the fucking planet.
>inb4 some triggernigger posts dolled up pornstar
No. REAL black pussies are disgustingly black and purple on the inside.
>be civnat
>think races should breed with their own
Tits or gtfo nigger
No, as a member of politically incorrect on Sup Forums.org, I am not allowed to have any sexual pleasure unless a glistening Nubian male picks me to have sexual satisfaction with my boipussy
I don't care about race, but it's just a fact most black women are ugly. So if you get above that low standard i would probably consider it if you have the right values
>Sup Forums
Dat Fucked Up
Only if your nose holes aren't as wide as M&M's.
Yes! And I have. She was great but I moved away.
this is a shill campaign
Reference image before voting
Only the thoroughly mixed ones like Rashida Jones.
>No maybe option
You had one job
What The Fukc U Talkin Bout MNMS For? Dum Ass Racist Bitch
No because that means I'll be dealing with the following shit.
>Dealing with your shit
>Dealing with your families shit
>Dealing with your childs shit
If you looked pretty good, then no I still wouldn't. I'd give you the ol dickaroo though, assuming you don't have a disease.
Its only galvanized and emboldened trump memesters
>not 100% no
No you aren't you NSA data mining faggot fuck off
no child and im from a conservative home
and im a virgin too
I would eat her asshole out.
no you only look passable when you apply makeup and straighten your hair etc to attain closer to white features even the attractive ones are that way due to race mixing of some degree inheriting white or other genes to raise the nose forward instead of having a flatter profile, reduce hair curling etc
100% Africans girls are not attractive and potential children would never look like me
OP can't be black or female, which leaves "troll" as the remaining option.
timestamp or fuck off you larping faggot
post pics prove this
I find wide ass noses unattractive. Stay mad.
Black girls are very ugly (look like men t b h), have low IQ:s and behave like the animals they are.
just give me something pg to say on vocaroo
had the chance to do that once and i felt completely disgusted and that was when i was still a liberal.
>ooga booga where da white mens at
Op looks like this.
A lot of them do. Some can be hot, though. Especially if they're mixed.
an actual sentence that's not a joke
so do it
am i op?
my hovercraft is full of eels
holy shit checked o/ o/ o/
By date so you mean have sex with?
Yeah, if she looked like this.
Fuck no I want my kids to look like me
ethiopian here. im dating an african-american girl. I usually am not a fan of black girls because they tend to be very masculine in both appearance and mannerisms from my observations. but shes not that way at all in either respect so there are exceptions. Also, there is no way I can marry her because my family would kill me.
Are Ethiopians racist against subsaharans or is it a Muslim thing?
I don't like african flat noses. No matter how much the beauty pageants are trying to brainwash people to think blacks look good, it won't work on me.
I want the mother of my child to have high IQ, and blacks aren't the solution to that either.
We were kings and queens and whatnot.
What The Fuck You Sayin Wide Noses For Bitch? Yall Pale Asses Look Like Monkeys Look At U Russian Fags Cant Even Get A Girl Cus Ur So Ugly N Drunk Ass Dum Fags. Yall The Ones Who Hacked The Machenes And Maybe Fucking Trumps Dum Ass Win. Get The Fuck Out
I only date with the intention of ultimately marrying so no. It would be dysgenic to have children with you but, even worse, I feel that sons I'd have with you would end up identifying with what I consider to be a barbaric thug culture.
I'm not even a white nationalist or anything by the way, just a realist. I would marry and have children with an East Asian or Jewish girl although I'd be somewhat reluctant about the latter for religious reasons.
Ethiopians hate everyone.
They were the only African country not colonised by the white man so they feel like they're KANGZ.
Also one of the few African countries to have black Jews.
Rastafarians literally have worship the Ethiopian King of the 1930s.
They also have their own unique look.
You couldn't tell a Congoan, a Gabonese or a Nigerian apart but EVERYONE knows what an Ethiopian looks like.
They suck their own cock but if I shared a border with Somalia I'd feel pretty superior too.
We are racist towards subsaharans/negroid features and we are majority Christian. (though Muslims are a close 2nd).
With that being said, this applies more to older Ethiopians and elderly which are now passing away. Most diaspora ethiopian kids in America actually identify as black and assimilate into dindu culture. So it varies.
Arabs also are racist against blacks so that may be the "Muslim thing" you're thinking of.
Yeah All Yall Dum Ass White Fags Cant Get Shit Even Tho Ur Inbred As Hell SMDH LMFAOOOOO
Already dated 3 black girls one of them was for about 2 and a half years, i now prefer black girls to white women.
And a cof bin dub ho to you too sir.
I'd date almost any girl as long as they aren't black or brown.
I would totally bang Amy Holmes.
Honestly, the only black women I've been attracted to in my life are quadroons or less.
yeah this is pretty much true. But like I said, many american diaspora kids are assimilated dindus unfortunately.
I couldn't tell an Ethiopean, Eritrean or Somalian apart tbqh
Kill yourself race mixer
i've fucked 3 black girls but i wouldn't date one to be honest
What The Fuck Are U Yappin About Bitch? You Cant Even Spell Nothin LMFAO Yall Niggas Dumb As Hell Inbred Ass Crooked Teeth Bitch Ass Dum Ass Retards...
I would date & fuck a black qt.
Would not have babies with though.
did and here's the problem. the black girl keeps all these black thugs hovering around her. those she fucked and those that are wanting a shot. couldn't go anywhere without her wagging her ass for attention. Not worth it white boys
Sure. No offense, though, but I'll be keeping an eye open for insane behavior. I've heard stories.
>strawpoll has a captcha now
What the fuck
yeah there is a lot of overlap with those 3. I personally think its better to simply categorize the populations of the horn of africa as "Horners" like anthromadness' blog does.
Yall White Fags Is The Ones Killing Themselfs Cus U All Think Ur Girls LMAO I Race Mixing With Your Mama Thats How U Got Born LMFAO
Why not, at least her kids would be better off. Doesn't mean you have to raise them in today's society.
>female voice
Doesn't prove that you're a nigress.
Pics or gtfo.
of course i would date a black girl. now post your tits.
Op; you have a duty to your race. If you are intelligent you should find another intelligent(I know I know) african american.
The thing is, black people used to be much better as a community. What welfare has destroyed something slavery and jim crow could never do, destroy the black family.
Fix this, find a good black man and have a good black family. They problem ends when people like you realize what is plaguing your community and go out of your way to fix it. Wanting to jump on the white cockl boat isn't ideal for anyone here. Your mixed race children will neither be intelligent like a white man, nor will they be tall and strong like the negro. Race mixing is degenerating stock that comes with a bunch of mental and organ failure issues your child is more likely to deal with because our races don't mix as good as "they" want you to believe.
Black birds with the black, blue birds with the blue.
post arm with timestamp for full proof
You sound qt.
you sound more like an underaged guy who doesnt have hair on his balls yet
If you see anyone that looks like the three of them and you think "Oh wow she doesn't look absolutely hideous" then they aren't Somalian.
We meet again, Captain Capitals.
Go back to r/
but what about the three black kids with different daddies she got before she met white fool
Octoroon is the niggest I'm willing to go. Sorry.
t. 12 year old boy
Would bang mercilessly & cum on tits & a little bit on face, but not inside the vagine.
im not aa
do you think i care that much
im a black girl
Say what?
Oi Bruv Do Not Make Me Come Round Your End Wiv Me Mandem And Heem You I Swear On Me Mum Mate I Will Bust You Up
If she is a nubian goddess then yes. But I wouldn't impregnate her.