He's right, you know...
He's right, you know
>He's right, you know...
An excellent example is the election of Trump and the turning of the tide in the EU
Wrong. Clime change is a hoax perpetuated by the chinese so they can invest in renewable energy on discount.
>the planet will turn on us
What is this? Final Fantasy 7?
That fucker needs to paint himself blue and return to his Avatar fantasy.
Sup Forums knows better than 97% of scientists who dedicate their lives to studying the planet
>That Earth has ever been nice to us
>That she hasnt been trying to kill us since we crawled out of the ocean
>Now that we are winning we're supposed to go easy on her?
The planet has been a massive cunt, throwing a hissyfit for trillions of years before it calmed down and allowed for complex life to form.
Fuck you earth I could be in another dimension right now but instead I'm stuck shitposting on a indonesian basket weaving forum.
the planet rotates it's always spinning stupid fuck
How do you push a sphere to the edge and make it turn?
Earth is constantly rotating and has been for millions of years. Checkmate.
Let's be honest now, thousands of species are going extinct every year, oceans are acidifying, africa and south america are being deforested, glaciers melting, great reaf is 80% bleached.
Saying stupid shit like "climate change isn't real, humans din dun nuffin" is ignoring the very real problem.
there are no planets sci-fi fuckboi, and the "earth" is FLAT - with firmament dome - kinda like your moronic dome head you harbor that pea sized brain in
found the special needs kid
i personally think our planets now an ever burning shit hole since we've pretty much torn it for everything it has
i can see a major crisis involving the planets condition coming that will have no solution
>1 post by this ID
i love this meme
>Sup Forums knows better than 97% of 79 climate change activists
Yeah, u dome head xxddDDDdxx
every goddamn time