General Cakeboy

From Wiki:

>Mattis is a life-long bachelor, who has never been married and has no children

>be James Mattis
>receive intel that meeting in the desert is actually a wedding
>has flashback to the time his mother asked him when he was going to find a nice girl, settle down and give her some grandkids
>flashes back to all the dicks he's sucked
>orders drone strike

My fucking sides when Amerifats laugh at other countries' defense ministers.

Other urls found in this thread:

Mattis is volcel. He is preserving his bodily fluids to grow his strength.

He's married to The Corps.

>A gay marine is now in charge of our nation's military
Nice going Drumpf

Confirmed for virgin wizard powers

If the Corps wanted him to have a wife, they would've issued him one.

Well, dominating another man is the most masculine thing possible so if Mattis is a faggot I wouldn't mind. Sandniggers better cover their bungholes.

Oh look, it's the same bong shitposter.

your great colonial era Queen was unmarried as well. yet you still exclaim "god save the queen!" every time big ben strikes 4 bongs

Some people aren't made to create more humans. Some people are created to take other humans off this Earth, permanently. That person is Mad Dog Mattis.

underrated post


I'm sorry that you lost half of your family in that drone strike.

This. Pure warrior spirit, untainted by disgusting sexual lusts.

he is harnessing his wizardry powers to summon kek at the ultimate hour on the battlefield

Lol who gives a fuck if he IS gay. The military has long been a haven for faggots to escape to.

I'm in the military, and while most men are straight, the idea that being gay is hard in the army (get it?) is horseshit.

We treat everyone like shit equally.

I find this funny because Mattis is the meme general. Imagine what would happen if Trump filled all of the other positions with memes?

It would be like team Secret from Dota.

After the satisfaction of ordering the deaths of thousands... maybe 100s of thousands, sex and fatherhood probably seems trite.

Oh look it's this copypasta again by the same britfag

real life isn't a shitty video game

He is married to The Corps.

That gay man would assrape your entire country's defense. Literally.

Secret happened in real life.

He is a god of war

A true Roman


Woman deprive of a man of his essence.

rumors say he posts in /his/

Pretty sure he's gay and he's getting all the lovin from the USLGBT squadron

>an angry faggot smiting shitskins with extreme prejudice
I'm honestly surprised it took that long for one of them to finally snap

I don't know guys. Men who don't have a wife or kids have less skin in the game and can do reckless things.

I had a first Sgt that said that about him self.


it's actually 4 and 8 bongs now

>the players aren't real

>haha this thing j made up sure would be funny if it were real man i sure showed you by making up this thing

Um ok

The Man dedicated his life to serve his country. He has sacrificed his own personal life to protect the interests of the American people. He deserves respect for that.

Hes literally this guy from the sopranos

you seem to be a little confused

>be James Mattis
>receive intel that meeting in the desert is actually a wedding
>order drone strike because that was exactly what they were looking for.

The CIA has been deliberately ordering drone strikes on the weddings of the relatives of important Islamist terrorist figures on the off chance that Achmed al Boom Boom might be attending his second cousin's big day.

Then they come back for the funerals. I'm not even joking.

Bonus explosion: if other people in the area notice the fire and come to help, they get bombed too in what is called a 'double tap', on the grounds that anyone helping the militants must also be a militant (maybe the people ordering these drone strikes just don't understand the concept of a good samaritan).

>he has transcended the need for an interpersonal relationships for he is married to the Corps.
>he needs no sex as for every shell 105mm that rips a goatshagger in half, he receives a pleasure greater than any form of copulation
>he needs no one to lay down in bed with at night for he has his red, white and blue striped blanket
>he needs no children for his men see him like a father. or a wrathful, drunk uncle who threatens punks on his lawn with his illegally sawn-off mosin
>he needs no grandchildren for Kek shall ensure his legacy will be more prominent than the greatest of nobles
>he has no need for a girlfriend for he is harnessing his wizard powers to further strike down the enemies of the state
Canada's defense minister is a turban-wearing sikh who doesn't do anything and got the job solely for the colour of skin, so we have to rely almost completely now on a foreign fucking nation to make sensible defense strategy.
God bless the Mad Dog and God bless Trump.