ITT: Racist but QT
ITT: Racist but QT
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racism in general is qt in a woman
that pic really made me think
is there a word like nigger but for white people?
>Racist but QT
You make it sound like the two aren't intrinsically linked.
>is there a word like nigger but for white people?
this is an original thought
you trolling me? that was an honest question
isnt that like "bitch" in bogspeak?
>is there a word like nigger but for white people?
sure, there have been several. but they don't work for the same reason that their is no need for white pride day: we don't have a massive inferiority complex.
It's a lot like making fun of a tall handsome man; he'll just laugh. but making fun of a short dumpy bald man is mean.
makes sense
The reader is racist. That could have been "nipper" cause all their nipples are hard or something
No, chavs are lower class Brits that act, dress, and sound like niggers, but are white. Another acceptable alternative would be Australian.
are you an australian? or even worse, are you a...leaf?
Whites let all other insults from other races roll off their backs but call the average white person racist and they get offended. But even that is starting to lose its effectiveness.
Finally, not an absolutely abhorrent post from a leaf. Good job.
Guerro, cracker, gringo, gweilo
Who the fuck calls hard nipples "nippers"
you opened my eyes, thats actually true.
this, but what does it means?
1st time i hear of it
not that qt
Cracker refers to the times of slavery, when a whip cracks against a slave's back.
Gweilo is a Chinese word for 'white devil' or 'ghost'
Cracker is used because American slave owners would crack whipers at the niggers.
Thus cracka was born
wat? never heard thos, can someone explain?
Wop is Italians
Limey for Brits
Honkie for whites
Mick for the Irish
limey i assume is irish
honkie is white
>Cracker refers to the times of slavery, when a whip cracks against a slave's back.
thats actually hilarious, you cant get ofended by that unless you are a cuckmale
>Gweilo is a Chinese word for 'white devil' or 'ghost'
thats kinda badass, but yeah it could be taken more seriously
White person
Irish person
get your eyes checked u fagget
I think honked was reference to when white guys would pull up to black brothels and "honk" the horn to get hookers to come get in the car. It might also be the basis for the definition of " horny"
did i trigger you, hambeast
*honky not honked
i thought it dealt with honky-tonk music which was popular amongst southern whites
white trash or chavs? we call them tokkies.
I'm willing to bet good money that at least one of them got blacked.
I'm pretty sure this is what it was derived from
wait, whats the difference between spic and beaner?
Oxytocin. It's produced by physical contact, conduces to sex behaviors, and promotes both pair-bonding and rejection of groups perceived as threats to one's own gene pool.
Even the "racist" ones can't help it
same thing... though beaner might be slightly less racist
wonder bread
That isn't the same person Tyrone.
Limey is english, from the limes english sailors would eat to prevent scurvy on long voyages.
>Good joke
Fuck goys, I didn't see it coming.
There's no one for all white people cause white identity is hardly thing, the only times that "white" is ever a racial identity is when it comes vis a vis black people. Otherwise white people go by specific ethnicities and nationalities like Irish, Italian, German etc, for which there are plenty of racial slurs.
I know an English guy who got really pissed off at being called a "pom", and Germans get angry if you call them a nazi.
all mixed race mongrels
It literally is. SJWs got the names and shit and went to work.
WTF how do you get 2 dicks?
You're a blind retard if you actually think that's the same person
>saying nigger makes you a nazi
it's a fucking word, they were spelling another word for a pep rally and realized they could spell nigger and thought it would be funny.
Fuggin really?
Yes. You guys must have missed it but someone either in that class or something released all the girls names to the public. And thats when people went through their social media accounts.
And the boy himself spoke up and said his girlfriend wasn't racist it.
fuck off weeb
I enjoy the videogame NIER as well.
That's fucking hilarious. Serves her right for being a coalburner.
>Top 10 Anime Combination Sequences
Right, all sounds 100% true and not at all made-up sweetie
>this whole my boyfriend is
Please tell me she wrote that so the mudshark stereotype of them being retards continues
Marriage material.
I really want a black guy with such a nice ass.
>And the boy himself spoke up and said his girlfriend wasn't racist it.
gotta work for dat white pussy
nice thumbnail
They are obviously joking about it. No one knows the context of this picture.
(and if this guy is right, then it just proves my point below)
Girls are not interested in getting in conflicts with niggers in general - what would they win from this?
The reason Sup Forums dislikes niggers is because Sup Forums is male, and males are programmed to fight for our girls. It especially triggers us, if the other males are showing clear signs of wanting to assert their dominance like the niggers usually do.
And this is even amplified further by the method of how the niggers attempt to assert their dominance, because it's almost always a clear sign of how degenerate they are compared to us. I think this triggers an even stronger will to protect our women from such degeneracy.
you don't have niggers in your country. you don't understand
We have the sand type, and though they are different, they share the "underdog/aggressive" behavior.
it's not the same... at all.
You might be right.
But both of them spawn ghettos and society degeneracy, so there must be something in common
Was he even her real boyfriend?
you mean "and"
I call white people niggers all the time. "Nigger" has transcended race and now describes a social caste.
We have both blacks and arabs. Arabs are infinitely better to have than blacks. Sure they often have shitty ideologies such as islam but at least they have an average IQ above 85. I personally think blacks (antillians especially) are a bigger threat to this nation than Islam. Every other girl in my neighborhood has a mongrel kid. 90% of the kids playing outside any given time are half black mongrels.
At my uni there are plenty of arabs, turks, persians and other nondescript brown folk but niggers all drop out really soon. Most of them barely manage a year of uni.
Their are from Arizona and one of the girls has a BLACK bf...
blacks from africa are very different than african americans
Nigger came about because most imported slaves came from the Sub-Sahara, Congo and, more importantly, Niger.
But seeing as 1.8% of white people owned slaves at the peak of slavery, there was a LOT of multi-generation poor farmers in the south.
Unfortunately, just like nigger, this word has also become a sad form of "endearment". Perpetuating the "I'm just a slave" mind state.
Anyways, a poor white share-cropper is out in this huge god damn farm, from sun up, until sun down. With only the help of his closest friends and direct family because they are heavily understaffed.
At the end of the day, these men come inside and take their shirt off.
Being burnt in the hot sun, they had rednecks.
>Nigger = Redneck
thanks for the info
One of those girls is a coalburner and the picture was her dindu bf's idea.
>be me at this school
>See post on twitter
>who cares
>National News within hours because twitter is a liberal hellhole
>Black Pastor comes to protest
>One girl forced to apologize
>Girls expelled and lost scholarship
>Lectured by niggers in the following months about racism and kindness
ESPN even interviewed some black students to see how they felt
Sorry mate, but you are totally wrong. The world nigger is a corruption of "negro", which is a term for black people which was heavily used back in the day. Negro of course is just spanish for black
You were right about rednecks though
so it's a compliment actually?
>publish f*ck on a newspaper because it's totallly not fuck
>attack children because ni**er implies nigger and that makes it the same
>Thanks for the history lesson perfesser.
>The world nigger is a corruption of "negro"
Listen to some old audio of LBJ sometime. He pronounced it as "Neegeruh". No joke.
What the fuck are you talking about? Have you seen people recently?
they are not from Africa. they are from the Americas dumbass, i said antillians did i not you amerifat.
They're both right.
The reason that the two became popular terms is because they're coincidentally homonyms.
>implying you're white
have i seen people?
is this "qt"? you queer
Look up "Florida Cracker". niggers hijacked it
lmfao no
beaner is more mexican methinks
beaners are us, spics are the rest of you faggots but mainly Puerto Ricans and Central Americans
Fun fact this was at my old high school.
They aren't white like you
how can someone be this dumb?