>Sup Forums
Sup Forums
>implying Sup Forums lives in NYC
diversity is truly our strenght
keep telling yourself that untill u believe in it
>all Trump supporters are on Sup Forums hurrr durrrr
so much diversity
Everyone wants to kill the jew. What can I say. We have a following.
It's really women and effeminate men vs men. Not so much white vs dark
>the face of the alt-right white supremacists
>implying it's not on their facebook
Stop thinking this is stormfront. It's an anime pictureboard website currently owned by an asian.
Obviously the leftists were effeminate cucks but you're deluded if you think the losers from Sup Forums who showed up were "real men."
What is a man?
Who the hell cares if if some are not? They more or less have the same beliefs as me
>those are the people who call you a poor nigger shitskin when you destroy them with well substained arguments
Really makes you think
More like
>t. poor nigger shitskin
The ones who care literally look like this
>new york
>white people
what did he mean by this?
the actual truth:
white are self-loathing,
but minorities love us
I do.
the master race(s)
We are all white, you have to believe me. Those hwhsd guys are a minority from Sup Forums. I'm white I tells yah.
Sup ForumsBlart is unironically the hero this board deserves