>Every major networks covers the Muslim ban nonstop
>FOX barely does
You're whining about liberal media but fox is the one network being incredibly bias and sucks Trump off
>Every major networks covers the Muslim ban nonstop
>FOX barely does
You're whining about liberal media but fox is the one network being incredibly bias and sucks Trump off
reminder to politely sage
>the Muslim ban
how do you cover something that doesn't exist?
>waaaa sage everything I don't like
damn that sound like something drumpf would've said
How many of you would kys if Sup Forums is gone?
For one, the Muslim ban doesn't exist... it's made up liberal bullshit.
2, the liberal media is alays whining nonstop... fuck thm.
>ban 7 majority Muslim countries
>Christians from those countries can enter
really makes you think doesn't it
Aizen here. AMA.
but isn't the so called progressive media saying that they are unbiased?
People under religious persecution. Muslims are not. Christians are because Muslims are genociding them.
Will i pass the semester?
>watching cable news
Why, on a Sunday, would you waste time with that shit? You should be watching all the Sunday news programs on the big 4. That is where the action is
except christians are being detained as well you ignorant jackass
>>FOX barely does
They do cover it and it's not the only news out there
Pence is a useless fuck only chosen because he is shorter than Trump.
>People under religious persecution. Muslims are not.
That's wrong though, by far most victims of radical Islam are Muslims
That's wasn't the question anyways, so you're both wrong and retarded
So this is you too?
Looks like we have a cyprus shill now.
No that's not me
Should I check them?
Should I check them.?
That should tell you Fox is the best of the mainstream media networks, even though they're still trash because they still hire plenty of anti-Trumpers who have no good arguments because President Trump has done nothing but good for the American citizenry. But the problem with the other networks is they make mountains out of molehills for any politican who isn't a globalist puppet, because they're owned by globalists. This is just another of the countless examples over the years, it's a minor issue yet they're acting like President Trump just started nuclear war with the whole world.
Text message Jo later tonight?
>You're whining about liberal media but fox is the one network being incredibly bias and sucks Trump off
Fox is the only one without an incredible bias. It has a bias, sure, but it's CNN/NBC/MSNBC etc that are blatant shills and the effective opposition.
Do I finally lose my virginity?
Will i fuck my crush before summer?
>That's wrong though, by far most victims of radical Islam are Muslims
People who keep shooting themselves in the dick aren't victims of radical gun violence.
Muslims who keep blowing each other up in the name of Islam aren't victims of radical Islam.
>dub trips
Godspeed buddy
Bait so low quality I won't even post a bait picture.
Remember to sage.
Because the entire argument is based in falsehood. There is no muslim ban. There isn't even a ban on any specific countries. The relevant part of the EO seems to be a reference to and old law that designates the rules for deeming if individuals are high risk.
This entire day has been wasted because of the liberal media putting a negative spin on reality to make their own position seem stronger, when in fact it was Obama who did the thing they are mad about in the first place.
I am so angry.
>There is no muslim ban. There isn't even a ban on any specific countries.
where are you getting your news from buddy?
Will Trump set up an empire that will last for a thousand years?
a thousand generations, friendo.
Should I assfuck my aunt's friend tonight?
I catch most of Bret Baier's show most days. He strikes me as trustworthy and objective. Cavuto's pretty good too, if a little more chatty.
First statement is true, the specific countries are listed tough, but that is more because those specific countries fall under the law that banns people from comming over.
I am reading the EO and the text of the law cited in the relevant portion.
>I hereby proclaim that the immigrant and nonimmigrant entry into the United States of aliens from countries referred to in section 217(a)(12) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1187(a)(12), would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, and I hereby suspend entry into the United States, as immigrants and nonimmigrants, of such persons for 90 days from the date of this order (excluding those foreign nationals traveling on diplomatic visas, North Atlantic Treaty Organization visas, C-2 visas for travel to the United Nations, and G-1, G-2, G-3, and G-4 visas).
but there's no list of countries here either.
is she in love with me?
>why isn't a news station covering this one single thing for days at a time
That's a really stupid question proxy-san
>that is more because
No. It just isn't that. The list you are seeing tossed around the media is derived from the guidelines laid out in the law, but that does not make the law a list of countries. Countries that fall under the law now do not need to in the future, and those that do not fall under it now could later. The law sets forth guidelines and those guidelines are being applied. That's all.
And that's a really stupid strawman burger-san
not a strawman at all,
>"Every major networks covers the Muslim ban nonstop"
>then proceed to complain about how FOX isn't doing the same thing
Will the Democratic party last till the next election?
cnn,msnbc,abc are fake news
get bent cucks
> domestic violence and leaked celebrity photos = redpilled investigative reporting
> International event effects millions of people = fake news. jew shit.
>muslim ban
These are the banned COUNTRIES.
This is a list of Muslim countries.
Indonesia 204,847,000 (87.2%) - NOT BANNED
Pakistan 178,097,000 (96.4%) - NOT BANNED
Bangladesh 145,312,000 (90%) - NOT BANNED
Iran 74,819,000 (99.6%) - BANNED!
Turkey 74,660,000 (98.6%) - NOT BANNED
Egypt 73,746,000 (90%) - NOT BANNED
Algeria 34,780,000 (98.2%) - NOT BANNED
Morocco 32,381,000 (99.9%) - NOT BANNED
Iraq 31,108,000 (98.9%) - BANNED!
Sudan 30,855,000 (97%) - BANNED!
Saudi Arabia 30,770,375(99.9%) - NOT BANNED
Afghanistan 29,047,000 (99.8%) - NOT BANNED
Uzbekistan 26,833,000 (96.5%) - NOT BANNED
Yemen 24,023,000 (99.0%) - BANNED!
Syria 20,895,000 (92.8%) - NOT BANNED
Malaysia 17,139,000 (61.4%) - NOT BANNED
Niger 15,627,000 (98.3%) - NOT BANNED
Somalia 10,864,733 (99.9%) - BANNED!
nice meme
Yeah they used countries from a previous bill, how does that make the EO not targeting specific countries again?
Bullshit. Do you have a study showing per capita religious hate crimes in the middle east with the victim religion?
Christians are the #1 target of terrorist.
Get REKT Hans :)
All of them are biased.
>then proceed to complain about how FOX isn't doing the same thing
No, I proceed to complain that they're not covering it enough
1. it's not a muslim ban and they did cover it (see: youtube.com
2. can't we have one network, you have like 5+pbs+blogs+newspapers+online media? it's not even right-wing it's mostly mainstream establishment republican. 97% of all campaign donations from journalists went to hillary clinton, can't we have the other 3%?
>Muslim ban
What Muslim ban?
ISIS kill lots of people in majority Muslim areas so more muslims die. But terrorist groups also are TARGETING Christians as they are a religious minority. Does that make sense to you?
What's your point?
Will I have a job by march?
How much is enough, they've already covered it. That the other stations are doing is beating a dead horse.
The point is Christians in the middle east fall under a persecuted minority group. Ofcourse I do think trump should have also allowed in any persecuted zoroastrians aswell.
This is the problem.
Before the election I remember saying "Man, someone should come along and really nail these news networks for the bullshit they put out, so they can get better, or finally die."
Trump comes along, rightfully does this.
Here's how his everyone should have responded:
> Start fact checking news stories
> Remain skeptical even after fact checking
> Become familiar with the various biases of each of the news networks
> Demand better programming, seek out better programming.
How everyone responded:
> I don't need to fact check anything because it's all FAKE: Checkmate!
> I don't need skepticism, I'll just doubt EVERYTHING, because stomping around issues is easier than tip-toeing
> I don't need to become familiar with the biases of these networks, they should be catering to mine!
> Seek out better programming? I already found it: It's an online propaganda mill that caters to my biases. But I know it's all true because it's not the FAKE TV news!
If any person, on the MSM or not, calls it a "Muslim Ban" they are biased and lying.
What muslim ban?
Are you retarded? MUSLIMS hate ISIS the most you idiot. ISIS kills muslims the most too.
American muslims hate ISIS with a passion but nooo autistic shitlords here believe they're all the same.
Fucking dumbass
1. ISIS is not the only terrorist group
2. Please link some source on muslims being the highest per capita target of religious hate crimes.
Is there ANY news source that describes the ban as national and nothing to do with Muslims? Even the Daily Mail is calling it a Muslim ban.
Considering there are 50~ countries with a mooselimb majority, no. Not really.
Should I kill myself on stream tomorrow ?
>terrorist countries are barred from entering us
>it just so happens that they're muslims
That's not the same thing as banning muslims
Ε Thomas, τι γυρεύkεις δαμέ;
So a Muslim ban that doesn't ban all Muslims?
Never let facts stand in the way of a good argument.
They consider the press the opposition for a reason.
You see them correct Republicans all the time.
When is the last time you saw a reporter correct someone who claimed the Republicans are against immigrants?
They are absolutely against illegal immigrants but name one law they have proposed to end legal immigration.
To be fair more often than not they are complicit in fostering that narrative.
I get your point but honestly the death of MSM is more than good enough for me. They've gone beyond all rationality and redemption. If TV news tells you the sky is blue you better damn well go outside and look for yourself because it would now be in serious question.
There is real news, it can be found online. Its everyone's responsibility to learn how to discern and interpret information.
if if if if if if if if if if if if if okie doke
They're all fake news actually.
Get your head out of your ass.
>trump is totally establishment guys
>except for the part where almost the entire establishment hates him
He didn't bring up ISIS. He asked for stats on per capita religious hate crimes.
>Fucking dumbass
Yes, yes you are.
They're both fake news, regard.
But msnbc, cnn and the like a scientifically crafted disinfo campaigns. Obama made it legal for state run / funded media to pitch propaganda and disinfo to Americans in 2012.
Fox is more honest, though that can always change.
But seriously, liveralsvare traitors incapable of governing because the don't have suppirt of police(wonder why) Nor do they have adoration of the military.
The only thing democrats have is the CIA, Soros, and a proxy army of Islamic extremists that they've been unleashing on the works like a end of days, biblical plague which is just about the worst thing happening in the world.
Goddamnit, i despise leftist so much anymore
Huur duurr, I just starting paying attention to the news 2r hours ago.
Kill yourself and lurk more. Retard
Stay in your bubble Amerifat
Is not like Trump's cabinet is made of big bank CEO's, republican donors and Washington insiders
If that's dated Dec 2015, wouldn't it be in reference to Obama not allowing those same 7 Muslim countries in on VWP? That doesn't get a mention?
>every news network known to be allied with the clintons reports on an nonissue with plenty of precedence
>fox not covering it means they are biased
Will I ascend?
Also, you are a faggot.
απάντα ρε σkατόπουσστη
stopping potential terrorists from hot zones is literally not fucking news. It should be in the back of a newspaper.
>he didn't target any countries
>bill literally says "from countries referred to"
Is this guy retarded?
>Everyone at the top of the food chain is on the same side
and you say I'm in a bubble
>moslem ban
i wish.
>muh Clinton
Nope, the election is over you don't get to hide behind Hillary anymore drumpfy
Try again
>Muslim ban
>includes only select Muslim nations
Anyone else felt good when he said FOXssssssss
looks like pedo-Brock's paid shills are here to earn some shekels.
απάντα μου ρε σατανά
will i get laid this week
It's a ban on war torn nations.
They just happen to be (surprise surprise) Islamic.
Drumpf, his cabinet and republican majority are on the top
Are you gonna tell me they're not on the same side?
You need to go see a doctor, there is no way so much denial can be good for you.
shitskins genocide happening in 2017?
proxy confirmed