Daily reminder that the racist people on Sup Forums are shills trying to make the rest of us look bad. They try to delegitimize trump-supporters
Trump and his ideology is not racist. Sup Forums is racist. Many Trump supporters are and are not racist. But this board is racist. That's all I have to say.
but you only think that because you're stupid.
t. the_donald
Nice argument.
>But this board is racist.
That's true, fuck white people
>FörChin iz raycayss!
Ma nigga, Sup Forums is NOT one board, and one board is NOT one person.
Really activates the synapses.
No one cares about a bunch of island niggers. At least you are where you belong.
you're right we are a board of peace
Haha, man so many liberals here today. So easy to spot. Go and fuck yourselfs. Sup Forums is racist, and its ok. Now, go and drown
We're not racist
We're just socioeconomic realists
Being called racist isn't an argument nor does it matter to me if I am called one
Arent you late for mosque
Ultimate answer for low personnal accomplishment, adopted by niggers of all races
The only reason why white people are statistically more civil is because they've had to privilege to develop that way. Some of the white race ended up falling off the latter and becoming trash tier.
However, don't accuse the under-privileged for not developing the same way without the same access to the same resources.
People treated like animals will behave like animals.
We are absolutely racist, we are national socialists.
Kikes and cucks fuck right off.
I'm in university for neuroscience at one of the best schools in my country.
Racial realism is the only way forward, niggers, jews, spics, and arabs, and some forms of asians need to be exterminated. Especially jews.
No no, you're mistaken. We sincerely want the wall to stand to keep spics out.
>carrying on your ancestors genetic and cultural legacy is we wuz
I'll explain this for you, retarded shitskin. The we wuz meme makes fun of Africans because they never had shit. They are proud of fiction. I certainly have accomplished more already than you ever will, stay in your island favela you fucking worthless nigger.
>racist people
Nationalism /=/ Racial hatredism.
Daily reminder racial hatredists are anti-national socialists.
Sup Forums is racialist/race realist
Racism = stereotyping and discriminating people based on popular cultural notions of race
Race realism = knowledge of objective biological and psychological differences between races
Is it the ultimate redpill to see the truth?
To see that we're a poor case of people branded 'rascist' who actually become rascist, thus proving the (((accuser))) is right?
fuck off trumptard, go shill for Israel like that faggot Trump
Racism is retarded.
We didn't lose, we are still here clearly and still thriving even in these dark times.
Whites are still on top, the problem are jews, who are as clever as most non Aryan whites, who are expert manipulators.
They've bred an army of traitors.
The jew is inferior to whites and Aryans in particular not because they are stupid, ashkenazi jews are often clever, but because they are evil and divisive pedophiles and dark occultists. Jews are the destroyers, Aryans are the creators.
Lol. What about not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims? You talking about rascism, but it is not.
Trump trying prevent attacks in USA and stop muslims rally in it, but people, women for example who muslims like to use as slaves defends them because they (women) are stupid and leftist.
You can call rasist everybody, but soon, this muslims will put knife in your back, and possibly you will learn something, but i do not think so.
They heard from childhood everyday that it is big honor to kill americans.
Good luck idiot!
Sup Forums was racist long before Trump was ever considered for President.
Sup Forums is not racist, virtually only Sup Forums is.
Ultimate answer for low personal accomplishments, adopted by white unemployed assburgers everywhere.
Doesn't invalidate the fact that you have a sub human iq and that you are inherently prone to violent tendencies. Couldn't even invent the wheel without the white man.
This board in it's very nature accepts everyone, for everyone is user. It simply doesn't care.
That being said, Sup Forums is super racist.
Nobody is user, everyone is flag.
Do you also think all chinese are Kung fu masters?
'Murica education everyone, no wonder you have so many niggers there
Not an argument nigger, I never even mentioned culture. And we have lots of niggers here from when we enslaved you sub humans.
ok, reddit
Hahaha funny boi, I couldn't care less, my ancestors are smiling at me now
Literally muh dick. You are closer to an animal than a human, and you keep proving it more and more. Your ancestors being proud of you is not much of an accomplishment considering that they made no progress in hundreds of thousands of years. I fucked a black girl by the way, but I am not proud of it because she is lower than me. You are proud of fucking a white girl because you know she and her race is better than you.
Fuck islands and fuck comfy beaches!
Ya. Take that!!!
You attack us not for our sinful nature but for our virtuous nature. No black or brown or asian country would ever want to take anyone else in. They know their countries are for them. Only the white man has the burden of a conscience and actually give a shit about other races then you manipulate that against us to make us hate ourselves. People are waking up though and your whole white guilt narrative is done for. I personally hope Trump never gives any of you horrible selfish ungrateful bastards another cent. America's spent $ trillions trying to be the mall cop of the world and all we do is get hate from you savages. Us Sup Forums NEETs never could have convinced the normies, but y'all sure have this last 18 months. Keep chimping out please.
why do you get your own flag
>I fucked a black girl by the way
Confirmed for bestiality.
Pride? Nah, I don't even take pride in my successful career. Pride is the first step to degeneracy. Your arguments will work on your common nigger, not on me. :^)
Sup Forums is a meritocracy. Not our fault that an entire race of people has been shown to have no merit ;^)
Cauz we independant and sheeeeit!
Send more RSA pls
>Confirmed for bestiality
Thanks for proving my point. But if you are successful than I'm glad to hear that, you're an outlier. But that anecdotal evidence doesn't disprove anything.
>tfw Basque
jelly af desu senpai