2020 kek prediction
Hillary takes revenge, is elected president
she'll have 11 million less votes because all the illegals will be gone.
not any of these that's for sure
Turkey is down, and it land is gived to Greeks and Iran.
leave, idolators
Trump will struggle to hold power, but will ultimately win by a very narrow margin as demographic winter closes in. Racial tensions will be at an all time high and injections of capital from Soros and other jewish puppet masters will have far left agitation and possible terrorism at a level not seen for 50 years.
Japan will float south and merge with Australia then giant mech riding spiders will take over the world
we don't pay debts
>implying MN would vote red
Any non-neocon conservative is a safe bet
with immigration cleaned up, libshits haven't a chance
My best guess
>implying the illegals voted in large numbers
It is legal immigrants who are causing the power shift, but reddit diaspora fags will deny this because muh taco bell.
The world will be dead in the next 10 million years.
Turkish nuclear holocaust
>with immigration cleaned up
We sealed the borders, deported illegals, and sterilized brown people already?
The wall project never gets finished, Mexico doesn't pay, and everyone hates Trump because he wasted trillions of tax dollars on a fucking half built concrete monstrosity.
Bernie revenge - it will take some drastic actions to undo Trump's damage but it will be worth it. Conservatives will be banned/deported.
border being sealed,
deportations have started
Reduction in welfare will be a form of black sterilization
the future is bright
Face it, Sup Forums will be anti-trump in no time as it becomes clear it's not really funny and he's a dumbass/offended by everything.
Race war?
Trump is a big fan of legal immigration which is the real problem, the border wall will not be a reality any time soon (all he has done is said they will finish the existing authorized partial border fence), and no welfare reductions will take place.
the civil war in 2018
the Somalis in Minnesota are going back :^)
MFW Sup Forums memes for Hillary in 2020.
I don't mean for this to sound quite as fatalistic as it does. Trump is a good first step because no one else would even do half of what he has done already, but don't get complacent and think it is far enough. Trump is a baby step in the right direction, but will not do anything to avert demographic winter that will occur in the next 10-20 year.
not when we retroactively revoke birthright citizenship and deport them all
checkm8 faggot
Mudshit detected
And the liberals are going to pay for it!
Trump wins again, fucks shit up halfway through second term.
Sure, but it won't happen. It is too cemented in the american psyche. Eventually hopefully, but not in the next decade.
Commies claiming to be tolerant, they want to ban conservatives and deport them.
Like poetry.
She won Minnesota by 1.5%
Democrats crashing into the ground with no survivors
Trump-Pence #2
Being leftist will be illegal
Kek official God of the world
Blessings upon you all
Sup Forums starts to adopt the left wing counter culture that will begin when Trump starts to really fuck up.
Empire 2.0
Poland invades Germany and saves Europe
we can do whatever we want because we president now. We control the strongest military on the planet and can effectively silence or manipulate all dissent.
Trump could LITERALLY revoke all the current media's broadcasting licenses replacing them with his own people and they couldn't do shit
He could kick out all the communist professors in academia, and remove all the neoliberals and globalist billionaires from wall street, and the most the left can do is call for a rebellion where they will all get slaughtered by the military.
The future is as bright as you want it to be.
>using a nazi frog as mascot
Women of america are restored and spics are shamed for being mongrels
wew lad
>surely white people will start thinking it's cool to cut their balls off once they get in power
don't hold your breath
feel free to post a real argument any time
All frogposters are eradicated by right wing death squads, thus freeing the world from true degeneracy
Britain nukes Germany
Islam is wiped off the face of the Earth
Don't hold your breath Che.