What's your excuse for not lifting?
What's your excuse for not lifting?
It's my rest day brah.
he has terrible bicep insertions. no wonder he let himself go.
>i lift every day
I do calisthenics instead
Drumpf is actually just a fatass
Are you blind? He was doing very well for just lifting money stacks.
Exercise for the sake of exercise is unnatural.
t h i c k
not bad for 70 honestly
Lack of motivation. Even shitposting on Sup Forums is tiresome.
Being skinny doesn't go well with my blue and pink hair
Better ass than 80% whores are the gym.
Motivation only lasts a few seconds from hormones in your brain, you need commitment faggot.
Dude, you are sick. You need some exercise. It'll give you more energy. After a while you'll enjoy it.
No ur wrong
I'm going to later today, it's only 1 pm.
is that real? if so its quite a rare donald
My feet is broken and I don't want to fuck up my body
Fuck I hate this
Just skip leg day until your legs heal
rotator cuff injury have to take a break for a month or so :c
>is that real?
Not sure.
It's impressive. I think his biceps are larger than mine and I can curl 60lbs (1RM). That's a lot of curling to get there (but also it's one of the easiest exercise to do).
Because I don't pay Mexicans to do my work for me, which keeps me in shape so I don't have to pay some Jew his membership fees.
I do lift and train calisthenics.
I don't understand how anyone can stay a skelly or fatass beyond the age of 21.
Like, you start realising how shit you look in the mirror, why don't you do anything about it?
Granted, I was always doing a shitload of sports, unlike all you fat fucks.
Work doesn't put you in shape, I heard this shit 1000 times and it's fake. Unless you train each muscle group individually you won't see a difference almost.
Hi skelly.
I did martial arts since middle school
i do
bucket crab detected
fuck off curlbro faggot
>Unless you train each muscle group individually you won't see a difference almost
You're retarded.
that's a pro athlete that trains each muscle group individually you dumb dyel
T. Angry third worlder
t. autistic manlet
>Unless you train each muscle group individually
Why individually?
As long as you exert them enough to cause mild muscular damage and eat enough proteins and sleep well, you'll see muscle growth.
That's what it's for. To make you stronger when you actually need it for whatever work you're doing. That's what happened in nature.
Weight training can be faster though. IIUC, the body has a limited muscle growth ability in a certain period of time.
>curlbro faggot
I don't do just curls anymore.
But I used to because all I had was a dumbbell and some weights.
It's a good way to get started.
>thinking the only training he does is swim
>training muscle groups individually
Nigga you gay and dumb as fuck.
I'm 186cm, actually.
But if you think you have to train shit individually, then you're retarded as all fuck.
That's a gymnast, you fucking retard.
I was in a car crash that permanently fucked up my back and damaged my nerves.
>thinking the only training he does is gymnastics
You might see some muscle growth from doing your job at first, but then you will do the exact same job over and over, with the same intensity. Your muscles (the groups you use) will get used to it and stop growing. If you don't lift, you will never get fit from only doing your job, even if that job is being the ultra giga seal team super soldier 9999.
>It's a good way to get started.
no it's not. compound lifts are the best way to get started.
you are the dumbest bitch alive if you think all olympian gymnists do is train calisthenics without weight training
He does lift too you braindead cuckold
And we thought Hillary was going to be the first thicc president
>train each muscle group individually you won't see a difference almost
>proceeds to post picture of a fucking professional athlete that more than likely did exactly what the previous poster mentioned
Fucking retarded slav
So what's the difference between exercising for lets say hunting food or animals, and exercising those same muscles yet you just decide to remain fit?
How does your body know the difference, muscle and stamina development wise, not psychological.
Been brainwashed by the Jewish globalists into hating my country. After the last week on /pol I've realized that the holocaust is the greatest lie ever told. NOT. ANY. MORE. pic related is one I bought to wear ironically when I thought Trump was a bad joke
It's more healthy for people who are old to have a bit of curves.
no homo
>be me
>lift 3-4 times a week
>get injured
>doc says no lifting for a month
>mfw all my gains are going to go away
Is it real?
can confirm
Most gymnasts do only bodyweight.
Yuri probably as well, not sure about him.
>bu bu bu bu but
Why do you care about what his ass looks like?
I do push ups.
This. Also, the thighs and glutes are the healthiest place to store fat. It actually increases longevity to a point.
Sup Forums already trains their arm muscles a little too much.
>he doesn't tie a deer to the treadmill in front of him and run with a spear
never gonna make it breh
>>mfw all my gains are going to go away
muscle memory lad. they'll be back in two or three weeks.
I started doing a 5 day split focused sets 8 rep max and saw results in a couple weeks. I still add in compounds but training individual muscle groups works.
Okay, you fucking retard, here's the physique of an average joe that does just basic calisthenics/street workout exercises.
It's rest day. Eating some local pizza and playing gaims.
No porn, infrequent masturbation, lifting, staying fash, and focusing on my goals really turned my life around. Highly recommended.
Learn to control your thoughts and impulses. It is the cure for depression.
Stop eating pizza
but actually i do
Not the point.
Yuri trains his whole body every single workout.
nothing wrong with pizza so long as it fits your macros
Eating the things you like on rest day = guaranteed gains.
It prepares your brain to understand that work=reward.
Are you even following the motherfucking conversation you stupid Slav? This whole thing started because the idea was put forth that work is enough to get you in shape, when it's fucking not. Again why are you posting pictures of people who fucking WORKOUT and more than anything else TRAIN SPECIFIC AREAS OF THEIR BODIES
God damn go get drunk you stupid polack. Hitler should have wiped your shitty country out
Don't become a beach muscle pussy.
Take some boxing lessons and learn how to punch and take hits unless you want to get your ass kicked by communists.
It's bread made with synthetic 800 kals/100g, synthetic cheese and mayo. Disgusting
You mean he squats 350 for five reps
>prussian flag
Synthetic oil
Yuri trains his whole body each training sessions and doesn't lift weights at all.
That's his work.
Where is the error?
>blurs face
>still can't hide the slav
>trump deadlifting 4pl8s
>have monsterglutes
>l-look at this lardass
you're probably a dyel who never saw a gym in you life.
>the filename says president trump
>comment says drumpf
It's like you're not even trying anymore
Too weak
No room
No motivation
Can confirm. I work manual labor and there's a bunch of muscle groups that I rarely hit. This job has given me a dadbod.
Except it's not manual labor you stupid idiot. Pablo lifting 30lb boxes at Home Depot over an 8hr period isn't going to get him any gains (he'll gain back pain more than likely) compared to someone do a physical workout that isolates muscle groups. Christ sake did you honestly confuse WORKout with actual WORK?
LoL..... the man is a dreg...
If you see pizza as a reward you're never gonna make it
Because bitches don't like buff guys. They always, ALWAYS go for twinks with ribcage abs. So I just run and do pushups for strength.
Can't argue with that, but at the end of the day it's calories in calories out.
>What's your excuse for not lifting?
If only there was a board for these type of topics
>this guy has never heard of farmer strength
who says i don't lift? the fuck you talking about? what are you trying to say, that i look skinny or something? fuck you your breath stinks and your mas a slag. dont ever talk to me again you prick
Bomgs always make the best posts
I'm lazy and it's boring.
fuck working out. its a fucking gay meme
This guy literally eats shit and his gains are long gone.
t. autistic fat manlet
how does a smelly gypsy train?
stealing shit can only get you so swole
This basically what i look like
Been lifting for 5 years now and swam in highschool
>women don't like muscular men
Hi high schooler. Just FYI, they really, really like buff guys. You'll find out in college.
Work = workout
Output is power in both cases. Muscles work.
Also you can't isolate muscle groups in calisthenics.
>inb4 - hurr but dis exahcise can be done this and this way
Yea, shoo shoo.
> lifting & conditioning
> BJJ/Muay thai
> flexibility & foam rolling
> sports for interest
This is the ideal training to be a well rounded man.
skeletal here and just starting lifting
I can't wait to wake up and not be a twig armed fagot