Wow. if you still support trump after this headline, i cant help you
What have we done...
He said he would do this but we didn't take him seriously. We only have are selves to blame
Gotta love the increasingly desperate headlines
Nope, still 100% American here Rolling Stone.
>letting the media tell you how to think
Wew lad.
Rolling stones supports slavery. I'm so fucking sick of these fucking asshole propping up a theocratic patriarchal system with a warrior ideology. They want it? This is what they think is good?
I don't really have much of problem, in principle, with putting them in orange jump suit and slicing their throat but how the fuck do they not see what they're endorsing? I'm starting to be convinced that the only way we can deal with these people is by creating some sort of simili religion which more or less mimics Islam by taking its core writings and just modify them a little for our purpose.
What the fuck are they gonna say then? That our religion isn't true? They don't give a fuck when it comes to Islam. Are they gonna say that it glorifies violence? They don't give a shit when Islam does it. They actually praise it. Are they gonna say that our religion condones slavery and that that's bad? Again, they don't give a fuck when Islam does it. Patriarchy? They celebrate it when Islam does it.
Fuck it. That's what they want. They want a theocratic, oppressive, arbitrary patriarchal system. They celebrate it at every turn and reward its use of violence.
Let's do it.
That image.
The Warhammer 40k meme leaks into reality.
To summarize this thread in several different ways:
>Drumpf BTFO'd
>Sup Forums, shut it down! It's over! Trump is finished!
>Drumpfkins BTFO'd
>It's over Sup Forums! How can he even recover?
>fuck drumpf and fuck white people
>Not my president
Did I cover the whole CTR copypasta list? Or am I leaving something out?
It's uncanny.
He should ban all sjw. They are cancer
I thought liberals hated being American
Defending yourself is exactly what ISIS wants
Mudslimes have their own vast section of the planet in which to reside with many countries to chose from. They don't belong in America, they don't belong in Europe.
uh, both the 40k Imperium and the United States are heavily based on Rome.
That's why they share iconography. Where do you think all the fasces in US architecture come from?
America is both an horrible system of patriarchal capitalistic oppression and the land of opportunity for immigrant at the same time. Of course, it's also an utter cesspit of racism but diversity is what made America what it is. Sexism also runs rampant in America, which is why it can profit from the inclusion of Islam and its teachings.
Thus operates the mind of the liberal.
Dumb librards
>i cant help you.
who here asked for your help?
By the way of logic it actually makes us more American.
My family settled this land in the 1650s. I'm pretty sure I'm American regardless if I hate everything you stand for. You can't just give and take away an identity on a whim. I was an American in the womb before I ever had a thought in my head. I was a American before all this politically correct bullshit became a phenomenon.
>Muslim ban
Fake news
America has one identity.
>Let's do it.
that headline reverted me from a normal, contributing member of society, to a college-aged millenial who smokes too much weed and hates the right
thanks rolling stone
Mormon don't have a warrior ideology embedded in their religion. If they bitch and moan about what we're doing we'll just quote a modified version of pic related and we'll declare that to be our religion, as revealed to our leader through the exclusive communication of an angel.
That's literally what Islam is and they celebrate it ALL. THE. TIME.
WTF I hate drumpf and love fake news now
So actual Americans are a minority in their own country? Americans sound kinda cucked desu.
What about Bill Clinton's ban on Haitians and nations with an AIDS problem?
IDG why this is such a huge problem now and I literally ran on a Green ticket a few years back.
Why the fuck do all these people defend muslims so much
It's like if you don't believe all the news stories, fine. But why bend over backwards to suck their smelly, circumcised, goat cum-drenched cocks?
At least black people have the potential to become based.
>black people have the potential to become based
There's not much indication that this increased quality won't be used so as to better berate the white man and remind him of his endless pool of moral responsibility vis-a-vis the black community as a whole.
It'll make more sense for them to use their skills for their own benefits and not for yours. I trust this is exactly what will happen. As a movement becomes more powerful it doesn't get nicer, it gets more of what it wants.
I've been saying this for weeks but nobody believed me. Drumpf is finished
why do they lie and call it a Muslim ban when it's actually a ban on 7 nations
>no fun allowed