So how what did you get Sup Forums?
So how what did you get Sup Forums?
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Smart enough to succeed in anything. Stupid enough to drink beer instead.
The test tells me ENTJ but a psychology student I know tells me I'm ISFJ
>soulless puppetmaster tries to fool his peers
Can confirm.
entj forever
Master race intp-t reporting in
>tfw despise commies anwyway
got INTP, I usually just flip flop between that or ENTP
ENTJ seems like the objective master race, too bad I'm too socially retarded and introverted to be it.
>Good at talking; less so at thinking
who made this chart
that's literally the exact opposite of what INTJ is
>Good at talking, bad at thinking
i think this is the most common type on Sup Forums
almost every fail-man thinks they could've achieved everything if they weren't lazy kek
let me guess, your teaches always said you were talented but not hard-working enough
>believing pseudo intellectual hogwash that was created by 2 bored housewives
taking this test is like believing in horoscopes and tarot cards
Who /infj/ master race here?
>Are you introverted?
>You are introverted.
>Smart enough to succeed in anything
lol. sure.
Mature INTJs tend to choose their words with great care in order to achieve maximum effect. They're great at zeroing in to a certain strategy very fast, but that ability comes at the cost of ignoring other potentially better choices and outcomes
Pretty much. It's not that I'm lazy though, I just have no interest in success. When I have a clear goal I want to achieve I become a powerhouse.
ENTP-A here. Jealous of my sweg?
Your argument has nothing to do with the inability to think.
>how do I datamine myself.
u mad, autists?
im ENTP and ENFP
i am rapaheal
master of feeling and thinking
Not sure if that's good or bad.
muslim INTP reporting in.
> Really do enjoy masturbation more than sex
> Enjoy going to BDSM parties to mentally and physically torture toasties
> how_did_they_know.jpg
>needing someone/thing to tell you what you already now.
gullible idiots
Success is just a matter of time and effort. Beyond a certain point intelligence and talent mean very little and won't offer much additional benefit.
You're right, I wasn't exactly trying to counter your views.
I got ESTP
If I am it's not intentional
I'm not that extrovert tho.
ESTP Masterrace reporting in. I've never bought into the degeneracy meme on this board, so it's pretty accurate.
Wow, I actually am ISFJ and I am a national socialist.
ENTP is the perfect Sup Forums personality
Everyone else get the fuck back to tumblr
Im an extrovert, but Im too autistic to be a good one.
Daily reminder that F is trash
INTP-T masterace
you probably have no idea why your girlfriend is mad at you
Who cares what women think
Feels like one eternal skydive
Don't be sad, INTJ is one of the best types.
how interesting desu
ISTJ master race reporting in all other personally type are untermensch
Entj master master race here.
INTJ. Finding a INTJ qt is the same as trying to find the jew behind everything. You know it exists and have some leads but you never see or can reach one.
Kind of agree.
NF's are the shitty onjhes. They're usually SJW's and other forms of Libtartds.
The rest of the F's are fine.
My girl would be an F in a 'cute' way. F doesn't mean she's holding up placards to welcome syrian refugees from nigeria
thats not me ..or?
just fuck my shit up lads
>INTP, the smart enough folk to see they are wasting their time but keep doing it any way
What can save us ?
INFP here
> tfw super duper commie
ENFP, bros. But I'm an animator, and Disney was an ENFP. I will use my personality for good.
ESTJ masterrace reporting in
the need for change ... having an existential crisis - be it war, aliens or some other outstanding shit
Is it autism?
surely we are the most common on Sup Forums
infp :(
10/10 bait
It used to be almost exclusively INTP with the occasional INTJ. Hivemind used to not be a meme.
Also this
>Fidel Castro, Muammar Gaddafi, Hugo Chavez
Superior test incoming:
ENTP checking in...the real master race. OP pic fails to mention the most important ENTP there is: Jesus Christ. Come at me faggots
INTP is the philosopher, or lawyer
If necessity were to arise and enough people started asking for practical help we'd probably do something, maybe
Otherwise we'd be doing nothing and finding ways to justify it
What's the problem? You're probably a talented writer, unless you're an idiot. Most infps are. Spread the Good News
ENTPs are just ENTJs in action
Define nothing - Sargon, Molyneaux, etc. basically just INTP all day, but record it and get paid. And spread their respective messages
Kek, i was going to say INFP before i did the test.
I got it right.
Well it's not the first time i do the test but the result is allways the same.
ENTJ reporting in
Nothing actually tangible
Just fluff amd ideals, especially the ones for other dissenting INTP to argue against and spend years doing so you can milk years of meaningless diatribe
They do the equivalent of Sup Forums discussion, embellish it and sell it
And I just do it here, because I like it, my convictions are firm but I love arguing with strangers and especially having other people argue for me
What's the difference betwen a INTP-A and a INTP-T?
It's whether you're assertive or turbulent.
IE, how emotionably stable you are.
I am INFP. But the added -T at the end too. Super accurate, even if this is psuedo intellectual, I am definitely this type. My best friend is the exact opposite we get along so well it's nuts.
>get ESFP
>look at chart
>tfw katy perry
kill me pls I promise I'm not an mkultra victim like her