Muslims hate jews so why do jews want them to immigrate?

muslims hate jews so why do jews want them to immigrate?

btw coincidence detector makes it much easier and faster to make sense of some news

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It's puzzling and Jews are puzzling.

Muslim here.

They are just trying to destroy cultures, thats all.

Youre joking right?

The Jews want them to immigrate everywhere else. Just not in their land.

Jews started drinking their own poison at some point.

Trump should have all the muslim immigrants sent to San Francisco. After the first dozen fags have their heads cut off maybe the cognitive dissonance will cause the left will change their mind.

Never thought I'd agree with a muzzie, but yes, destroying Western countries is more important to them than importing Muslims. Besides, it's not like the globalist elite Jews actually have to worry about it since they hide in their gated communities and only travel with all their bodyguards, so only the non-elite Jews and everyone else have to suffer.

Jews hate Jews too though

>why do jews want them to immigrate
1. destroy national identity. barbara spectre said jews are gonna have to endure a little pain to get this process done
2. move people out of the middle east so israel can expand to greater israel

Nobody seems to realize this but Jews are not a hive mind. There are 2 types of Jew: the zionist neoconservative Jew that is responsible for AIPAC and all of the evil normally attributed to Jews, and the left-wing Jew that became like that because of Hitler (they are hypersensitive to any form of discrimination becomes it reminds the of the 6 gorillion). This man is just your average lefty Jew. They also cause trouble, but not intentionally. They think they are doing the right thing (exception is George Soros who does seeds radical left wing ideologues to spew social poison).

3 year military service, high cost of living, plus being surrounded by jews

most diaspora jews have no intention to go live in israel. the muslim immigration that they push for, will breed the killers who will shot down jews in a couple years. not to mention this immigration is boosting nationalism everywhere in the west...

the only way I can explain it is that jews aren't really as intelligent as rumoured


Because Jews are the original cucks.

They both hate white people and white civilization and want it destroyed though

They want terrorists in, they spent a lot of money creating them.
It helps the globalist elite put in place more 'anti-terrorism' safety blanket snake oil.

Left wing jews only exist outside of Israel. Go look at what the liberal Hollywood elite say about immigration policies for Israel while cucking for America to take in ever turd that washes up ashore. Mel Gibson was right.

>"This video is not available in your country"

Oy vey

Im Jewish, and i want them to be bombed back to at least the bronze age. Other Jews don't understand Islam is a cancer.

Jews are evil. They want to annihilate the white race by flooding our countries with racial aliens.Jews are evil. They want to annihilate the white race by flooding our countries with racial aliens. It's like asking why does a murderer murder when they could be caught. If some Jews have to suffer to get rid of us that's fine by them.

i dont want to eliminate the white race, nor do i have the power or care to. nice straw man though.

as long as there is a single majority culture the jew sticks out like a sore thumb so they want to delude those cultures. They use muslims but didn't account for the fact that muslims hate them even more than everyone else.

Fuck off, Jew.

Jews always look so soulless

Lots of Jews also hate Jews. Ever hear of self-hating jews?

thanks for debunking everything i said, oh wait.

I unironically am beginning to believe this. Look at cuckerberg's wife, and all the trans jews etc. And the drug/alcohol deaths of jews.
They actually believe in their own wares..


Could anyone point me in the direction of the ((( ))) adding script, please?

>the left
>capable of learning from their mistakes

When has that ever happened?

Because they have the means to avoid them

For the moment

>implying I care
Jews will pay for their crimes.

which ones?

I hold Jews to the same standard as you hold Muslims.
The guiltiness of the Jews applies toward your entire race. You have racial guilt. It doesn't matter whether you weren't personally responsible. Too many of your tribesmen were.

The jew operares in the shadow.
He first forces the white countries to destroy them, then import them to wipe them both out

Jews have helped them dick over Christians since muslims have existed.

Jews are rich, rich people don't have to deal with immigration anyway.

so you have racial guilt for the crusades, all the wars waged by Europe and the Americas, native American genocide ETC. by your own standards you guys should face much worse retribution than us. please dont compare me to a sandnigger, we've dont have a theocracy that actually wants to kill you. besides Well, we dont control the world. Its more like the proverbial "Alt-Right" want the world to have some form of order. or an evil safety net pulling all the strings. It helps them cope with the fact that life is more random and uncontrollable than you are willing to comprehend. So you try to pin some shadow group as the people who control everything, when in the end those in power have always been just that.

This is the problem with wealthy liberals, the "vibrant diversity" they come in contact with are generally well-educated, well-off shitskins.
They don't realize that for every one of them we bring in we get ten absolute nigger tier pieces of trash.

It's not your business, subhuman gentile.