Sup Forums will try to defend this.
Sup Forums will try to defend this
Kill yourself.
Well not *everyone* deserves to be an elite...some ppl were created to die for the priveledged
Niggers aren't even human
really makes me think.
Did you upload the wrong picture?
Sup Forums doesn't support coal burning.
Only the Canadian ones. They condone bestiality. Also sage.
Useless whore fucking a usless farm equipment. I don't see the problem.
If she's looking for money in this purse she's gonna be disappointed
what makes u think u deserve a woman time i see u faggots bitching about black men taking your women is that your excuse
What is this supposed to mean ? Shallow bitches enjoy the exotic and fun part of a relationship with an africa guy, while not caring about the actual plight his people might suffer ?
If that's the case it's actually pretty spot-on, you can bet your ass girls would sooner die alone than actually commit and marry one of those guys
Also, 1 post by this ID motherfucker
why are blacks so damn ugly?
Defend what? I don't know what the picture is even saying.
Why does a good chunk of Sup Forums even care what white women do honestly? The majority of them are worthless to begin with and the well educated or extremely attractive ones will have absolutely no interest in you anyway unless you are equally educated or incredibly wealthy. I'd rather go with a conservative slav, latina or asian honestly.
How insecure do you have to be to make an image like this?
do you have the hand template f4m?
Just checking myself really quickly.
Like in the devils advocate way?
She uhh, she wanted to uhh be culturally enriched?
Also why the coinpurse?
thx breh