Be american

>be american
>born in iran
>get a PhD in industrial engineering
>visit family in iran to celebrate
>can't return to America because Trump

Was it rape?

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't care.

>be american
>born in iran

You contradicted yourself

Haha sandniggers btfo

Why are there so many people claiming to be Iranian on this board? I've seen at least four "Iranian-Americans" posting sob stories here.

Who gives a shit if their name comes from "Aryan", they took us hostage in the 70's and fund terrorism today.

What do American citizens of Iranian descent have to do with Iran's autocratic government?

Well, now she can go back to Iran and celebrate more with her family. What is the problem?

does she a valid visa or resident permit?

no more Iranian brain drain

If she had citizenship, they wouldn't be able to stop her.

>and fund terrorism today
No, that's CIA.

She's gonna lose all her stuff and job? Holy shit that is deep.

>be in iran
>go to germany
>then you go to US no problem

While I agree with the extreme vetting of newcomers from Muslim areas, not allowing people that have already been vetted(H1B, green card) is outrageous.

>If she had citizenship, they wouldn't be able to stop her.
This desu. Fake post, fake thread, sage.

It's both brah. They both do it.

>muslim with fucked up name
>be american

pick one

Sick of seeing the same fucking thread over and over
I really wish he had "banned" you whining mudshits

>tfw many experienced iranians will stay in Iran, so they will help their own country

We wouldn't have to deal with all this nonsense if we didn't let these people in to begin with.

>does she a valid visa

they are blocking those.

some Iraqis who translated for american troops have visas and were coming but are being blocked, even though they will be killed for their cooperation if they are identified.

Absolutely nothing. They are just virtue sigaling like the rest of the cuck faggots. My dad is Iranian. I have family in Iran but FUCK that open air police state. They deserve to get fucking embarrassed like this.

It was about god damn time.

time to give that job to a fucking white male american

No its stupidity on your part. You're an American citizen and they would not keep you from returning.

Green Card holders aren't citizens and shouldn't be treated as such.

People have to remember this.

Left has played it loose with immigration laws way too long.

Democrats had a chance for immigration reform but didn't do it. Too bad. Suck it up.

Ha ha. Get lost goat fuckers. Remember when you detained our sailors and humiliated them. We'll cunt payback is a mother fucking bitch. The great Satan has spoken.

well that's harsh

These Mexican cuties though.

Use the skills you learned in America to benefit your country, stop being jealous of our greatness and crying about it, make your country as great as ours if you like us so much. We're fucking full now, fuck off.

>7 years in the US
>didn't become naturalized

>1 exception means we should abandon borders

Isn't this a fucking good thing? She can stay there and help improve Iran.

Should've overthrown the government.

>born in iran

>Be american
>Born in Iran
They either have dual citizenship and thus are lying, naturalised as American and so aren't Iranian, or just straight up aren't American citizens.

>>If she had citizenship, they wouldn't be able to stop her.
>This desu. Fake post, fake thread, sage.

the image and story appears to be real; OP made up the shit about her being american.


OP made that part up.

This woman works at my university. I've been seeing this everywhere lately

>Be American
>Born in America
>Don't give a shit

She's probably not even an engineer. It just sounds better in the sob story

you cant give up your iranian citizenship, also they are deporting dual citizens, cause they are not allowed to enter the US as they are Iranian citizens as well

>be american
>born in iran

>Left has played it loose with immigration laws way too long.
this is the biggest problem and is the ultimate cause for why there are so many people freaking the fuck out right now. people honestly now are starting to not believe in borders/citizenship so when a president actually enforces the law they think its literal fascism.
They don't understand that the president has these powers EXPLICITLY spelled out in the constitution.

>Complain about being deported for not having citizenship.

OP made up the american part.

7 years in america and not a citizen, she did this to herself.

>also they are deporting dual citizens
Except they literally aren't.

I am also Iranian american in Dominican republic can't get home. I'm a taxi driver trained as neurosurgeon.

Fuck yes. This is exactly what I wanted.If you're any shade lighter than ivory or cream, you have to go back, and stay back.

KEK you cannot be deported from the US if you were not in the US.

in what kind of shithole can you gain citizenship in 7 years?

It is fascism. Our government has always maintained a level of fascism, ensuring that the bonds of the nation are not destroyed. Until 1965, fascism was fantastic for America.

Hmm, I thought it was just Britain that shafted the local translators.

>it's almost like people forgot about that mudslime who did the car/knife attack on campus just recently...he was a student, too

Citizenship should be exclusively a birthright, passed down from father to child, or obtained by genetic test meeting certain requirements (i.e. white, northwest european for America)

>Was it rape?

Only if you keep bitching about it, princess.

>not american
>can go fuck herself

so you would say Trump should not have it ?


When will these people realise that if they don't want a blanket ban on entry, they should propose a solution that accurately distinguishes those who are terrorists or will become terrorists from those who aren't.

Oh that's right, you can't because you're not a fucking mind reader.

Yes, some people who are entirely innocent will be affected, it won't be fair on them, but instead of blaming Trump for enforcing the law and protecting his people, maybe they should blame the fucking terrorists who are ruining it for the rest of them

None of these middle eastern countries pull their weight when it comes to dealing with exportation of terrorism. They don't lift a fucking finger if the terrorists are leaving their countries to attack the west, only if they attack their government do these countries actually do something.

Trump should enforce a substantial fine on each of these countries for every time one of their terrorists commits a successful attack in a western country, see how quick they crack down on it.

hmm, likes doggo


ius sanguis was the norm for a long time. citizenship is the highest award a nation can award to an outsider, basically accept someone foreign as their own.
now you just need to hang around in some country for a while and that's it.

>Excited to go to Tehran


Either she's a lying cunt or rich as fuck daughter of oil sheik.

I am betting the latter, cause I bet you're either flying private jet or paying an arm and a leg for a trip there.

>on wednesday we started hearing about the orders.


bitch, you knew about this, for a YEAR, maybe LONGER.

It wasn't just like last wednesday.

Boo fucking hoo Trump did what he said he was going to do a YEAR ago.

get your head out of your ass, and put it in the oven, it's muslim barbecue time.

Could have waited a few months maybe less. Now you look anti Trump and are retweeting liberal bullshit. Congrats on being denied when the paper pushers get back to work. Fucking dumb liberals.

>let's ignore centuries of globalist abuse because it fits my narrative

>Under Trump's order, it had appeared that an untold number of foreign-born U.S. residents now traveling outside the U.S. could be stuck overseas for at least 90 days even though they held permanent residency "green cards" or other visas. However, an official with the DHS said Saturday night that no green-card holders from the seven countries cited in Trump's order had been prevented from entering the U.S


don't mean all of them are phds

It's possible in America. If you gain lawful permanent residency you can become naturalized after five years of residency. It's likely that she hasn't lived in the US long enough to gain citizenship if she only lived here 7 years, but maybe she's just stupid

look at me not reading or give a shit

feels good mane

or you are born in the US.

>visit family in iran

I'm sure they'll love having him around.

You'll care when the left gets power again and makes you pay for supporting this heinous injustice.

>be american
>born in iran

American Citizen, American National, and American Resident are all different things, aren't they?

Seems like they may have been confusing it intentionally

Got a source?

I think that law was never intended for migrants to leech citizenship but for slaves

That's when I start my insurgency then.

I think so, and in her post up there and the articles I googled I haven't seen any mention of her status.

>supporting this heinous injustice.
How is this a "heinous injustice?" Iranians literally have a death to America day. Fuck em.

sounds like fucking bullshit to me m8


maybe she should help engineer iran some bridges schools and hospitals instead of running away from her homeland to play at civilization in america

Listen, that person was in America legally. They never got notice that their status will be revoked for whatever reason. They can't even get their belongings out. Miserable. I'm all for deportations but not without taking your pets ffs. Not over the span of your holiday travel. Messy. And I consider myself quite the fascist, but that's just indecent.

white people doing anything in 2017

Deporting is one thing and I actually support it, but what happened here was a bitch move. Send them a notice: You will be deported in Americans 30 days. Take your stuff and get out.

>phd in industrial engineering
>place you work at can't get your ass an h1b
I'm calling bullshit right now.

Sounds like she really likes Iran! I'll take care of her doggo. Good riddance.

I think the reaction to this was quite small with all regards. I'm fine with it being done this way if my only criticism would be that other countries can use "humanitarian concern" to try and get uppity with us.

Muslims out

Who cares? Trump said he was going to do this when the primaries will still happening. This wasn't a surprise for anyone except idiots.

One less non-white. Good.


>Send them a notice: You will be deported in Americans 30 days.
Fuck that noise. Just kick them out, no notice, just gone.

>probably muslim
>has a dog


Rekt...kek things like these make my day.

Industrial engineering is not a real engineering degree.

>be american
>born in iran
