Fuck Trump for banning Muslims

I'm going to say this only once...if western civ countries are going to pull shit like this, then they DESERVE TO fall.

This is not the olden days where countries are isolated nations who attack each other because they think its fun. Or needed to invade and steal each other resources.

This is the modern world, and we going to stay on courses whether you or Trump likes it or not. If you can't accept people from ALL religions and nationalities in your country, even IF some are bad apples or have sex with """your""" women. Then your whole society needs to crumble and die.

I don't care about the virtues of white men. I don't care about old white men who play some piano music or sculpt some naked other white man as your supposed culture. This is not who we are in the 21st century. I also do not care if you think your race is "dying" and will be bred out because hispanics and muslim men. Even if that was remotely true, it is leagues better than barbarity towards other humans.

Now then, if you think letting people of darker skin color into your country makes you a """KEK""", then fucking let it sink in your warped, fragile little mind, that you are a fucking cuck. I DO NOT CARE.

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reminder to politely sage

>it's current year goyim!
>scr....screw you!
Fuck off.


Fuck off, white american

Anti sage, you all need to read this.

>im going to say this only once
LOL if only that we're true


>anti sage

fuck off newfag

Anti sage, white bitch. What are you going to do about it?

dude your thread is dying, hurry up and bump it

>banning muslims

i like trains

>he thinks he can bump his own thread
welcome newfriend. i hope you enjoy your inevitable red-pilling exprience


Don't you worry, there will be other threads

Fuck your civilization

nice proxy faggot

I can if I use a different IP.

Get FUCKED trump lovers

You're going to the camps


>admitting to using a proxy

enjoy your ban

Why do they deserve to fall?

Muslim values do not match ours, why can't you just stay in your homes? What wrong with them?

Couldn't be because any nation ruled by religious nuts is a complete shithole could it?

Kill yourself. I wish Europe would do the same.

I agree, there will be camps. I think its high time to start gassing white racist males

Fight me, I do not give a fuck, you people will never learn and deserve to suffer.

Go listen to your cultural white people piano music and jerk off to naked white man statues you white ugly fuck.


Low-tier b8


Because they are making other races and religions suffer just because they are scared little pussies.

Kill yourself you racist cuck.

You mad, Achmed?

>Go listen to your cultural white people piano music and jerk off to naked white man statues you white ugly fuck.

why are nonwhites so afraid of being civilized?


Anti sage, white cuck. What are you gonna do about it?

Yes, I've ridden in a lot of cabs driven by (I'm assuming are) Arabic Muslims and Sikhs. And every single one of them has shown me nothing but the utmost courtesy and respect, and I've had many wonderful conversations with these cab drivers. No Muslim has ever harmed or wronged me. Every one I've met, along with the Sikhs and Hindus as well, are nothing but assets to this country. They work damn hard, providing an incredibly useful service for the people of this country. A hundred times over, I'd gladly take them as my neighbors than the bigots and assholes espousing anti-American beliefs.


As a Native American I think I'm a little more worried about being out bred then the white man is.

Immigrants fucked this country up once and now you're trying to say "hey lets fuck this shit up some more" while driving Abdul from whogivesafuckistan to the airport.

I refuse to let the muslims fuck up my country when we just got it going alright with the white people.
>blacks need to be HEAVILY VETTED for deportation
Besides muslims won't be as bro with the indigenous peoples as the white man has been. They'll just rape our women and steal our land AGAIN.

you have been told fake news

this is not a muslim ban

this is a temporary bar of entry into the country from countries designated under the obama admin

So let's see, youre stupid and angry about something you dont fully understand, so you come here and tell everyone else that you hate them?
Is that all? What makes you think your opinion is worth more than anyone elees?

>uhhhh I paint swirls on canvas
>my culture is better than yours

Neck yourself, white cuck.



Because they cant into civilization.
Fox and grapes

go suck a nigger dick faggot.

>Neck yourself, white cuck.

i am not white, i am nigger. Sup Forums is not a white board we are multicultural

Fuck off with that thinking. The white people are responsible for causing you to be a dead race. Blame THEM

It effects muslims only, shut...up...

>youre stupid and angry about something you dont fully understand,
Real funny coming from Sup Forums

That is news to me. Pretty sure people from Maylasia are still traveling to the United States.

why so mad? white boi steal your sister or something?

better than a white one, I guess that is why 85% of white women prefer black cock

>I'm going to say this only once...if western civ countries are going to pull shit like this, then they DESERVE TO fall.
>banning religious degeneracy
>a bad thing
nigger you stupid as fuck

Nice retort. No it is because of the muslim ban, are you retarded?

Have more context behind that video?

what muslim ban?

>things I say are bad because they are not white.

Neck yourself

>western civ countries are going to pull shit like this, then they DESERVE TO fall.

so western countries should fail because arab countries failed to maintain their human resources? this grasshopper mentality needs to be stopped. if you want a better life don't migrate like a shitty nomad cuck

You're naive as fuck my senpai, but you're just leafposting so whatever.

brazilian kid steals guys gun and unknowingly tries to sell it back to the guy he stole it from

>If I try and naive and questionable, maybe he can reveal a whole in his logic and I can swoop in and claim superiority!

the MUSLIM ban. I am not saying any other description.

This is why you lost and trump won. If you "dont care" about respecting the white core class whose ancestors created the west then I do not care about your globalist feel good vision and will work toward its destruction.

You should neck yourself.
There was a time when they deserved to be blamed it's called the Indian Extermination Act.

All you fucks complain about institutionalized racism, segregation and slavery but you seem to forget that we're nearly extinct. My people were hunted down for sport, pleasure and payment.
That's institutionalized racism.

The white man did great things with our land, contributed to global culture/history in meaningful ways, made scientific breakthroughs and turned us into the best country in the world.

No matter what you say the white man did great things and was great back to us. Even the nations that didn't sign the treaties got fair treatment and many nations still get benefits to this day.

I've said it time and time again here.
Fuck your kike agenda blame game.
Fuck hating the white man just because he fucking won.
The white man has a rich history he should be proud of just like my people have a rich history they should be proud of.

Muslims need to be gassed

what is this thread and why are you so angry
lay off the stimulants

WHAT muslim ban? no one banned muslims, 7 countries are banned from entering the US, how can a country have a religion?

They deserve to fail for the above reasoning, nothing else

You sound like a broken, horse whipped piece of shit. You are too weak to have any moral or values of your own so you leach on to your oppressor like a battered house wife. Your opinions are as low as you are. Fuck off and die.

Go to their countries and make them better than

Good thing he didn't ban muslims then.

fuck yourself libcuck. this is the one move that will prevent the US from falling.

hopefully it turns into civil war against leftist traitors like you though. gutting libtards would be the cherry on top.

OP is trying to tell me to be mad a white people because muh land, muh beads and muh racism.
I'm not having it.

Also OP likes to suck muslim cocks which explains why he wants the west to fail.








immigration ban. there, better?

Explain to me how they are making others suffer?

The west is like nice stronk vodka, by letting in 3rd world shitters is like now pouring water into this vodka making in cheap and horrible.

This has nothing to do with religion or race my friend, it's simply because these people raised in 3rd world shot holes are really shitty people FOR THE MOST PART.

>I don't care about the virtues of white men.
You are on the wrong board then, buddy.

>Fuck off with that thinking. The white people are responsible for causing you to be a dead race. Blame THEM

The white people who did that are dead you fucking retard. Am I supposed to hang a child because his dad committed a murder?

>It effects muslims only, shut...up...

A Christian from Syria can no longer come to the US even as a refugee. Fuck off

I think you are selling liberals short. Are you sure your "people" won't be the ones stomped into the dirt with your cuts having around your body. I want to start gassing white racists. I think it would be fun to watch your ilk clawing against the gas chamber walls, puking blood out as your slowly die from noxious gasses, while we then take your bloated corpses into a fire.

l o l

MMMMMMMM...oh yes my dear....Huuuuuh....firing my neurons indeed...is that....dare I say....hmmmmm...a constructive idea?......I seeeee....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....huuh....It really makes me think
.....Hmmmmmmmmmmmmhmmmm....ah yes...and also....a hint of....hmmm....I understand.....quite thoughtful my dear....huuuuh...but of yes...this will do nicely....hmmmmm.....please my dear....another if you please....nice and informative now....
Oh yes...very good!....very well put and written....hmmmmm...is that a drop of political undertone in the post?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little look before I think my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of information my dear....ah yes....let me guess...society is ignorant?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for huuuuh.....I seeeeeeeee.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well as sexist......hmmm....that tone is quite noticeable....yes.....privileged and racist I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....
MAAAAAAAKES ME THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNK Oh I was not expecting that…that little opinion my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me think through this little one…just one small look…..hmmmm…huh….hmmmmmmmmm…and yet…so strong…yes…the data….huuuh…hmmm….is that….huuuuuh….hmmm….I can almost see it my dear…..yes….just…really….a little more insight if you please…..hmmmmmmmmmmmm…ah yes I see it now….yes quite….hhmmmm…inspiring my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…huuuuh….the most intelligent one yet my dear….hmmmmmmmmmmmm….yes….

How about white people genocide you Mohamad....because that is how you make people genocide you.

show me something that specifically says it is intended to ban muslims. i'll wait.

what is wrong with not wanting "immigrants" to come to your country?

>you sound like an uncle tom

You can't understand what my people have gone through or what it's like to be like us. If you say you do you're a racist that knows nothing about history and you can't say anything otherwise or else you're oppressing me because I'm a marginalized minority POC.

What has hate and anger gotten us?
What do we have to be angry about anymore?
Why would we want to be mad about free gibs?

You want to hate for the sake of hate.
You sound like a person with no moral foundation and not a true representative of multiculturalism.
>possibly a kike

There is no "muslim ban" you retarded cunt. 7 countries have an immigration ban. All the people--regardless of religion--are on a temporary ban. There are other countries with majority muslims who can still get in.

The Regressive Left is a cancer in society.

Obama banned people from Iraq for 6 months. Fuck off with your virtue signalling. You're too stupid to realize you're being manipulated.

>If you can't accept people from ALL religions and nationalities in your country, even IF some are bad apples or have sex with """your""" women. Then your whole society needs to crumble and die.

Haha, kill yourself my man. Stay a butthurt shitskin.

Didn't ban Muslims that's illegal can only ban countries dip shit

They would be above 1st world if not for white people ruining every other non white country on earth

>Am I supposed to hang a child because his dad committed a murder?

Only if he was white


OP 100% faggot.

have a tissue for your issue

You have no idea what the situation is and if you think a president on his own can make and pass laws (that have existed for years under Obama) in his first week on the Job;

You don't deserve to be treated like an adult


Temporary suspension of visas under countries that were listed years ago as threats, is NOTHING NEW

>how can a country have a religion?

because if you're going to war with someone you need to make it personal and with clear labels, goy

what is better, vanilla or chocolate?

But we do care you filthy cock sucker!!!!

Islam is a Trojan Horse filled with a degenerate peoples. Stay in your shit holes...fuck off!

I want white countries to die


Sounds like your still full of hate. Don't throw virtues at me, when you have none. It doesn't matter what you are, if you side with whites, then die.

I thought you said you were only going to say this once?


thread theme


You don't deserve to be treated like a human

SO I guess I will say it again




>Being this trigger because you can't make your point.

Muslim here, we're coming to your country whether you like it our not.

Eat dick
Trump is in the right

reminder that Obama banned people from Iraq for six months in 2011 and nobody said a word

what do you think of the holocaust?

Uh oh a "gotcha" better give up my thread because you "got me" OOHHH NOOOOOOO.

Neck yourself

Go outside and say this shit nigger. Hopefully you get your teeth kicked in.

You will die though.

Don't worry, Trump is more of a "we won't go down without a fight thing", the "modern world" is unstoppable.

It's current year guys. I hate Trump now.

are you fucking new to this planet? no one cares what you think faggot.

>If I keep being autistic and keep shouting this hashtag I will look less retarded because I blend in with the rest of the emotional retards who have no idea what the fuck they are talking about

You have no argument

Where were you when Obama signed to bomb some brown countries and deny visa entry?


>what is wrong with not wanting "immigrants" to come to your country?
stagnates education and diversity of culture. America is a nation of immigrants. pretending like it isn't is denying hundreds of years of history.

> I'm going to say this only once
Thank god, I'm already tired of it. Kill yourself and take some of your kind with you.

Fuck off with that white people string music

For racist white retards