This woman is 28 years old and member of a "superior" white race.
This woman is 28 years old and member of a "superior" white race
That's a 9/10 in bongland, spic.
stacy you slag only brits and maybe irish will get this dot cotton get your rat out
>woman is 28
>member of white race
>white women age poorly
I understand how an inferior race might think this, but it's an illusion.
White women are the only women who have beauty to lose.
Since nonwhite women are hideous their entire lives, it seems like they age well.
top kek
Bad genes? Not using moisturizer in the morning and and night? Heavy smoker?
Shit I'm 28 and still get asked what college I go to.
watching women hit the proverbial wall is one of the greatest joys I've known in life.
This vapid cunt is the result of YOLO philosophy
She was fat and she lost weight. Happens to anyone. Don't get fat.
>Born: March 28, 1988 (age 28 years), London Borough of Barnet, United Kingdom
Goddamn. I'm 28 and I dont have a single line or wrinkle on my face.
And someone is marrying that
You are looking at the world's #42 ranked cat lady under 50 years old
Just bad genes. I've seen 22 year old white women that look 40
Aryans are superior.
The other white races are mutts that mixed with shitskins and other filth over the years. Which is why they have lower intelligence and different aesthetics.
Holy shit and to think I masturbated to that once
32 here. Me neither. White master race.
>not sure who this bitch is
>google image search
>visually similar images
>#1 is pic related
That's Lacey Turner from Eastenders and she's hungover in this picture.
Also she's a Celt, Celts aren't white.
What sort of lifestyle does one need to have to cause such sleepy bags under the eyes? A lot of drugs and alcohol?
Also a lot of extra fat on the face, I bet she smokes too.
based Ian Beale
Ahahahaha White people age like trash
Nothing ruins your body quite like being a fatass. Even when you lose the weight you look like a deflated bag of turds.
This has to be from smoking cigarettes and not using lotion. No way can 28 years do that to a person's face!
this is what happens when women hide behind make up all the time and dont actually take care of themselves.
Ello ma
I didn't realize it was a character from the same show as the uggo in OP. It's not as amusing, but still cracks me up that this is the first image result for her face.
Dat neck. Gross.
Which is it that got the better of you Sup Forums, the autism or the degeneracy?
This is now /EG/ Eastenders general
Remember lads, keep it REAL like IAN BEALE
I am 34 and I get carded at the liquor store
wtf i hate the white race now
wtf happened to Ian
Pretty sure that's because you need a special pass to buy alcohol in Sharia Canada
His daughter got bludgeoned to death by some young nutter and he went mental
Iain's homeless phase happened years before that m8.
Fuck, clue me in why did he go homeless. Homeless Beale best Beale.
I'm 27 and yesterday the barber asked me what high school i go to
I still get IDed at the liquor store as well, and co-workers don't believe me when i tell them my age
I've got a "babyface" apparently
the Qwdo pill
This has to be the most pointless death in EastEnders history
The what?