Average Sup Forums poster is a mixed race beta weeb manlet

>average Sup Forums poster is a mixed race beta weeb manlet

really makes you think

Nerds 4 Trump

>people who have little to lose, offer themselves for the cause more eagerly.

whats new. Do you really expect the business guy who hates niggers and who sometimes posts here to make his face known?

yeah the sad thing is ironically that guy's probably one of the only ones who don't understand this board is satire.

That just makes this place 20x times funnier to me, now every time I see a pro white power gas the kikes thread I imagine a little chinese kid made it and a bunch of other shitskins larping as nazis in it.

embarrassing to be honest

I shiggy diggy most of you don't look like that....

Do Jews use Jews to achieve their means?
As the new Jews we are building our own army of non-whites to combat their non-whites.

He promised us he would make anime real.

He is wearing a nazi military hat you fucking idiot

This. I'm not about to sacrifice my career to go play retard on camera for an anime forum.

>Tfw he might be in this thread right now

We knew, we always knew, only newfags are surprised.

And you keep making this thread for (you)s, like a 16 year old camwhore. How embarrassing.

Its not satire I have a Jewish friend who recently got called "kike!" in public at a protest and when he complained they shouted PRAISE KEK at him.

This poor faggot will see his face on Sup Forums for the rest of eternity, and even when he's 70 years old with 3-4 grandkids (or still a virgin), he'll know in the back of his mind he was a little cuck retard who dressed up as a nazi and got screamed into submission by Shia LaBeouf.

He's like the colonial niggers the White French used to fight their wars during WWI and WWII.

wow all this hostility you need to go back to tumblr you dumb lardass whale

thats awesome though

High energy

That is the same reason that Colbert stopped doing his shtick. What started as satire become actual talking points of the GOP.

To think Sup Forums turned an army of autistic man children into a bunch of neo-fascist authoritarians. Unfortunately they don't understand that they are the useful idiots of this movement and will be quickly swept under the rub when power is consolidated and they don't get their magic white homeland.

I felt that was a fairly objective assessment of what happened. I voted for trump and think the HWNDU shit is terrible, but I can't help but find this pretty damn funny.

Maybe the only ones on here dumb enough to dox themselves on HWNDU are the larper nonwhites?

Yeah I'm just fucking around. In one of the videos I heard them self proclaim "Proud Boys" which if I remember correctly is one of Gavin's things. Our message is getting turned into mince meat by all of these orbiting faggots.

Who cares leaf, have fun importing all the Muslims we deny

so what..

Hail Vic

Death to the jew, and there slaves the niggers.

In Jew York, yes.

make sense, white sjws will gleefully fuck over other whites for virtue signaling purposes, so white pol/acks have more caution in public


desu I doubt most of you would have the balls to pull that shit while surrounded by dozens of angry niggers like he did

He's not wrong. Being ugly + giving your image to Sup Forums is a really bad idea.

>he thinks it's satire

the face of the revolution

Yeah, the problem with both sides is extremism. I'm sure they'll all look back and realize what dumbfucks they were.

did he recoil? was he injured? did he suddenly shrink back?

Is there one Youtube channel that is compiling all of the highlights?

This young man wants to preserve the white race, why turn him down Sup Forums? We can even offer them used up roasties and coal burners too pretty to hang.



I'm 6'3" and 230 pounds. It's not the balls I lack, it's the autism.

no wonder Sup Forums is so quick to hate on Sweden. You're just jealous.

Kinda cute


Hapas. Not even once.

meh, Shia Lefag was much uglier when he was that kids age and look at him now, everyone wanted to suck his dick when the "just do it" meme was hot

They wanted to suck his wallet you mean.

At least he has balls to go there to trigger Shia LeCuck

REMINDER TO SAGE all Sup Forums "only white people allowed" threads. It's the polnation autists trying to shut us down. Cringey furies.

implying the left one is better then the right.
both are trash. and i love my job.


>pol isn't white
>pol is for white nationalism