Why hate on Muslims? They are cool

I have Muslim buddies and they're cool. They cook really gorgeous food, are always generous, and they are super friendly. It's not like I'm going to convert or anything to Islam. So what's the big deal? They like drinking, partying,and nightclubs if you give them a chance to.


>I have Muslim buddies and they're cool
They even helped you lose your virginity when you were 10!

>Why hate on Muslims?
Because they're the antithesis of everything the West stands for.

Fuck off, Mohammed.

They are no real muslims

>have Muslim buddies and they're cool.

those are just westernized shitskins. they could still snap into a religious fervor at any moment like the boston marathon bombers did


> I have Muslim buddies and they're cool
Me too. But there is a difference between them and the ones who are flooding into Europe, for one, my friends all have Swiss passports while the new ones have German passports. Add to that the cultural differences, and you can pretty much figure out yourself what the problem is.


They had his 7yo sister before they had him though.



They're not muslims.

>they cook gorgeous food
No they don't it's all halal slaughtered which is an affront and has no business in this country and it's usually gives you the shits yet people still eat that pig swill.


Fuck off Muhammed

Yeah but so can non muslims. Both jihadi terrorist attacks in canada were done by white converts. The most recent attempt was some white kid who wanted to blow up a train. Lots of people converted and travelled to Syria to fight.

>They like drinking
then they aren't muslims

Just like christfags who support gay marriage aren't christians. Just fucking own up to your ideologies you fucking faggots.

I don't "hate" Muslims, I just do not want to become them or live around them or have them in my country.

They have their own countries, they can stay there.

nice try abdullah

I have nothing against them. I also have nothing against grizzly bears. But I would not want either in my neighborhood.

Every muslim is a radical but some are more and some are less. No such thing as liberal Muslims exists.

religion of peace

It's a false dichotomy
>you hate muslims
>we have to have mass immigration from muslim countries

do you not see how can you not hate muslims and not want mass immigration at the same time?

>yet people still eat that pig swill.

Non-Muslims eating pork.

Muslims are cool until theyre not. Understand? You may think they are your buddies but in the end they wouldnt hesitate to kill you since the demon they worship demands it. Fuck Islam

A radical muslim wants to behead you. A moderate muslim wants a radical muslim to behead you. Many such cases!

That's literally how they operate. They are your best friend until it is time to strike.

Like another mentioned, complete anti-thesis of the West.

>why do you hate muslims
>posts greek food


had a moroccan friend, smoked weed, ate pork, did cocaine, he drinks like an animal and doesnt give a fuck about islam, we used to go to brothels toghether

Seriously guys. I hear they like going to concerts and gay bars. They really open up at these events, but sometime they drive their opinions too far into the attendees skulls.

>They like drinking, partying,and nightclubs if you give them a chance to.
I like Levant ethnics too, they're basically indistinguishable from Greeks or Italians.
But saying they're "Muslim" is like calling the average New Yorker a Christian. If you drink, party, and engage in debauchery you're really not a good Muslim.

Sounds like white canadians too.
I can't count the amount of times some white canadian has acted like my friend only to take from me

Those eyes are a fucking mess

Do you swallow their semen?
Do you do ATM?
Do you pull back their forskin and clean the cheese out before, or after sucking?

Last question op. Why are you such a faggot?

>pic related, its a dirty shitskin smooth talking op

First post & best post.

>1 post by this id

Reminder to sage and hide all bait threads

All religion is cancer, big government is cancer. Ideology or institution can trick people into doing horrible things.

Young Muslims are like that but deep down they are still scum. My exgirlfriend was just like this. Partied, drank, super nice. But when we got into conversation she would defend even the most insane shit. NOT ALL MUSLIMS DO DAT, HE DIN DO NUFFIN.

Some of them - the smarter ones - are good at hiding their true intentions. Kind of like Roman Catholics are good at hiding their paedophilic tendencies

This. The Muslim Turks in Germany whom everybody thought had integrated so well have now turned their backs HARD on their German friends in favor of the invaders.

That's not ALL Roman Catholics. Just the priests.

>They like drinking, partying,and nightclubs if you give them a chance to.

That's strictly forbidden in Islam and the Koran so they are not actually real Muslims, are they?

They're just people
They can follow the book or choose not to
Most people are moderate if you give 'em a chance.

i dont want muslims in the west because I don't want islam here

get it through your thick brainwashed skull

Islam is a cancer. I speak from first hand experience you fucking cucks.

This. If you want Muslims around you are either a Muslim or traitor and both need to leave.

>They do non-muslim stuff
So what are they? Fake muslims or 'new' muslims, which in turn can only mean they are simply calling themselves muslim and enjoying the world of 'everything against islam is racist'.
You might not be converted (yet) but believe me when I tell you they wont care. You belong to them now, try and change this and suddenly you'll find out how friendly they are.

>I have Muslim buddies
Stopped there. Terrible bait.