I found this on reddit

>I found this on reddit

really makes you ponder

Other urls found in this thread:


Looks more like the result of a Hitchens tier lifestyle than genetics desu femme

he looks like a homeless

neither of those are tied to genetics

He just needs a shave and a treadmill.

What the fuck is wrong with his face? Does he have cancer or something?


get a shave and a haircut, ya fucking bum

He just likes to drink schnapps

>Le white supremacist meme

>le Sup Forums is r/the_donald maymay

>Anglo genetic

plebbit logic
>you believe there's a racial hierarchy?
>uhh hurrdurr your ugly!

>made it to the white house to advise the president
>meanwhile most redditshitters will be working shit jobs and paying off debt the rest of their lives

>meme your way to the presidency against the entire globalist kike new world order
>not superior

Bannon looks cool though hes like my uncle

just some old white dude plus he is pretty smart

>being irish

is india above or below ireland in the Sup Forums hierarchy?.....I never remember


leddit btfo

>involved in biosphere 2
>he is pretty smart



above UK by far. UK posters are consistently shit tier beyond even canada. Canadians at least apologize for their shitposters, but British shitposters are all the British posters.

Go back there and never come back

Imagine looking like this and thinking your ancestors built the pyramids

Well, he's the chief strategist of America even though he looks like that.
Never thought about strategists having the need or the time to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. Now the question: So who posted such a comment? I think some fat dude in a basement.

never heard bannon being a racial supremacist, just believes western culture and Christianity is superior, but that makes you literally hitler these days...

>jews are the ugliest race of humans in history
>still have a IQ and dominate

looks don't mean much in the real world huh?

Steve Bannon doesn't even believe that

he's a civic nationalist cuck

how the FUCK did he get lumped in with white supremacy???

He looks like some unholy spawn of a romantic union between Jeremy Clarkson and James May.


If he wasnt fat and unkempt he could be a decent looking guy

here you go


Stephen Bannon literally has said nothing about him having superior genetics or even race, the media has just collectively decided he's a Nazi and retards believe it.

Provide one single piece of proof he is a Nazis that wasnt his ex-wife during his divorce claiming it.

Also take into account that he's fucking 63 years old. Thought he was in his 50's max

well they do....they indicate genetic health

Ironically he is called racist because he hired Milo

And Milo is literally a huge faggot who loves black guys

is that redditard implying his genes are inferior?

uhm... racist much?

Is that Gaben?

No way José.
We voted for brexit which ensured our position towards the top of the Sup Forums heirarchy for the next decade.

try again

>jews are the ugliest race of humans in history
>Not abos


This dude was an officer I. The Navy, served one of the highest Admirals in the Pentagon fleet after a very short stint, and the Navy doesn't release even his info or rank aside to say he served honorably. He is legit and connected.

>implying genetics have nothing to do with being a fat weak willed degenerate

>cries internally

implying its not. pretend all you want but Sup Forums is mainstream.

not sure abos are human

Also Aussie, i'm a bit drunk and want to watch an Aussie film like wake in fright got any recommendations?

so was ron hubbard


Look at Bannon here. As soon as Trump signs the lobbying ban he immediately breaks into applause before anyone has time to think about it. Bannon is /our guy/, there is no doubt about it.

Why are you on reddit?
gtfo faggot, that place is irrelevant, and so is your thread

that sort of retarded logic is why this board hates UK posters.

Miller and Bannon are /our guys/

OP is a fag

He actually is homeless (as in he doesn't actually have a home.)

watch snowtown, its fuckin' brutal m8

>not completely subjective
>implying there is any genetic value

nice comeback, Juan.

salty much?

>Not tied to genetics
Someone wants to have a word with you

>not completely subjective

read kant

>implying there is any genetic value

Sup Forums loses faith in eugenics. lol

Yeah, this mate.

These guys are in prison about a 10 minute drive from me, and they lived even closer before that

this guy is a cuck Zionist shill.
his ex wife is probable jew.
sent his children to jewish schools.


Until he opens his mouth. Seriously watch any video with Bannon speaking about current affairs, he's Alex Jones tier retarded.


couldn't sleep after watching it. Really freaked me out. I had to sleep in my mum and dad's room for a couple of nights

Why? It's not even scary, just disturbing

plebitors want to believe so hard that people they hate are supremacists

i find disturbing worse than scary. it gave me ptsd

why do Sup Forumstards get so triggered about one of their own getting labelled a racist/white supremacist?.
racists getting upset at getting called racist


20% of Whites are stupider than the average nigger.

>President's senior strategist, drafts half of the executive orders, maneuvers for the banning of Muslims, trolling practically everyone and winning
I don't know about you, but he's winning so hard that SOMETHING went right genetic-wise

Little psychological trick: people quickly start clapping once someone starts.

So if you're ever at a lecture that goes a bit too long and the guy is rambling and pauses at a good point, start clapping loudly and confidently. Everyone around you will start doing so and next thing you know, you've forced the situation.

Reddit is doing a LARPing campaihn agaisnt the evil alt-right NATZEESSSS, so everyone who doesn't suck leftard dick is evil and shit.
It's a sad thing since there a lot of long masturbatory post about the nazis, it's like a meme.

Bannon is smarter than niggers no doubt. Evolution didn't spare the brain brown people

>Aging makes you look ugly
Who knew?

Leave tumblr

He looks rough, I like it

False accusations are always fun. Lets call your dad a pedophile and that he molested his kids. Then its on you and your family to prove you guys werent molested by your pedo dad.
Thats the type of shit you fuckers pull all the time by calling white people racists.

He looks like a grizzly old alcoholic.

t. recovering alcoholic

Looks like someone has been doing a bit too much blow.

There is actually no proof that he is a white supremacist. That is a slander and a lie against based economic nationalist Bannon.

Its more about him aging like shit

>bannon is a nazi!!
>being a nazi means you think you are superior to everyone else!!

wow the jews really did a number on the goyim with hollywood eh?

If he wasn't fat, he'd look pretty based. Like a European soldier of centuries past, not a numale beta.

Spend some time in a hospital and notice that nobody gets fatter on a monitored diet.

>going to reddit, ever
go back, and then stay there