Is it right Sup Forums? Are we monsters?

Is it right Sup Forums? Are we monsters?

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every group has practised slavery

Muslims held more slaves than whites ever did, they also castrated them and tortured them without end

>slavery abolished 150+ years ago in every western nation
>muslims do monthly truck attacks

in fact the slave trade was started by the arabs decades before we even brought slavery into the European world.

Have Muslims not done anything wrong in the last 150 years?

Islamic terrorism and demographic invasion is happening now and slavery isn't?

Muslim countries still practice slavery.

Also, Browns didn't not practice slavery for moral reasons, but because they were too super and poor to build anything.

By that logic, most of the German population shouldn't be held accountable for what happened decades ago.

Of course they have, but we make the whole race pay for it while white people don't need to answer for slavery.

Yeah. We keep saying we had nothing to do with slavery and they still hold it against us anyway.

Big fucking shock that we aren't being very kind to them in return now.

I hate Mudshits because they're an ugly alien race
Not any more complicated than that

You don't learn about this in school

not to be rude, but. few attacks every year/middle east a mess. slavery nothing in 200 years.

You'd have to be grandmas grandma to have lived a day of slavery in America or most of the western world. You just have to watch the news once a week to see something about Muslim terror in the west.

We ended slavery. Islam still exists today.

100+ million gun owners are made to answer for the actions of less than 10000 gangbangers and irresponsible parents each year too. Why is nobody in an uproar over that?

Present day nigger benefits from slavery as much as the white

When exactly are muslims "made to answer" for the actions of other muslims? Limiting entry to your country during a war isn't exactly about pinning blame.

Why don't muslims answer for slavery?

Lol filthy muslims had more slaves than we did. And Islam still exsists

The old win-all-end-all argument of "white (America) was slave owners", as ridiculous as self-aware automated pyramids stacking themselves in KANG-cian times.


This whole thread is invalid. Slavery and human trafficking still exists, just like suicide attacks.

>Apologize for something living Whites have never done.
>Apologize for Muslim attacks today.

Meanwhile Muslims are cancer and they could literally do nothing but practise their faith and they would till need purging.

Muslims had way more slaves than anyone else

Turns out niggers are the largest slave owners now and ever.

>slavery was more than 150 years ago
>pulse was less than 6 months ago

There's not a single slave owner or former slave owner alive. There are a shit ton of muslim terrorists alive.

Thanks for reminding me Jap.

Muslims need to answer for slavery too.

Anyway, White Americans abolished slavery over a hundred years ago.

Muslims are STILL Muslim.

I don't see any slave owner now opposed to terrorism.

Why exactly are Muslim Americans made to answer with stricter visa requirements? Trump hasn't done anything to them.

"Politics" is entirely playground reasoning nowadays. Girls are better than boys. Why does he get X if I don't get X? etc. You have to be a literal retard to get involved.

>implying white people didn't end slavery

Coming from Russia, I wouldn't be so sure about that.

What is with false equivalency popping up during the Trump election and then becoming a staple of post-election "gotcha" style argumentation.

Terrorist Attacks + Sharia Law etc =/= Legalized Slave Labor

Besides, the Muslims were still practicing slavery up until color television. Muslims aren't stupid, but they do recognize the only way they're going to make any meaningful inroads is through constant critique and ridicule, until they offer the answer to all our misgivings: Islam.


Are you seriously implying blacks don't use the slavery card to this day?

because white people are just about to re-start slavery any minute now.

>comparing a belief system to genetics


> mudslime : a set of belief systems
> white : a race

not a very strong equivalence ahmed. slavery didnt happen in the name of whiteness, even if whites (also) engaged in it. and where the drivers in abolishing it of course. a trend which the muslim world has withstood the longest of all

I hope so

Becuase of that rare flag my dude

Shouldn't muslim too?

Should say - bring up slavery to white american & it's "we ended that ourseves with a bloody fucking war on our own soil."

This. Saudi Arabia still practices slavery. Saudi Arabia is the monolithic head of sunni Islam. Therefore, all sunnis are culpable in ongoing African slavery.

Not what I mean. Lots of human trafficking in Russia. Probably same way in many other shitholes. All I see here is burgers judging the whole world from their perspective, but they're not the only "whites".
Besides, why exactly do you want to differentiate between a serf and a slave?

well said, we already paid for that shit

Imagine if slavery still existed in the US, and all the "abolitionists" did was say "Wow, not Americans own slaves you know."

Mate Romans were a slave society. EVERY society I've ever studied had slavery at some point.

Some of it was peasantry slavery, some of it was chattel slavery, some of it was indentured servitude. But if its a human being I guarantee you its ancestors had slavery at some point.

Americans are the devil.
You won't Blanda Upp fast enough.

Fuck him, we don't have to answer to him.

It's as simple as that. You don't have to answer to anything. Fuck them. They are the enemy. We can do and say as we please, and we apologize for nothing. We are not in this life to explain ourselves to our enemies and our others.

>Muslims must account for their actions today
>Whites must account for their actions over 150 years ago
Really Jimmies the Neutrons

>Are we monsters?
no, but i'll pretend to be one if it makes muslim faggots leave

Condemning 'moderate' Muslims for condoning the actions of 'extremist' Muslims is not comparable to condemning whites for slaves that their ancestors may or may not have owned over 150 years ago.

My ancestors fought in the Union Army to free the slaves for fuck's sake so, yes, I did have "nothing to do with [owning slaves]". I'd like to see these faggots go over to the ME and harass Arabs over their history of slavery instead, watch them get beheaded.

Blacks did more to keep the slave trade going than whites. Next stupid question?

Serfs weren't slaves.

So what, whites enslaved weaker races? What's wrong with that? fucking liberal logic.

because no one except for fucking Africans condone slavery. Anyone got the infographic showing the """""Moderate""""" side of muslims?

Thanks brazil
False equivalency is the lefts modus operandi

Except that slavery ended many many years ago, it's still a big thing in Muslim countries, however.


I don't recall white Americans CHOOSING to be white Americans, unlike Muslim filth.
I mean, if people could choose a race they'd be black Canadians.

All humans were slaves at a certain point.
White man abolished it, muslim still keep doing it.
So why is it the white man's fault?

What race?

Every race owned and traded slaves, but Europeans ended it.

You're welcome nig nogs.


If Muslims not a race, whats their race?


>white people abolished slavery
>muslims still practice slavery today
>white people must answer for slavery

I hate this world

this shows how retarded these people actually are. From the fact that we don't read books that tell us to enslave people, and that muslims are the ones responsible for starting the african slave trade, you could go on and on, but these retards only look at themselves as some sort of victim.

Is this "country" named after some 60s rock band?

The arab slave trade started n 650. ONE THOUSAND YEARS before the western one.
That's a lot of decades.

They still do.

No, you're rural and suburban retards.

Whatever their race actually is. Arabs are not Indonesians.

When whites do crime other whites judge and punish them, when Muslim does a crime against secular law other Muslims don't do shit and pretend sorrow so they don't lose gibs, if they're in no danger of losing gibs they even celebrate.

and we abolished it

there is literally nothing to complain about


Saudi Arabia and the gulf states still have slaves they just don't call them slaves

Muslim ideology and principles set out in the Quran make it a religion to be spread- this is very often through force. Islam does not go alongside western ideals of freedom and liberty.

Slavery happened 200 years ago, and is a practice utilized by every major world group in history going back thousands of years.

The comparison is non-existent.

Muslims really can't commit any crimes against Christians because of Sharia.

Mauritania still calls 'em slaves.

Bullshit..this whole racism debate in the u.s is completely build around the slavery stuff.
If they had picked their cotton themselve back then the blacks would have no arguments at all..i mean...nobody would care like when a saudi threats a paki bad or so..this whole bullshit that is going on is just because some whites decided to side with them over this shit.
Go to saudi arabia as a somali and tell them you are pissed and you want money and be accepted as equal because they used people you are not even related to where used as slaves 200years ago.
Look what they tell you :D

Slavery ended. White Americans ended it.
Islamic terrorism is a cancer still plaguing this world.

we don't have to justify why to exclude you

you need to justify why to include you.

>"That's not true slavery"


Whites brought it to an end.

Slavery isn't an inherent part of being white, white people aren't born thinking "time to put those niggers in chains".
Hell, my family moved to the US 60 years after slavery was abolished.

However islam has tenants that fuck over civil rights and women, and encourage suicidal acts.

This plus slavery ended long ago while muslims are still bombing stuffs and beheading people

>happen to be born as same shade of people who did something hundreds of years ago
>belief system you belong to by your own will

I hate this retarded argument. The whole "argument" falls apart when you acknowledge that muslim is not a race.

Why are you mad?

the difference is that slavery isnt a relevant term in western countries
its not even relevant to the times.
this shit is as far flung as the standing ovation/superbowl quote from trump

The majority of people owning slaves in the US were rich Jews. Only 1.2% of the population held slaves as opposed to Muslim states who still hold them today.


you wouldn't be a faggot if you didn't /thread yourself


>inb4 hur i am was just pretending to be retarded dur

So then Muslims should answer for all Muslims since he thinks we did have something to do with slavery

You choose to participate in islam, but don't choose being white

>every group had slaver
>comparing against something that happens frequently vs somethat that happened in the past and is no longer practiced

Good job. Very convincing argument. I guess I'm converted.