Trump is getting destroyed over this Muslim ban situation.
Trump is getting destroyed over this Muslim ban situation
>Muslim ban
These are the banned COUNTRIES.
This is a list of Muslim countries.
Indonesia 204,847,000 (87.2%) - NOT BANNED
Pakistan 178,097,000 (96.4%) - NOT BANNED
Bangladesh 145,312,000 (90%) - NOT BANNED
Iran 74,819,000 (99.6%) - BANNED!
Turkey 74,660,000 (98.6%) - NOT BANNED
Egypt 73,746,000 (90%) - NOT BANNED
Algeria 34,780,000 (98.2%) - NOT BANNED
Morocco 32,381,000 (99.9%) - NOT BANNED
Iraq 31,108,000 (98.9%) - BANNED!
Sudan 30,855,000 (97%) - BANNED!
Saudi Arabia 30,770,375(99.9%) - NOT BANNED
Afghanistan 29,047,000 (99.8%) - NOT BANNED
Uzbekistan 26,833,000 (96.5%) - NOT BANNED
Yemen 24,023,000 (99.0%) - BANNED!
Syria 20,895,000 (92.8%) - NOT BANNED
Malaysia 17,139,000 (61.4%) - NOT BANNED
Niger 15,627,000 (98.3%) - NOT BANNED
Somalia 10,864,733 (99.9%) - BANNED!
nice meme
didn't this bitch crave for the dick of a guy who beat her in a daily basis? basically a muslim
>celebrities and libs are mad at trump
Damn............. This will definitely change his mind
reminder to politely sage
It's the will of the people.
So wait, the people who hated him and said he was "literally hitler" now hate him?
Oh nooo, will he be able to sleep now?
>another brown immigrant complaining
Celebrities being mad makes me so happy.
Fuck them and their jewish antics.
>priority over CHRISTIANS
it's a de facto Muslim ban you autist. Comprehension goes past what's on the paper. Infer
>agreed to date the guy that assaulted her again
The entire situation is hilarious
>Implying that anyone cares what a nigger ooks and eeks
Wow. Celebrities virtue signaling. What's new?
>pop star doesn't like foreign policy
Wow, I will now completely rethink all of my opinions.
Simmer down, Robin, you whore.
Digits confirm.
so Muslim's can't come from those other countries?
The protests will all end pretty soon. Remember, it's still the weekend.
The protesters will either:
A - Have to go back to work and just generally get back on with their lives
B - Have to re-supply themselves with drugs and/or alcohol to cope with their various issues
C - Have to get in their 14 hour daily sleep
>we need to form our refugee policies around what celebrities like
But.... I hate Hollywood.
>listening to anything a woman who stays with a guy that beats her says
grade a retarded
I want Trump to strike fear into the hearts of all who oppose him.
Syria is on here twice
If twitter or reddit mattered, hillary would be president
Listen here shiksa whore you better tweet some shit about trump or your career is over you hear me
Rihanna probably lives in a giant mansion with body guards and has zero connection with poor Muslim immigrants...who probably think she is a degenerate slut...which she is
>1 post by this id.
all of the countries listed above are also listed below to preserve context. are you illiterate?
>Obama bans Iraqi refugees in 2011 for six months
>no one gave a single fuck
>Trump does something similar
>libs lose their fucking minds
just a reminder that Rihanna isn't American either
bitch needs to mind her own business and spread her wealth around her own country
Robyn "Rihanna" Fenty was born on February 20, 1988, in Saint Michael, Barbados. Her mother, Monica (Braithwaite), is a retired accountant of Afro-Guyanese background, and her father, Ronald Fenty, is a warehouse supervisor of Afro-Barbadian and Irish descent.
Kike workers mad at this. Tell me something new.
Is true Rihanna gave Chris Brown a rare strain of herpes? It's some sort Caribbean version that burns so hot you get 3rd degree burns where the sores pop up.
Also inclement weather.
That literally killed occupy Wall Street.
She should ask Obama why he created the order, not why Trump is actually enforcing it.
>Muslim ban
There isn't a Muslin ban.
If you are a Muslim from a country not on the list, you are not affected. If you are a Christian from a country on the list, you are affected.
>"pop star" aka prostitute calling anyone immoral
Rihanna just needs a BWC to clog that big mouth of hers.
>on Twitter
How will he ever recover?
malaysia is majority mudslime
I'm seeing an over drive of abuse about his new Executive Orders recently, is it true that they're really that bad? Or are they just extra triggering to liberals because MUH EVIL WHITE MEN
oh wow, this time he's gone too far in keeping his campaign promise that everyone alredy knew about
>Implying you aren't part of Project Alamo
lurk more, shill.
I am not sure whether you do not know what "de facto" means, or do not know what "Muslim" means, or do not know what "ban" means. Or maybe it is some combination of those?
>I'm supposed to believe that Rihanna has morals
Literally just a nigger who lip syncs about getting fucked. Who cares what she has to say anyway?
>Have to go back to work
>If twitter or reddit mattered
Twitter was key in Trump's victory. He knew how to use it.
But it wasn't immoral to bomb the shit out of these same countries because
really WTF
banning worse than killing because Trump is involved
and? He'll laugh all the way to a second term the way this is going, Americans don't care about Muslims they care about jobs
It was actually President Obama who implemented the laws, Trump is merely using them the same way Obama did.
Christians and athiests from these countries are also banned
Didn't Chris Brown teach that bitch about getting uppity and opening her mouth
>It's a replay of December Twenty Fucking Fifteen
Yeah we'd be much better off looking like cucked europe, right
>America ruined
>by keeping subhumans out
Hey boys, I got an even better joke
reminder that ISIS has spread to 37 countries, including the U.S
Rihana? more like Diarrhiana
tfw you're from Malaysia and not banned. Trump loves my Patreon
too good to be true
must be fake news
60% is never a meme. Trust me.
Yeah sure celebrities and leftists are idiots, but it's still bad optics. Literally Hitler did something that appears to be pretty fashy
But if there's a terrorist attack in the next couple days... then the Muslim ban becomes permanent.
So when you quote the law that his been in place for years saying that the president can block immigration of any group or subclass of aliens for any period of time he deems necessary for security reasons, and they just say that not all muslims or people from those countires are a threat OR that it goes against american principles. What do you reply with?
Why is Iran even banned? Did they trigger Trump?
>caring about a celebrity's political opinion
They quite literally do and say what is economically wise for their position.
It's part of their brand.
At the moment, hating Trump is the trend, so they go with it.
Yep. Even black bitches can get burned.
Also, R A R E
How can America be ruined if it was always racist, sexist, and problematic???
stop saying it's a Muslim ban. it's a ban on citizens from certain countries. they could be of any religion. why do you assume Muslims are terrorists?
Can this lady explain in calm factual terms anything she just said?
i support banning all slimes from all slime countries and i wish this was the case. so i get upset when dumb faggots say trump is banning all muslimes because i get excited then i see it's the same stupid bullshit i posted... only 7 slime countries banned. too bad.
>list of muslim countries
>no albania
>Trump is getting destroyed
>getting destroyed
Dizzy tarts on twitter wetting themselves.
The latter.
should i add kosovo to that list to trigger serbs?
>Trump won't ban Mike
So proud to be Malaysian rn
The drugs thing is real. My one friend said he was at the protest in philly on thrsuday and ran into someone from Mass. he asked why you here, and the guy said "it's fun on drugs"
Most are just cancelling out Obama's EOs. None of them are surprises because he campaigned on them for a year and a half.
EOs in generally are not the best thing a prez can do, but Obama fucked us hard with EOs and they have to be reversed.
Picture: Obama signing 23 EOs at once for gun control with the Sandy Hook Kids.
>Bill Clinton
>having jobs
>not surviving off of gibs
i hate how she calls trump an immoral pig, like hes a muslim or something.
Why doesnt she go back to barbados then ?
>List that Obama deemed as "troubled" areas
>Includes countries that Obama banned refugees from just a few years ago
It's okay when Obama does it.
Trump isn't in a position where negotiation is necessary. He's the president of the United States. All the people chattering on the sidelines can do fuckall about it.
So the jews that control celebs want musilm refugees?
Why do the jews want more muzzies?
>murder everyone not-muslim in your country
>complain that a ban of your country is a ban on muslims
its not a muslim ban stupid
these 7 are the ones congress established, so they are the easiest to impliment,k then he can go back to congress and get more countries if he likes......
Overdrive of abuse? Okay Brit leave your front door open or it's abusive otherwise. He literally put a 90 day ban in which the meantime , the agencies affect go and don't heir jobs reform the immigration process , vetting and possibly a personnel increase. I don't see the overreaction is about.
Ban will be lifted. Several false flags involving immigrants will take place both in america and england. Ban comes back, only its 10 feet higher.
What is with you faggots and everything being ((jooz)).
Why the fuck do Westernfags (at least their media) treat celebrities, i.e. literally clowns and whores working for the entertainment of plebeian masses, as some sort of spiritual authorities and moral guidance?
This shit is ridiculous, who would take advice in politics from a person famous for having phat ass or from some boxer?
How can some Oprah or Madonna or Rihanna have anything to add to immigration policy discussion?
Is this just a big propaganda ploy, to manipulate the goys through these Hollywood muppets?
He's still president so I don't see your point.