Didn't see one, so I'll start it here. How was Mass, user?
"The Rosary is the weapon" - St. Pedro Pio
How to Pray the Rosary: usccb.org
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: usccb.org
Didn't see one, so I'll start it here. How was Mass, user?
"The Rosary is the weapon" - St. Pedro Pio
How to Pray the Rosary: usccb.org
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: usccb.org
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't get anything out of mass anymore. Do you?
>How was Mass, user?
You mean: How was autism, user?
I've felt that way before. It's natural, I think. What do you feel is missing? Have you tried finding a Latin Mass? Homily tends to be a bit more learned and meaningful.
Priest at the church I went to today had a weird speech impediment. He couldn't say the letter "D" without adding an "S" onto the end. At first I thought he was saying some new age shit about "Gods" and "Lords" but during the homily I realized that he couldn't help it.
"You coulds do this, you coulds do that"
Sometimes he would compensate in certain words by using a hard T
"The botty and bloods of our lords Jesus Christ son of Gods"
I felt bad desu. It was a beautiful service otherwise. Reverent and grand but a small church, so it was intimate and personal. I worked up the nerve to walk up during communion and get a blessing from the priest.
I keep hoping someone will say hi to me or reach out to me at mass to get me more involved. I have anxiety about meeting new people so I have just been going to mass by myself this whole time.
Any advice on finding a radtrad parish? the NO masses at my parish are disheartening... Clapping for the choir after Eucharist, sub-par music (at least not guitars), spazoid children, too much singing, general disrespect of the liturgy from the laity...
Have you tried other normal parishes in your area?
All the churches in my town do NO mass and there's major variety. Some are very traditional, some are guitars and projector screens
List of approved Traditional Latin Masses being offered in the US: ecclesiadei.org
Not yet. I'm wondering if there were any resources or things to check for on parish websites that would indicate orthodoxy one way or another.
OP, I have a questions
Where are you from ( you US state ) ?
What is orgin of you ancestors?
catholic general /page 10 edition/
America, white
What is everyone's opinion on non denominational churches? I went to one once because my ex (who was my girlfriend at the time) wanted me to try it out and it was terrible. Is America the only place with them?
Stray sheep here. Will the Church ever be Great Again?
They are nonsense.
They are the equivalent of a MLM scam.
There is one Church and that is the Catholic Church that Jesus Christ founded.
I dunno, but probably not.
Unitarian-Universalists exist outside the US too.
Nondenoms are just slightly less watered down UUs if you ask me.
UU has a lot of variety. The UU in my town are atheists and their "church" is a social gathering. They teach a children's sex ed class for "Sunday school".
UU in my previous town were wiccans/new age.
t.American Catholic
If anyone tried thay shit in Norn Iron you'd be hung.
Absolutely disgusting
christians are just like joos and mudshit people. religions based on pedophile rituals.
>Didn't see one, so I'll start it here
This isn't the place for it. You want a circlejerk about your superstition go to
Wow, this doesn't surprise me at all.
Figured it was exactly that, people hiding behind a "church" who don't really want a church.
Sounds like Episcopal church