Is he truly /ourguy/?
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I don't think he wanted to be, but he is now.
he's Jewish
Creating and joining sides only divides us more and more and creates more problems than it solves. That is why the US became such a shitfest that it is now.
Yes I am.
>watching jewtubers
Good goy
I wish it was you, johnny boy.
He has to be laying about not knowing what a Trap is.
Don't even watch him but he gets points
what's this about? been gone for a while.
Can you fucking stop these threads, they are made too often and turn out to be circle jerks. Spam them like twice per day so you dont get them deleted.
He talked on a podcast for 5 hours about how he felt about society.
At the risk of destroying his brand, he spoke his mind. He did what 99% of other large Youtubers wouldn't dare to do.
Yes. Why do you keep asking?
He fucking quoted rudyard kipling -- "Wrath of the Awakened Saxon"
Somebody post PeanutButterGamer's beautiful temper tantrum meltdown.
You're jewish.
I didn't even really know much about him until his name started cropping on pol a lot recently, buf if anything it's a sign of a shift in the culture war. I welcome those changes.
>Paying attention to these shiftless faggots.
You're the problem.
>self loathing jew
So he is /ourguy/
>not acknowledging closet allies while not contributing yourself
You're the problem.
i dont know, you tell me
So from that website Jon is no where near jewish, but from a family of denounced muslims.
Who's next boys?
I just went to the site and it didn't even recognized my 2unique4u surename
You mean Jon "the Kike Killing Safari" Jafari?
The United States of America