Isn't it painfully obvious at this point that they carry a collective guilt for the crimes they have committed against our race?
Femanon here, why do people still defend Jews?
I agree. America's turn is coming up swiftly. Godspeed, brother.
prove your a femanon post pic with timestamp no one post here till she does
Fuck off LARPing attention whore.
mothercucker dont you read
>other girls
Tits or gtfo
Its tits or gtfo you fucking cuck.
>p-pls timestamp grill or no post :3
yeah but at never works true fem user's want the (you)'s
>citation needed
They were never kicked out of India or Iran.
America supports Israel.
Sup Forums supports Israel.
Every strong western nation should support Israel.
Post a picture of your feet
Expose thine breasts or leave. God wills it.
Who cares if you have a vagina? Kys.
>1 post
clever girl
What am I gonna say in response to this mess? I wanted to have a sophisticated discussion about the evil of the Jewish race
Then why did you specify that you were a femanon
you knew exactly what kinda response you'd have by lying about your gender, dingus.
Occam's Razor time. Who's to blame for the treatment of the Jews; the Jews (the only common factor) or the multiple national/ethnic/racial/religious groups who have felt the need to cry 'JUDEN RAUS!' repeatedly throughout history?
Then post your tits. You know the rules.
Yah didn't immediately spot "femanon here".
Fucking spunk trenches always looking for attention man.
I posted 8 seconds after you. I didn't see your post when I replied. Maybe you should learn to read the time stamps and use some fucking logic you stupid limey.
Your gender is irrelevant to the discussion of the JQ. Try again without injecting your inferiority complex. Fuck off, saged.