Why is it that there are exactly zero funny people in the alt-right? There's never been a single person in the movement that has said even one genuinely humorous thing. There are at least two funny regular conservatives (although Nick Di Paolo is the only one I can think of off hand). Is sacrificing your sense of humor part of the initiation or something? I am genuinely curious about this.
Why is it that there are exactly zero funny people in the alt-right...
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The left drains us of our faith in humanity.
conservatives aren't funn-
Shouldn't that make you more funny? Usually adversity breeds humor. Are they just too stupid?
Roseanne isn't even slightly conservative. Definitely not alt-right.
>makes social commentary about liberals
>they start screeching, don't laugh or partipate, decide to hate the entire routine from there on
Comedy is a two-way street. It requires participation to work, or it isn't as effective, like telling a story to someone while they check their phone. Libs immediately go tone deaf the moment a conservative comedian makes a joke, or worse, start screeching and booing autistically. But when they make a joke, you're supposed to laugh and get over it because it's just comedy after all.
Yeah, but then conservatives would go to the shows put on by conservative comedians, and there'd be no autistic screeching, just laughs. Yet, there are no conservative comedians. WTF?
OP here. I'm a comedian, and am able to be objective about comedy. Even if I don't agree with someone's point of view, a good joke is a good joke. Honestly, writing a good joke takes a certain amount of intelligence, and I don't think that can be reconciled with the lack of intelligence necessary do be a member of the alt-right.
I think it's also based on location. Liberals flock to cities whereas conservatives tend to be in rural or suburban areas. I think conservatives are also more... Conservative, so they tend to work a job, pay the bills, and keep food on the table. Also, Hollywood shits on anyone coming in who gives even a whiff of leaning right, so I suspect that plays a big part.
Kramer's a comic and he hates black people, so there you go. You guys have him
We can see you're the OP, we have IDs you fucking newfag shit. Get stomped at your next Antifa protest.
>I'm passing a personal bias off as a generalization of an entire group of people
Yep, you're a lefty comedian alright.
Sam Hyde
I genuinely think Sam Hyde is funny
Artie Lange, Nick Di Polo, Dave Attell, George Carlin were all pissing on leftist faggots.
Stand-up comedy is dead desu.
This guy is a faggot open-micer who never made money at it.
Bill Burr, Roseanne, Jerry Seinfeld.
Real comedians hate SJW faggotry. I could do this all day.
Do you really think sjws wouldn't go just to disrupt, virtue signal, and screech?
All it takes is one leftist going to the show, writing a shitty blog post berating it, and all the sjwfags will descend on each iteration to fuck with the audience and the comedian.
We are funny, we just have a different sense of humor.
Stupid leftist laugh at literally anything and use laughter as a muh feels bonding things, regardless if something is funny or not
Anthony Cumia is funny
Humor is the opiate of the left.
If they can laugh at politics, then it feeds into their elitism.
Unlike OP, I was a real comedian who actually traveled and made a living at it for years before realizing it's all just ignorant faggots enforcing leftist dogmas.
You wouldn't believe how unbelievably fucked that "industry" is. That's why nothing but fat ugly actresses and race baiting brown people are being pushed by kikes now. It's dead. Also stand-up comedy is largely money laundering more than any sort of actual art or talent.
I work a job and pay bills too. There aren't comedians in rural areas typically because there aren't places to do comedy in those places and not enough of an audience to support it. That's why comedians live in cities. But I'm not even talking about comedians. I'm wondering about funny people in general. I know plenty of people that aren't comedians but are hilarious, and not a one of them is alt-right. Lack of intelligence is the most likely theory so far.
political subjects aren't funny. this is why i see leftists as less funny than rightists - there are way more leftists attempting to shoehorn their agenda into comedy. it's also shit when the right does it, because humour is supposed to unite people with a common denominator, not cause partisan derision. samantha bee will understand this before she's lynched.
does bill burr count? patrice o neal? I'm just naming comedians who have similar talking points
You don't find Sup Forums funny?
You just can't tell funny jokes in public anymore, you'll be lynched.
Leftist comedy is dead. If you want to be edgy you need to be right wing.
>your most likely theory
Fixed it for you.
How can there be funny people on the alt-right, if the alt-right is a meme term made up by leftists and perpetuated by imbeciles?
This is exactly how it works by the way. Watch how silly evil cunt Lindy West and feminists tried to murder stand-up comedy a few years ago. What's funny is the real agenda of that is her faggot husband who cheats on her every chance he gets was Hari Konabolu's writing partner and they were just trying to push their own brand of faggotry even though both are talentless horrible people. It backfired on her because she's an obese humorless cunt who's cuntery is transparent but still it made it socially unacceptable to funny anymore for awhile.
her twitter is full of pepes and she calls people betas
Well, you guys aren't exactly making a case against it so far.
Michael Ian Black, is that you?
I find more funny moments in 30 minutes lurking Sup Forums than watching 10 hours of leftist 'comedy'
This is a magical place
Bill Burr is history man. Nia raped what little dignity he had left. He's liberal now. I've literally heard him say on a podcast that it's a good idea to have shows with no white people, that white people are history's biggest villains, and that he "gets" the liberal complaints. He's done man. Not the same Bill anymore, and it's a damn shame.
You call yourselves alt-right. We just call a spade a spade and refer to you as Nazis.
That's her desperately trying to stay relevant, just like George Takei does with his leftist social media stuff.
Also she was never funny and never will be.
That's because your leftist cognitive dissonance has made it impossible for your brain to accept any information that discredits your leftist programming. That and you seem to be incapable of reading.
Faggot open-micer.
Was this an attempt at humor or cleverness? Might want to retire.
Ha, that's disappointing. I tuned out completely about 2014 when it just became a cult of braindead people. Sad that he went that way. But I get it, dude is just trying to save his career in an industry that's dead.
>Personal and professional reputation ruined
>One SJW
Dick Masterson
That's true though. White men are unquestionably the most "evil" group of people in history.
You know the expression "It's funny cuz it's true"
Well, lies are never funny
you don't understand how many of us are proud of that label "nazi". enjoy the next 8 years of us.
Liberals have very fragile girly feelings. Whenever a right-winger says something funny, libs just get their feelings hurt and call the joke mean or edgy.
John Valby
No, it wasn't. Just honesty.
You're confusing "evil" with "successful."
lemme guess: sarah silverman and john stewart are probably the funniest people in your book.
Dick did literally nothing wrong
I do understand. I'm well aware that you're all piles of human garbage that think Nazis are cool and edgy because you never grew up.
No, although they are very funny.
Notice this faggot won't respond to anyone who actually knows and is just trolling for attention. Sad.
Have fun being ignored and talked about behind your back at your next "show" which more comedians than audience members, you verbal blogging open-micer faggot.
Once the mob was handed the bait by Maddox, the truth stopped mattering to them.
Funny how Dick has decimated that guy ever since.
Those things are not mutually exclusive, stupid.
I have yet to see anyone here that knows anything.
Sam hyde?
>Maddox refuses to let Dick make a Biggest Problem patreon because he has a retarded fetish for radio and wants to be a "network" with commercial sponsors
>now Dick makes over $18k a month off his patreon while Maddox is making less patreon money than a parody of himself, and has lost all of his advertisers because his show sucks and Jesse PS is cancer
so why is it that /leftypol/ cant come up with their own jokes or memes and they just hijack shit from here and change the wording.
they even started using "cuck".
we have the best memes
You don't respond to a list of all the biggest comedians who hate SJW faggotry, you show absolutely no knowledge of the industry and you're a whiny cunt just like a stereotypical open-micer. You've been BTFO kid.
its really simple. any jokes we would make would be about black people, gays or immigrants.
but if someone made a joke about those people they would get crusified.
its not explicitly banned but, its pretty much banned
Looks like the "comedian" is finally getting angry.
Tell me mister professional, do you "work" in Hollywood?
I never said all liberals are funny. But 98% of funny people are liberal, and 0% percent of funny people are alt-right.
>presenting all these facts (opinions)
Haha, no. There's nothing anyone could do here that would make me angry. And no I don't work in LA. I'm on the road a lot, and actually do a lot of working-class areas.
Because most conservatives aren't "artists". They can still be funny though. Crowder is OK. Shapiro is pretty funny occasionally. I could go on, but you get the point. Alt-right comedy or comedians? Memes I guess. It's not a mainstream comedy like liberal black cock worship like your pic.
Prove you're actually a stand-up comedian and not just some wannabe faggot. Explain what's different between a typical Canadian and American stand-up show and the philosophies behind both industries.
Memes are never funny.
Nah, I've got nothing to prove to people like you.
If you aren't based in LA or New York, you probably aren't much of a comedian. Source, I work in the industry.
thats cause the majority of the entertainment industry is run by lefties.
this probably explains why lefties suck at making funny or memorable shit online.
Literally anything can be funny. Your attitude just proved you aren't a comedian. Congrats
Ha, that's because you don't know LARPing faggot. BTFO yet again. Back to led dit with you.
>makes shitty thread to prove a point
>gets called out
>"i have nothing to prove to people like you!!!"
This is true. Although there's decent comedians all over the country but if they aren't in NY or LA, they aren't making dick for money.
I guess you've never heard of the phrase "road comic" you industry insider you. I could work in New York or LA, but I'm not much of a fan of either of those cities. I don't have any aspirations to work in television or movies. I just like telling jokes to as many people as I possibly can. I like working in the flyover states, as I'm from a tiny southern town originally, and am at home in them.
And your just proved you have the sense of humor of a 4 year old. Congrats
>rattles car keys
Blah blah blah, proven discredited faggot babble.
>CuckKing is the epitome of comedy
>liberal intellectuals
you're so deluded you actually think that bad comedians are bad because the audience is bad
get the fuck out of here
I've said as much. My point is no one in that alt-right has ever successfully made any subject funny from an objective standpoint.
I mean yeah, they travel all over. But the moment he said he's not based out of LA and is "on the road a lot" doing a lot of "working class" stuff, I knew he was either a troll or some hack who thinks he's good. The troll would be significantly less pitiful.
Sup Forums is funnier than any comedian I've heard in years tbqh
I get most of my laughs from Sup Forums
>translation, I make no money and get easy laughs because no one has high expectations at a comedy show in rural Nebraska
What's this alt-right you speak of?
sounds made up to me
Right! Insignificant road comics are probably the most pathetic people I've ever met. But at the same time, this faggot can't even summon up basic knowledge. He's just LARPing with general shit every civilian knows.
I make about a grand for a weekend of shows. I'm fine with it.
Memes are one of the funniest things in existence. It's an "in-joke" that has evolved with thousands of people using it in different ways. It decentralized the power "comedians" had over comedy. Of course you'd hate memes.
Sorry, neo-Nazis.
and then other groups hijack the memes from here:
>liberal tears meme hijacked
>"cuck" hijacked
>the person toppling their own bicycle over meme
>the badly drawn pictures with cucks explaining themselves
Nah, they're just boring and unoriginal.
lol, no you don't faggot. That's hilarious that's what you think a shitty road comic makes.
To my industry bro, what shitty road comic in the mid-west do you know is this retardedly leftist and not witty? lol
>retard can't read
I said that comedy is a two way street. If an audience hears a joke and it offends them, they decide not to laugh. If they don't laugh, you can deliver great material and still bomb. This is what liberals do. Conservatives will sit through an entire schpiel on gun toting hicks and laugh along with it, because they aren't thin-skinned SJW crybabies. Comedy is about audience engagement and participation, you dense fuck.
Even louis ck knows he can get away with shit because he's Mexican.
>exactly zero funny people in the alt-right?
because there are zero actual people in the "movement", its a made up group. and it didn't exist in term until shillarry started losing last year. it dont exist. and apparently your faggot ass cant comprehend the media is still lying to you, when everyone else can.