and is moderate
what do? i dont fit in anywhere :(
i made this thread to see if i could find a white husband on Sup Forums
Black girl who hates sjws
Other urls found in this thread:
yet you didnt post pics with timestamp stop larping fagget
i posted vocal proof
I would say show tits but I'm racist
What do you mean you don't fit in? Don't tell me every black person in America is a dumb cunt that buys into the sjw shite.
so at dont prove shit and why you want to be bleached just post pic no bigger dont have to be face just timestamp next to your black tits we do
nothing about Sup Forums is moderate lel
breed in your own race, bitch sorry you were born a nigger
how many STD's do you have?
Assuming for a moment this is true and you're not just LARPing. Finding a moderate/conservative White husband isn't hard.
One look around Sup Forums should show you just how many single White guys with Conservative views there are.
I've dated African and Caribbean girls before, some of them are alright. Whether the relationship ends up being successful depends on how racist your parents are and whether they're going to constantly give you shit for dating a White boy.
I'm sure you will find a white husband. Not sure if on the chan though. Maybe show him it.
I would they are quite rare down under.
im a kissless virgin
19 years old
never had a bf
yeah clearly im not normal bc im on Sup Forums, but i want to go to med school and believe i have things to offer in a relationship :)
show pussy
Would you be interested in dating a Pakistani Muslim from UK?
I currently live in Bradford, Yorkshire. You'll probably like it up here.
no one's buying your bullshit
and even if you are a filthy nigger, tits and timestamp or gtfo
>blacks are so shit than even their own women don't want them
toppest kek
also tits with timestamp or gtfo. it's not that hard to understand
you a christian and why you virgin you ugly also post pics for lulz
if you're halfway decent looking and willing to come to a first world country, you could be my waifu.
wtf go fiddle a white kid
Join the club Oreo friend, we're all from the Island of Misfit Toys on Sup Forums
If that's true you will definitely find someone.
>Pakistani Muslim
>from UK
Pick exactly one Muhammad.
Tits and timestamp? Otherwise stop larping
>I am a Paki
>Popped my head out of a paki labia
>21 years ago
>in UK
Assuming any of that is true, you shouldn't have any problems. Be yourself, be redpilled, find a nice church to go to, preferably Catholic, and you'll meet someone.
Definitely potential desu
Would dip my vanilla stick in some prime milk chocolate if what you said was true.
Fuck off attention whore.
if you're into fucking blacks always wear a condom. otherwise, enjoy your AIDS/herpes/gonorrhea
You're a nigger, that means you can have STD's by birth, so you didn't answer anons question.
Also, you seem to be of pretty low IQ if you are posting on 4chins for a relationship, not good breeding material.
Black women are best quiet and shy, boisterous manly nigga ass lookin like the dude I used to throw ball with in highschool bitches are the worst.
Local area.
Looks shit, but it's actually a nice place and community.
how'd you get your flag up there?
>no whites in sight
>trash on the ground
Reminds me of my ends. How bloody hard is it to keep the streets clean?
Ah yes, I can smell the curry through the monitor.
Black guy with a white fiance.
If you want a white spouse act white & be respectable but know when to "comfortably & comically, show your blackness" just enough to make you seem like you can be the life of the party.
Know the "white" culture. Have a knowledge of basic classic & folk rock. Slightly old pop culture.
Easiest way to get a white husband/boyfriend- get interested in your local sports teams.
On the personal side. Speak well, no slang- proper english only. You say you want to go to med school so that it VERY good that you are educated enough to get along with smart people & people with money.
You have to look good. Not celebrity good, but you have to be in decent shape dress well. Straighten your hair. And most of all, you must be very nice & very friendly. You cannot seem threatening AT ALL.
I dont know if you are light or darkskinned but model yourself after Gabrielle Union.
Just hide your power level.
If you need to reveal it, just do it subtly as you feel more comfortable around people.
Lmao is that considered decent in the UK? Even our social housing blocks looks WAY better
Nice grammar, Abdullah.
The councils are supposed to pick it up
Post tits.
tl;dr: act white and you will find a white man. act black and you'll find a nig. all the blacks round here are either students, criminals or drug dealers.
shows how useless they are. at least it's not as bad as it is in Brighton where the greens run the show. so i've heard they can go months without bin collection
well these are our normal estates
Shouldn't this be "post ass" for black girls?
>tfw i have one of those shitheaps at the end of my road
>perpetually smells of marijuana
>kids riding round on bikes trying to sell you drugs
>dogshit everywhere
>empty beer cans and tipped over bins litter the place
You can be a national socialist you just have to respect all races and take pride in your own.
>went black
>never going back
seriously, took forever to wash that coco butter/oily skin smell out of my Shieeeeeets
>I'm a gril I swear
>45+ post
>No tits
Sage this shit
You can fit in on my dick bby
So that's what's left of the great British Empire
do the people also talk 'wog' around there too?
over the last 10 years, a lot of my fellow paki males have been talking 'wog'.
Why give her advice? She's not looking for it, she's looking for beta orbiter attention, in one of the dumbest places where the only people that would honestly answer her aren't actual Sup Forumslacks.
go to plebbit, r/the_donald loves those alt light folks
you have my sympathies but you don't belong here
No, it's impossible because I'm too shy and have social anxiety.
I'm a Christian.
I'm being honest. I don't want to post a pic because Sup Forums is scary.
I want to have sex with a black girl but I'm afraid of STDs.
pic related is a 10 minute walk from me
One of the disadvantages of being Hungarian and studying abroad is that you have to switch between the glorious Hungarian, German and (((Anglo))) keyboard configs all the time.
>I'm a Christian.
Good to know. But would you be interested in living in UK?
head home to your shithole paki scum
t. dansken
why'd you shoop the original OP?
Christ what shithole is this user? London? Birmingham?
Looks like you managed to find it on your own kek
Bradford. My hometown.
>tfw you can't tell who's larping anymore
Nobody wants your purple pussy.
The difference between you and that pic is that you're darker and have a shovel-nose. Black girls always depict themselves looking like Indians because in reality they're offensive to look at
not many muslims where i am really, mainly ones run the kebab shops or study at the university. place is like 92% white. lots of chinese students though. and yeah they do, depends who though and where they're actually from
Its true.
Oh and the biggest key to getting a white significant other is having white friends...DUH. How could I forget that.
If you're on Sup Forums you're probably a little bit of a weeb. Thats OK as long as you don't sperg your anime powerlevel all over the place. Keep it lowkey, let someone comment on it and then subtle response.
>Black guy with white fiance
No problem with you, buddy, but worst regards for that whore.
I think black chicks are hot and would almost certainly make better partners than white girls, however reproducing with one basically means ending my bloodline.
I doubt anyone is going to take "I like you and all but having kids with you is genetic suicide" very well.
i'm against race mixing because you get the negative traits of both races, although i can obviously see why whites are more attractive to date than blacks. in fact most of the black girls i know overwhelmingly prefer whites. probably because they're less likely to give them an std. lel
>what do?
Social anxiety is a bonus. Some people look for that.
If not LARPing. Congrats on your bravery and good luck with your quest. Be careful.
Are you a QT?
>no bigger
bo bigger zippity zap bip bop boop
>Sup Forums is scary
It's really not. Look, you don't even have to show your face
Fuck off, and take your bleeding axe wound elsewhere, cunt.
Fuck yeah, I would date a conservative black girl. But no racemixing.
>what do? i dont fit in anywhere :(
this is the real tragedy of multiculturalism
you have to go back to africa its the only solution that makes sense
yeah, thanks though!
If you're cute, most people here will date you.
>would almost certainly make better partners than white girls,
If I dig a hole in the dirt I could get a better partner than a white girl.
I'd date anyone who fries potato chips for me desu.
This a joke right?
Isn't that what your whole ""country"" looks like?
Looks pretty cute desu.
Stop LARPing faggot.
Why all the rage, leaf? I'm trying help OP post proofs if she isn't a larping fag.
Like pottery
>white husband
There's that meme again.
What is it with Americans and race?
Fuck, all you need to do is spend time around Muslims in Europe and you'll soon sort your shit out.
Granted, recent African arrivals are a bit on the rapist side of the spectrum.... at least in Europe.
Many in the UK are engineering or medical students at university.
Fucking lol
Ps:stop the racemixing shit its disgusting