Black is the New White Nationalism? - HWNDU

RedPill me on why we should allow NON-Whites to be the face of Sup Forums at HWNDU.

Explain civil-nationalism over race nationalism?

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because it confuses liberals.

sorry i meant **civic nationalism vs white nationalism?

They can't cry "white supremacy" if it's all non whites

But it's not like we organized this! Did we?

Sure I'm not the only one shocked at the realization that so many on Sup Forums aren't white, but are posing as white!

Anyone else shocked at this revelation?

Civic nationalism doesn't work. Thanks to having such a "diverse" country we now have to deal with identity politics and different cultures being shit on.
There is no more American culture, just a bunch of Hispanics who won't integrate and blacks who have been here since the founding of America yet still think "MAN WHITEY BE HOLDIN US DOWN" and they all stick together while whites are being divided.

I wouldn't mind non-whites if we were maybe 85% white and the rest of the country had the cream of the crop, but no. Instead we have a bunch of vermin with the few outliers like in OP's image.

Real Question: Can we truly trust these Outliers?

How do we know they are real, and ain't just larper doing it to be edgy/trendy, or worst spy shills for (((you know who))).

At what percentage should we fell in danger of white genocide?

it's civic, not civil

and apart from that, I am not an unironic racist. I don't dislike these people because of their skincolor, but because of the behavior I have learned to associate with it.

when one of them can prove to me that they do not fall in that category, I see no reason to refuse them.
in reality that will mostly boil down to ethno-nationalism again though because you simply cannot vet every single person on a national scale.

What's you Race?


>Civic nationalism doesn't work
>[citation needed]

Mixed with anything?

>Civic Nationalism works

The only people who hate niggers more than whites are other niggers, spics generally not withstanding.

you think actual real whites would ever be seen in there? fucking kek

we too busy making money, awww yea boi

>Mixed with anything?
No, just white.

It doesn't work because the time required to vet each individual to that degree is not feasible on a national scale. The amount of effort you'd have to put into it stands in no relation to your gain from it.

I do think that civic nationalism is superior to ethno nationalism in theory, but it falls apart when you include the restrictions of reality.

>20 HWNDU threads
Awesome work guys, keep supporting the cause.
- Shia L.

kinda thinking this, do a fucking general and stick to it. even for people who want to follow it's a pain in the ass since it's all over the place.

you will not Divide us user!!!
you will not Divide us user!!!
you will not Divide us user!!!
you will not Divide us user!!!

There are real questions about our counter protest that need to be asked!



Make babies with another white person. Don't racemix. Jesus will be fine.

its sad but it is impossible at this point to have a
nation compromised of a single race. civic nationalism is the closest thing to race nationalism and therefore the best choice


Because they've so far been doing it better than the white guys up there.
Look at the flags in every thread and tell me you're surprised.

>emphysema voice
>hey mayne he aint finna divide us

I'm craving Brittany's milk atm

Here is your redpill: americans are interbred mongrels hell-bent on racism. No other ethnically-diverse countries breaks down statistics by "races" (baffling if you're 1/8th of a nigger, isn't it?).