That's it!

That's it!

I can't stand this board anymore. Is it all satire?

This is a thread for people to post ACTUAL FACTS. Any unsubstantiated bullshit claim will be 100% ignored.

Retards and trolls GTFO.

I'll start:
Russia meddled in our election.

What else?

Other urls found in this thread: kux.pdf

>Russia meddled in our election.
>What else?
Your father meddled in your boipussy

How does this thread work when we have to ignore OP's post?

your mother didn't abort you at birth because she isn't a murderer

>wants facts
>Russia meddled in the election

Fuck off with your fake news.

Blacks have lower IQs than any other race


You're a faggot OP. FACT


weak bait

>This is a thread for people to post ACTUAL FACTS
OP is a fag

I have entered this thread specifically to PRAISE KEK FOR HIS WORD IS THE TRUTH

Where as under capitalism, you never run out of people dumb enough to exploit - because they have to be exploited or STARVE! The dumb lower class poor mother fuckers.



muslims are useless turds and need to be removed from earth

Niggers are just as intelligent, rational, considerate and thoughtful as white people

blue pilled normie op get out

You don't. The US is taking action against Russia and our entire Intelligence Community has verified these findings.

Are you insinuating that hundreds of experts are wrong? That we would take the measures we are taking based on nothing? That Russia has our best interests at heart?

The rest of you don't deserve (You) because of typical baseless shit post I am starting to (unfortunately) become accustomed to of this board.

What did kek mean with this?

The Earth is an oblate spheroid orbiting the sun.

>Russia meddled in our election
>posts facts
So troll thread?

>wants facts

Ok, I'm game.

*leans into mic*

OP wants Facts! Quick somebody give him facts about the true overlord Bogdanoff Brothers!

No source. GTFO. Like I said, verifiable facts only.

Define "useless turds".

Funny coming from someone who can do nothing but shitpost...

Actually I wonder what's being slid.

He needs some form of fast summary.

tfw Russian posters trying to influence the election trough this very board

>looks at it daily
>"no it didnt happen!!!11 :@@@"

John 18:38 - Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” After he had said this, he went back outside to the Jews and told them, “I find no guilt in him."

Why american uneducated (see 90%) of blacks are so intitled with "gangsta" culture?

Also you forgor to add "drops mic", user.
In Africa, people ain't doing shit like this

Analyze all given data smart guy.

Can you post something other than a clickbait Facebook image with no sources?

Then we can dissect the information.

In every other country where there is niggers, niggers are doing this type of shit.

There's even a term for it: Typical Nigger Behavior.

Niggers are the same the world over. Give it a rest, my little coddler.

>it's all so tiresome

In Africa niggers are necklacing each other the moment whitey pushes their society to a level that allows them to aquire tires

>Is it all satire?



I masturbate to cute 2d girls controlling my orgasms

You didn't provide any source to verify your original post


ACTUAL FACT: Donald Trump is the president of the United States of America and there's not a god damn thing you can do about it.

It is.

See this thread. 30+ replies and zero evidence.

Do you understand why certain information is classified?

Answer this with an explanation and we can proceed.

They can't distinguish what reputable sources are so they resort to posting Facebook tier infographics.

Funny, you didn't add any sources to your own claim in OP. You started it, how about to deliver first?

Nah, I means the language shit. Like f a m, nigga, etc

POWER FACT: mods don't like bog posting. I got warned for posting bog pill information.

Fucking faggot, you see libtards boogeymen becuase your mind is too small to understand the reality of the situation. kux.pdf

uhm.... earn my own money so I don't starve or be ordered to work and starve anyway because there is no more money left. hmmm....
What do I choose? What. Do. I. Choose?

kill self asap all youre getting from me sheepie boy

Read the intel reports themselves OP

Absolutely no evidence of russian meddling

No sources. Saved.

The technical data is unavailable because of classification issues, which are well warranted.

The actions of our country are enough to verify the claim's veracity. That is if you have enough of a brain to see outside of "durr obama is just mad lol".

Good. I voted for him.

It's not satire. This board is occasionally for serious discussion but mostly for degeneracy. A lot of people here don't spend their time productively, they just shitpost on Sup Forums all day while eeking out a pathetic existence. Few are educated, none exercise, and even fewer live on their own, out of their parent's house. Most, I would imagine, are pot dealers.

You believe the same people who said that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction? You shouldn't really trust any intelligence agency.

Vladislav Surkov - "For sixty years, your fathers before you and your older brothers played this game and played it well. But today the game is different. We have the advantage..."

Ok, since niggers are a nice, peace-loving species, you should send your white wife/daughter on a hiking crusade across the African continent to show what a wonderful place it is. are saying the only objective facts are presented to you through major news networks?

Breddy good bait thread!


Actual Fact: Sup Forums is the best thing Jews could ever wish for in regards to increasing hate towards the white race.

What actions is the country taking? You've provided no source still, you said yourself 'verifiable facts' yet none of your claim can be verified



I didn't said that, idiot. Their country are a mess for a reason.

I said that why they refuse to try to get out of the said mess, while being in America, by simply stopping gangsta shit and starting working? There is job there.

You tell um' Christmas.

you got no sauce faggot

>how about to deliver first?
How about official public accusation, sanctions, expulsion of Russian officials, and closing down some of their buildings?

Is that not enough for you?

Do you understand why we can't release classifies information? I suspect you do not.

No retard. I voted Trump.

Your mind is too small to see that every country (within its power) leverages every advantage it can and spies on everyone it can 24/7.

You're a cuck if you believe Russia is our friend.

Oh you mean the highly classified reports that most likely reveal our moles and monitoring of high ranking Russian governmental electronic communications?

Sure lemme just pull that up on Google right now...

-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control france with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
-They learned fluent French in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.

>I'm right, I'm right, I'm FUCKING RIGHT!!

I can literally see you crying from here.

>I said that why they refuse to try to get out of the said mess, while being in America, by simply stopping gangsta shit and starting working? There is job there.

Sorry, there's a language barrier here. You're speaking Dumbfuckenese and I can't really understand it. Carry on.

Fact 1: communists suck horse dicks, source: yo momma

Except that when whole point of socialism is to prevent the flow of money from concentrating on the hands of the upper classes and stagnating the economy. In that sense it's about returning the money into the hands of those it should have gone to in the first place.

So stealing in order to give to others, or am I missing something?

Can I be the first to say Fuck Canada ?

>What else?
Easy peasy!

- OP is a homosexual faggot.
- OP's mom sucked over 9000 dicks.


Wrong. Agreeing and verifying are two different things. One only requires mouthing off like a useless liberal and one requires investigation.

>Russia meddled in our election.



You really are uneducated about this aren't you?

Look up Operation Avarice.

This too

Also, that war was about their refusal to comply with regulations over the course of 15 years.


Who is the source for this graph?

Otherwise FB clickbait.

Get your head out of the sand.

What proof do you have? Some anonymous CIA employees, still?

IQ =/= intelligent, rational, considerate and thoughtful

IQ tests were made to make autists feel good about being around other autists

Former LSD dealer here

Nice argument.

It seems like you are the one crying like a baby t b h.

Fact: CTR was a failed internet campaign and you fags need to stop immediately

Aww shit, it think's it's people.

Yes, stealing back the purchasing power that raw capitalism takes away from them. A certain amount of the population in capitalist nations will always lack the means to avoid being exploited and payed what they would actually be owed were they in better standing, and so it's perfectly justified to account for this and provide them extra social security, in addition to this being justified by shear economic logistics.

You seriously don't buy into laissez faire for such stupid reasons do you?

Commie fuck.

Why would you say you want facts and post something that has already been deemed as Fake News?

Way to set an example by citing your claim with a reputable source. Do you know what irony is?

>2017 still shilling your Welfare-Liberalism
What makes you think you're so right? Our main has been governed by your ideology and is not doing well... To say the least.

>Russia meddled in our election.

Please post one piece of misinformation this election season that came from Russia. On e lie. One deceit.

>the pizzagate board wants proof

Lol why tho? Clearly its never stopped you retards before.

>trump in this stance
>one with trump posing a stern middle finger
>one with him aiming a gun at you

Hell I'll just go and say it. We have another mason in the House.

>Clearly its never stopped you retards before.

>It's the CIA trying to silently bury Pizzagate while pretending to be Sup Forums meme

>Same sources that verified Iraq's WMDs? Or that the Vietnamese attacked an American ship?

>Fuck off, tin foil

what is this story? quick rundown?

Nice try

>get rich because people buy products
>wait you just stole their money
