Does Germany want Konigsberg back or have the relinquished any claim like the cucks they are?
Any new lebensraum will just be requisitioned to refugees anyway, what's the point?
if they should get Konisberg back, then they should take the shit Poland took off them too
Russia offered to sell Konigsberg back in 1991, but Germany refused because muh nationalism expansionism
We have plenty of space for everybody, no need to exclude someone based on religion
The sad truth is the Germans themselves do not want to take their lands back, historical guilt is endemic to Germany and it seems that denazification is still working well after almost 80 years
Why would we want Königsberg back?
Full of russians, destroyed beyond belive by the Russians and the garrison. A okoloigical nightmare. Separated by Poland and other balt staates.
It only will wörk out if Prussia will be reserected.
jk lol fuck islam
All brave Germans died in WW2. The gen pool was cucked.
The only based Germans are those who's grandparents were red-pilled by their veteran fathers.
you had me depressed for a moment there, Hans lol
>tfw no qt pickelhaube gf
Königsberg is rightful Russian clay ever since 7 Years War. Come and take it.
how did Germany come about as a nation, Poland of the Balkans?
>Country formed by Teutonic Knights
>not German
>Romanian intellectuals
mfw tries to take Königsberg, loses half of Germany again kek
it depends
does eternal kraut crave another mazochistic rapeing?
they want it. They have a large economy, a large military industry, they could do it, but I don't know if Germany will exist as a one country in the future
Anybody got some before/after Russification shots of Konigsberg?
Such a shame that a city with such a beautiful and productive history goes to shit. Mongol bandits straight up expelled the German population and replaced them with slavs. Look at it now, literally a fucking mess.
>since 7 Years War
I miss the old germans. Sure, they were rude, but everyone just knew it was up to them, even Nietczhe - if only the austrian did not trick them. Austria is to Germany what Serbia is to Russia, a constant pain that gets away with anything and then the big guy gets blamed. Even today, Hitler is German - in reality, an Austrian. Both times they got played - all germans should carry "Dont believe his lies" pic of a vienna court and a smiling austrian rubbing hands.
> Prussia will be reserected
If they got it back they would just fill it with shitskins OP....
Plus we are using it to store nukes currently pointed at Germany, so we need it just a while longer - after than Germany wont exist any more.
please hurry, and take the brits too
>During the Seven Years' War Imperial Russian troops occupied eastern Prussia at the beginning of 1758. On December 31, 1757, Empress Elizabeth I of Russia issued an ukase about the incorporation of Königsberg into Russia.
We want the whole fucking world
good luck russia, do it please. FUck germany
I wish all of Germany were in Russian hands
Finally an honest G*rm. Don't worry Fritz, your time is coming :^)
do Germans and Slavs have common roots?
Nobody wants to pay to rebuild another former soviet republic.
But I suddenly like the idea of annexing these fucks:
>country overrun by niggers and spics
>nr1 cuck porn producer in the world
the pot calling the kettle black
This. Also why France did so poorly in WW2, all the brave French genes died on the Somme.
Großdeutschland, when?
So what you're saying is, God loves Austria?
>northern Schleswig
That is and have always been rightful danish clay. The fact that the Germans were allowed to hold so much of Denmark after the war is a fuckign disgrace. Fucking burgers stay out of European affairs.
This could have been Germany
what a shame
my great grandp told me about how he machine gunned german surrendered soldiers and civilians right after ww2 ended, we laughed together so hard. i miss him.
not really you piece of shit.
Fucking Prussians, amiright?
Thats a funny meme but if you have read his journals you'd know he gave the speech in the hopes that hitler would see that the people supported it but no actual total war measures were taken.
And Skane and Gotland and Estonia mate. You guys are too pussy to take it back though so don't act all high and mighty.
My senpai is from Aarhus.
Why would German soldiers have surrendered to Czecks you moron.
Full Germany/Austria and Hungary when
>My senpai is from Aarhus
another muh heritage burger mutt.
>You guys are too pussy to take it back though so don't act all high and mighty.
never did. I just told you to fuck off with the constant "Germany is so great" shit that 99% of Sup Forumsacks constantly whine about. Europe would have been in a much better state if Germany would have been completely destroyed and then split among the victors and other European nation states.
Prussia was a vassal state created by Poland after they took over the teutonic knights then it Prussia was became after Brandenburg-Prussia after we gave it to the Germans after the second northern war.
This is true, but it was only done to ensure that Germany would not make any claims on reuniting, which is why they refused.
P olish
literally Russian clay
Why do you even need more clay?
lel you talk big but surrendered in 2 days when the time came to 'completely destroy germany and split it among the victors'.
ignore muh heritage modern danes are shit. THe most famous and belvoed Danish king's greatest accomplishment was getting BTFO by germany.
80 million people live in the a space smaller than texas.
Poland is the same size as Germany and has 30 million people.
The real solution here is undoing communist bullshit and partitioning Ukraine and giving the poland back their land and giving Germany back its land.
So you mean we get Miśnia and Łużyce?
Fuck off, nobody cares, time to move on. Enough with this "rightful clay" bullshit in Europe. Look how much good it did to us.
Yes back at least 2000 years though. The first Russians were the Rus Vikings. The Slavic Gene pool has had much more mixed in it though, which is why Germanic people and Slavic people look so different.
Danes getting butthurt, always funny.
You made us sign a paper that states we are not allowed to get back our old territories, did you forget that?
This document is worse than the Versailles Treaty.
Germany a shit
I stand with you danebro.
These evils autists (also called germans) think they are entitled to everything.
No wonder why most of the krautboos are americans, they are not directly concerned so it's easy for them to fap on their silly master race fantasies.
Dane gold is in the past. Nowadays fags and olds. Sad but true.
to ruin russia three times
This is what I am for, this is what Hitler was for, this is what National Socialists are for, anything else is Jewish propaganda that will not exist in our revolution.
that man kept his words.
If you believe anti-nationalist and Jewish propaganda you are free to do so, don't get butthurt when real national socialists have nothing to do with that propaganda, we are for socialism and nationalism for our people, as well as friendships through the world.
danes you are a nation of peace so shut up, you suck at war and you know it thats why you didnt fight germans to preserve it for the next peace, the post 45 peace.
Who allowed this sandnigger to have opinions?
truth you butthurt metise.
i will come and better my welfare check be ready or i will marry your mom. haha life is easy.
I'd give whole Poland under german control
Better start another war about it, worked out so well for you last time :^)
no stahp. east germany is still fucked up.
hence being at reach by western germany
What do you want?
Do you want us to reclaim our "rightful clay" or do you want us to stay put and be content with what we got?
am i wrong or east germany has not as good economy as western.
you are right.
I want what every non-german wants: for you and every other G*rm to die.
Good man
>>Country formed by Teutonic Knights
Created by Poland in 1525 as its vassal.
>what is communism occupation for almost half of century
Amazing, how could anyone figure it out so easily?
You should consider suicide then. Because the term "Germania" was used to describe the lands beyond the Rhine and its inhabitants. Do you know where your ancestors come from? From southern Jütland/Jylland. You are the G*erm that needs to die.
>Ödenburg instead of Sopron
Joke's on you, I'm already planning my suicide :^)
meh man I know
but still 30 years after muh communism gone its still stinks. i saw a map yesterday,recent by the way it was showing gdp and unemployment in whole eu. wew and east germany was in the red.
Godspeed. I will follow you soon.
it's already been ethnically cleansed and filled with slavs now.
I'll see you in Sovengarde brother. Use a shotgun, but make sure you aim it at your brain and not the back of your throat.
It's just a heap of concrete now, nothing German remains there, the Untermensch has done his barbaric work well.
>The sad truth is the Germans themselves do not want to take their lands back
You want to have a redpill about the German education system? Most of the Germans don't even know they had more clay before WW2 or WW1, yes they are that ignorant about their own history. Most couldn't even tell you who the fuck Bismarck was.
Ask them anything about Kaliningrad/Königsberg and they would go full "what's a leppo" on you.
You will go to Hel.
what did they mean by this?
Eh good enough. So long!
and i hear germans here argue and all agreed on east germans being slav tier shit europeans.
"they slack off job and escape work everyday" a german user said
"they are lazy loud, niggers" another german user said
"kek ost germans are fucking turks" german user before he gone to sleep
>Does Germany want Konigsberg back
As of when the issue came up previously, no. The Germans were not willing to pay for its return at least. The Russians have wrecked it, the infrastructure is fucked and the people there are drunken HIV-monkeys.
I've been there. No memes.