post uppity negroes to redpill newfags.
inb4: butthurt mods
/nht/-nigger hate thread /first edition/
>putting up your middle finger as if you're scratching your head
What's the point of an insult if someone might not notice?
What happened to him after that? Does anyone have the full video?
Mods better not be removing these threads
it just cuts off after she pushes her off because the camera wings around and niggers are incompetent with technology
shit man, she propably wanted to showhim that booty, cause she fancied him. she didn't realise that, he's a fucking faggot
>at work with a seemingly chill nerdy type black dude
>start talking to him and eventually discussion comes to racism
>Talk about victim mentality amongst various racial groups, lgbt, SJW, and how I think it hurts them more than it helps them
>guy gets triggered as fuck and blurts out that white people should suffer
>always laughs harder when it's a white person getting insulted or joked at
Stopped talking to him. Guy is racist as fuck
>new job
>black dude is into vidya and such, sort of talk to him about it, but keep my distance mostly
>thinks i'm his friend now and sits next to me and goes on break when I do
>casually makes jokes about white people
>gives me some fries he got for free with his kebab
>jokes that I'm a white guy that takes food from a black guy
wtf m8
the person in the hoodie is female
mfw the only reason they're born is because you cant pay for an abortion with food stamps.
i imagine lots of sheboon screeching and racist insults toward whitey
She get arrested?
not sure
this is the reason we make these threads around blacks never relax
How'd they know it was those guys? Obviously niggers but that article acts like they weren't caught at the time of the publishing.
Yeesh. I hate kids, and even still this made me wicked uncomfortable.
Sup Forums in one webm
>wow look at this based black guy in a trump hat
I don't know about the Netherlands, but over here the most racists fucks in this country are black people.
>I hate kids
Good goy, hate children! Never breed!
I hope you neck yourself when you turn 50. No one is going to look after you anyway.
Hmmmmm...... really fires up those neurons.
All those missing ceiling tiles are a nice touch.
what is this?
these fucking jungle niggers need to be hung
these niggers are the worst of the worst
they call everything RACIST
I believe the father beat her up and then called the police. Was in Uganda I think.
Why is it on camera that's why I never understand I understand them being subhuman but don't they understand cameras men someone else will see a bad thing when it's done?
The father dragged her into the basement and beat her with a fucking 2x4. There is a video of that out there somewhere. The case was dragged through the courts, she was charged, he was not. Goodtimes.
The father set up a hidden nanny-cam. She didn't know it was there.
The (((Media)))
that's the thing. niggers are almost incapable of seeing their actions as wrong with out someone telling them first. it's like they don't even have souls
And here I thought that was gingers.
Pls be fake
Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism... Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes. It is a barnyard or stock-farm version of collectivism, appropriate to a mentality that differentiates between various breeds of animals, but not between animals and men.
OMG they guy in the back is the jew one who had the white men against trump and he admite he wasn't white,I love how this new insight of him being the voice in the back and how lost the woman is without his jewish puppet(afraid to intervine because he doesn't want to face black. ..a aaaahhhh It's poetry!)
wain a minute
g n
i i
n g
g g
e e
r r
s s
holy shit
I wonder how she voted. Also: Wtf is this?
its a wax statue from the same Kanye video that the supposed Trump sex tape was from
Jungle? That one looks rich as fuck. Not ghetto
>don't they understand cameras men someone else will see a bad thing when it's done?
>implying they can think this far ahead into the future
My sides
tahrir square journalist raped
backstory pls
All they do is dance and break the law. Why are civilized people still trying to educate them and integrate them into society?
Hasn't enough evidence been gathered that proves Negroes are beyond redemption?
Well I'll be damned.
What a FUCKing racist asshole. Look at a humble African-american gentlemen like suspect a robbery or smth.
t h i c c
So is that a rape or an average night in Germany?
Asking for a friend.
Too drunk
Jesus Christ.
new york metro prbbly drug addict
>rich as fuck
he looks like he got everything from goodwill like the poor nigger that he is
We need more of this
Every single one of those niggers were deliberately antagonizing that one girl with their nigger antics. That was the entire point.
Watch it again if you have to.
Well, that guy's gone for life. At least there's that. Although, why the fuck he was out and about in the first place is kind of fucked up. Something like 18 prior felony convictions or some such absurd bullshit.
He didn't really need to start running until he got to the door.
That's hot
I miss these threads
>when you're about to drop the hottest mixtape of a 2017
Any Rand was silly and the things she said were silly
Halfway through the dump lads
Kanye West video.
Well then that machine clearly outperformed it's purpose...
please i cannot be the only one that recognises the jewish guy who got called out holding the white man against trump it's like poetry to see him manipulating a white woman to come along
Theyre such cowardly animals. Proud negress gets put in her place so her herd comes to bravely punch whitey in the back of the head.
fucking this
niggers love BBQ
so much that they want to BE BBQ, and sometimes even a niggers dreams come true.
Btfo lol
>wax statue
If she had a gun it wouldve been over in two seconds
Kek 100
100th for fuck niggers
This is my favorite one.
1 in 5 anons suffer from dyslexia