Is Sup Forums white?
Is Sup Forums white?
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Sup Forums is satire
i used to think so even pol is being destroyed by immgration no were is safe
Mixed - cumskins, shitskins, piss-skins and burnedskins
Whites, and sympathetic conservative allies of whites, who most of us consider friends and honorary.
If you watched the HWNDU stream so far you'd see Sup Forums has been largely friendly and open to the non-whites who showed up to support us. The favorite, Jihadi Jesus, is, I think Arab?... and to see the posts on Sup Forums you'd think we despise Arabs wholesale.
It's not that simple. It's more that we don't want to see ancient lands and cultures erased, firstly our own, but I'd like to think many agree that that extends to most places and peoples.
It's mainly just hostile enemies and leftists that we hate, and anyone who would actively do anything to dissolve our identity and history.
True, but most here are very committed role-players.
no one is trying to be a nazi here
most of pol are disillusioned liberals
most of us are levelheaded and dont sperg out in public about MUH NIGGERS MUH JEWS
Wait...are you saying there are people here who don't understand its all a meme ?
It's post-ironic. We are simultaneously "nazi" and any number of other things and at the same time not, and can just as readily be down with a good black guy or whomever. Just watch Sup Forums 's responses to the HWNDU. We'll blast old Nazi tunes one minute and then praise some Arab or black guy then next and wish them the best.
Things are much more complicated than people try to define them.
That 14/88 dude with the cap looks white. The rest don't.
pretty much this
and for the keks
Yes goyim, it's a roleplay. Don't be racist! We actually make fun of racists
Sad af.. Then again, it's America we're talking about here, of course they would be mongrels
The only white person is the bottom center with the glasses. You must be a non white in denial yourself lol
Not in New York City it ain't. Nothing is.
it's new york, all the whites are too cucked to go on
I'm Hispanic.
most of pol are not white
We are real human beings.
And a real hero
You're just frustrated, autistic pussies. That's all there is to it.
If you have brown eyes you are by default not white
Same, I've been trolling and shitposting here for years and these faggots always fall for my posts and give me tons of (you)s.
Is Jew York white?
>We are simultaneously "nazi" and any number of other things and at the same time not, and can just as readily be down with a good black guy or whomever.
hola reddit
I don't know they both look pretty white to me mate.
I know your meming but that's bullshit. Me and two of my brothers have blue eyes, the other has brown.
>Sup Forums is satire
German Turk here, me and my Germbros will have to agree with me that we are in fact white.
How do americans manage to not be white in such large quantities even on Sup Forums?
Also, how do they delude themselves into thinking they are white?
Is America?
White is not a colour of skin, but a state of mind.
You sound like you have an enviable life
If you think the top left guy is white then...just eh? am I in the right fucking place? I don't come to Sup Forums too often but maybe this stream tells the truth. You're all a bunch of fucking beaners and chinks in denial.
that'd be convenient for you, wouldn't it?
I'm just a conservative with a sick sense of humor who likes to cause problems and get a rise out of people. I also really hate liberal sjws
>most of us are levelheaded and dont sperg out in public about MUH NIGGERS MUH JEWS
Did you not see any of HWNDU?
I'm of tatar descent therefore I'm white.
90% of Sup Forums is spic it's a fact. Being redpilled means you are probably a poor spic that can't afford the more entertaining luxuries than shitposting anonymously.
Ivan, you're drunk again.
Yeah sure, satire
Maybe it just goes to show we're not as racist as the leftists think we are.
I look like I could be an SS officer.
I have unnervingly piercing blue eyes and dark hair.
I look more like a nazi than most far-right people I see in the EDL and all that who can't even dress well and have double digit IQs.
But I am a leftist, fuck you nazi scum.
Sup Forums strength is its diversity
You mean the daily threads about gravure models and JAV actresses?
stfu you gook
this stream ruined Sup Forums for me. I already have enough subhumans around me and Sup Forums was muh safe space BUT NO
> that Shadila in the background
Puerto Rico for US Statehood, when?
why are you so intent on shilling this? yeah Sup Forums is not 100% serious neo-nazi or w/e but it isn't "satire" either. like yeah you have sjws in all aspects of life fucking shit up and Sup Forums is actually a bunch of liberals mocking stormfront. stop being retarded.
only 63%
dont talk shit you putrid cockroach
Depends on who's posting. There's a lot of shitskins here who need to get told off.
However, you can't take your dindu videowall thing there and equate it to Sup Forums.
>Implying National Socialism only goes for the white race
>Implying National Socialism isn't for all races and all nations
Not even gonna give you a (you) for this type of degenerate retardism OP
Sup Forums has never been white its mostly jews
"us" being recent reddit transplants in this case
The majority of Sup Forums posters are americans.
The majority of americans are non-white.
Therefore Sup Forums is not white.
Turks thinking they are white hahaha
that's what i've been trying to say. some retards on here take everything on here too seriously.
Sup Forums has always had a large contingent of various kinds of Muslims, Indians, Mestizos, and other non-whties all united by their hatred for my (Jewish) people.
It was never entirely white.
it would be so easy for someone to masquerade as shia. any redpilled actors out there?
>tfw you realize you're one of the few real white people on Sup Forums
>That red bandana furry is a representative of /ourguys/
Am I the only 6'4 white guy here?
Americans aren't white.
Sup Forums IS white tho
probably since you're abnormally tall
Is the left really so awful that all these people actually find more joy and hope in Sup Forums's insanity?
>well put
thats one the main diffrence between haiti and the Dominican Republic
this, Hitler taught all nations and the entire world.
Hitler was not an enemy of the world.
dude praise kek hahahah fuking libKEKs peepee frog magic
there is no insanity other than the insane Jews trying to lead an insanity for a global truth, moral, and justice.
yeah pol loves all kawaii women regardless of race, faith an even gender
kys akhmed
chinky ching chong ping pong egg roll?
>literally didn't watch HWNDU
there were spergs talking about the holohoax, calling people dindus, chimps and coalburners, actually saying 1488 like retards. The majority of pol was an embarrassment
Yeah for every race and nation BUT in their own countries/continents
I don't remember germany being multikulti
How is that white?
Those eyebrows, olive-ish skin, black hair
I'm semi blond, green eyed and white you retard
whatever I'm gonna find another board that's not infested with gooks and brown people
tfw anglo sends people to praise kek to try to subvert pol, but they end up just praising kek
fuck off muhamod
ummmmmm r*cist much?
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a board for white people. If you're not white, you don't belong here. not even unironically. You're worthless subhuman trash.
>Sup Forums is one person
Also genuine nazis are usually the autistic and anti social people nowadays so I'm not surprised that they're too beta to show their face, which is a good thing for them because their life would be completely destroyed if they did.
calm down mehmett
do you have no dignity licking up the boots of pol roleplayers? hahaha fucking htird worlders
Exactly. Those here who think that this jewry does any good are wrong. This is what Hitler fought againt. All races can embrace National Socialism, and should do so before international jewry destroys their race. Only lefties with no knowledge of National Socialism can come with so utterly stupid claims that you have to be white to support National Socialism, thus your own race
I identify as a humanoid reptile.
>inb4 fuck off otherkin
First time I opened the stream some girl went up to the camera and said he will nut inside us, may be pol
i like it, it's nice satire
Said the racist liberal
nothing wrong with judaism you fucking antisemitic piece of SHIT
I'd argue I'm white.
I think the fact that the he will nazify us shit is in NYC is what skews the demographic to being all brown/questionable desu.
Make me.
I never said National Socialism is multicultural. It is the preservation of every race, of every nation. National Socialism was ment for the world, not Germans alone. 1 land for 1 folk.. Somalia for negroes, Mexico for hispanics, Germany for germanic etc
Nah "nothing at all"
*put drumpf hat to avoid the gov's mind control*
psssht let me tell you a secret: you think the jews are bad? wait till you hear about the reptilian people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
toothpaste mudslime population 5% your flag will be green soon
I say this unironically and with full conviction.
Sup Forums is the most diverse forum to have ever existed.
>Is Sup Forums white?
We are humans also check my sick dub s.
>tfw they're have there 1 niggnog, 2 asian cunts and numerous amount of beaners and only 2 somewhat whites
>it's LITERALLY alt-right US ((whites))
>less than 50%