Sum up Trump supporters in one image

Sum up Trump supporters in one image


Sum up anti-trump supporters in one image

How about one that have Trump and Hillary supporters together?

Did the meme make you feel better for a moment? Now turn around and go back to the real world where we own the white house and the entire free world and your life is literally in our hands.

Cool shitpost bruh

Trump supporter on the left.



> All that anger
Jerome fucking the girl you stalk?

is your trump can control capitalism system too ?

Most of Sup Forums is non-white.

wtf i shill for hill now

This. Trump supporters aren't white

I think Jerome robbed, killed and raped the corpse of the girl he was stalking.
Thats how neo nazis are born.

Idiot, open your eyes

>space after ">"
Go back to plebbit

This desu
AT LEAST half of us only support him ironically

Also accurate

I will take that as a yes. Look its not your fault you have a small dick but you cannot blame a woman for wanting a man who can fill her vagina up.


>Get completely BTFO
>W-well s-something about nigger dicks

Liberals have non-functioning brains AND are unfunny as fuck. Tragedy. You guys were way cooler two generations ago, now you're so out of touch the best you can do to defend yourself is spam other peoples' memes incorrectly.

> This entire post


>tfw the US becomes the worlds largest exporter of salt in 2017

you got us


how will I ever recover

