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He's right.
And how many tens of thousands of refugees would not be alive today?
Check and mate, drumpies.
make it 2012 to present.
Far right.
Stay cool, pol.
not fighting to defend what you believe in and your fatherland.
immigrants not refugees
So, we have an obligation to die in place of our enemies? Sweet fuck-bagurks the cuck runs deep in you.
>implying brown lives matter
> If America didn't fuck up the ME for the last 30 years
Don't forget all the rapes and murders the refugees has committed
>europeans should die for muslims' fuck ups
It would be a win-win
And thousands would have never been raped or murder
>And how many tens of thousands of refugees would not be alive today?
>innocent women and children whose homes were destroyed by bombs
>not fighting to defend what they believe in and their fatherland.
Yeah right I mean they've got sticks and rocks they should just throw those at the tanks and fighter jets that'll solve everything
If trumps refugee ban was in effect in the united states in 1999-2001, 9/11 still would have happened
But das raciss
Youre arguing for the ban right? I cant tell
>If France and the UK drew up better maps after shitting on the Kaiser and Hitler
You say that as if it were a bad thing.
that's not how things work out in reality
And by continuing immigration you are sapping all the able bodied people from these nations effectively causing more death in the future.
All immigration into better off countries is a hindrance, all of it.
If you want to help these impoverished nations send aid or send people.
The safety of a countries own citizens should come before others
acutally probably more would be alive, given all those migrant boat sinkings
wtf i love trump now
If Europe had finished the job in the ME after both World Wars the US wouldn't have to meddle in there.
Correct + shotloads of money
Probably all of them except the yazidi and christian ones.
>he thinks it's only women and children coming
Turn on a fucking television, the crowds of refugees trying to get in are primarily male.
And last I checked Vietnam pretty much only had "sticks and stones" when they kicked our asses out of their jungle. Guerilla warfare isn't just a meme, idiot.
The answer is between 0 and we-dont-give-a-shit.
it's false the majority of terror attack that took place in europe these last 4 years were made by european born citizen
(You) are the definition of a cuck
How exactly would anyone be dead if they weren't allowed to come here? The EU could have just send gibs and supplies over there to the camps or set a few camps up themselves
So, you're cool with me raping and killing your daughter, than other people's daughters.
Congrats, you're the definition of cuck.