France and Germany are uniting against Trump.
Great, good job idiots. some of our greatest allies are already turning on us.
France and Germany are uniting against Trump.
Great, good job idiots. some of our greatest allies are already turning on us.
This is just like the start of world war 2
>France and Germany uniting for anything, ever.
How can you still deny the power of Trump?
Who cares, we've got Russia and are Britbros.
Maybe the Italians will join in on this declaration?
You assume I care about the fate of those fucks. The EU will burn whether we do anything or not.
both of these assclowns won't be in office by the end of the year
Lol Usa, uk, and Russia team up once more for the liberation of france and germany
Uniting how? Bringing together their entirely diverse and divided populations together? I don't think so.
OH you mean the two elected globalists who sold their countries out are working together with the leftist media to try and hurt Trump's approval ratings.
>France, Germany
>Not anti-US since the Iraq Coalition.
Big loss.
Perhaps the better side will win this time.
lmao does it even matter?
They are too broke to even afford to see the current news
Both nations are over run with muslim refugees and are on the verge of civil war as Islam takes over. Just like almost every protest in the US is linked to Muslims and mo ey from George Soros. We retake America now with law and peaceful legal actions or later with the blood of patriots. Either way Islam will not win.
fuck them both. how could some cucks help us, when they cannot even help themselves? fuck off with your cringebait nigger
That's what you get for electing a literal fascist. Congrats on losing your two strongest allies
Oh no, I sure hope they don't take in MORE refugees, demonstrating to all the obvious merits of doing such a thing
I sure hope
go away frenchie. never baguette. we got UK now
Screw them they will be begging for help in a decade when Islam over runs their population and starts forced conversions. Muslims are already raising crime rates and taking over areas with shiria.
I wanted to save our French brothers and sisters, but maybe not now
The UK doesn't know what living under nazi rule is, of course they wouldn't know. But we have learned from history, we will not repeat our mistakes
>Francene and Goymany
>greatest allies
French and German governments do. France and Germany suffer from the same evil which had nearly consumed the US.
Don't buy the divide and conquer propaganda.
>Implying that our strongest ally isn't actually Japan
You guys needs us 50x more than we need you. Get fucked, Eurofags.
Oh yeah Im sure it was soawful coasting through most of the war in relative peace while others died to "free" you, faggot.
>greatest allies
they are useless freeloaders
Traitors die first
France and Germany are non white and don't even have armies worth a shit
tg fils de catin
So you won't allow foreign cultures to come in and subvert your own?
So why let in refugees ;)
KEK and you think I'd be surprised by this.
Pro tip: I'm not
Good. Just don't keep your buddies in the UK out of the fun.
Yeye they united against us too. Look how many shits we gave.
Cant everyone just find some common ground
This is America! Our empire is built on us and us alone. We don't need allies, we don't need NATO, we don't need your fucking trade agreements you globalist shill. We're going to MAGA by ourselves for ourselves like every great empire before us.
>thinking those shit europoor countries matter
French and Germany unite in order to ensure the US get their fair share of rape and cultural enrichment
Absolute traitors to the German and French people and to Europe as a whole.
>Implying the United Sates of Europe wouldn't beat Russia and the US at the same time
I don't know what you're trying to say
Maybe you should ask yourself why France and Germany are uniting to stop the US from having a brief pause in taking in Muslims from one part of the world
>Implying the United Sates of Europe wouldn't beat Russia and the US at the same time
top lel
>literally rely on NATO defense
>thinking they could take on the leaders of NATO (UK and US)
holy fucking delusion lmao
So people like you aren't allowed to live.
When will France make themselves great again
why doesnt france and germany just increase their refugee intake then?
oh that's right, those refugees are murdering and raping large parts of your countries.
We will gain a new ally. Russia is stronger than both of them. Europe is terrified of russia
literally who
both of them will get out in a few months, hopefully to never come back
Front? What kind of front? Are they actually trying to do something about it or is this just some sort of opinion front where they tell him it's bad?
What would need to happen for the United States to experience Chinese tier isolationist action?
The thing is, that Russia won't do jack shit to them, since the first line of defense (Poland) is set up.
Look France, this is getting old.
We aren't going to be able to save you from Germany every time.
>America needs allies
So they want to force people into our country? Fuck them god damn it
>the American military is shit meme
If the United States ever lets their military off its leash God help whoever we are fighting.
People don't have any idea how restricted the military is through rules of engagement.
I'm a blue eyed masterrace. Nice try, shitskin.
In any case, Hitler just wanted to deport all the shitskins. Africa for blacks, the West for whites, Asia for Asians, etc.
that photo is so badass. greetings from the United States
We'd let the russians through desu.
This year, when we elect Macron
>Europe is terrified of a country that can't even invade Ukraine
>We only took in shit skins because America did first!
>You can't just stop taking them in, it's not fair!
Basically New Pakistan and Little Mumbai
You're also a worthless NEET with no redeemable qualities and no life skills that can benefit the nation. Thus you will be sent to the camps, or will just be shot
Literally a meme candidate.
I'm under 30 with a paid off mortgage and 4 full time employees. Stop projecting.
10 ANS
I drive a fucking aircraft carrier to work every morning, and 4 full time bodyguards
>get on my lvl
>inheriting daddy's business
Well done
But they are terrified. They formed nato and the eu because they are afraid
We were afraid of the Soviet Union, not Putinistan
>implying my parents are dead
>implying I haven't worked my ass off while you ran up debt to sit in a classroom learning about white oppression
And I hope they win kek
The thing is that Poland fate is settled. Since France and Germany does not give a flying fuck about incoming Pacific War, Poland will be used as a wall in case Putin would want to do something sneaky. If Le Pen loses and Merkel get reelected nothing will change, they will continue to spread degeneracy and live peacefully.
The current gamble is USA vs China and which side Russia will take, and what gets in return.
2 countries that don't pay 2% of the GDP are disliking us?
rare flag for truth
Neither of these nations are our ally
German under the leadership of merkel is our enemy
of their GDP on their military as NATO demands*
Britain and Israel are Americas greatest allies.
Do you really believe this? hahaha
NOBODY in Europe cares about russia and they are not our enemies anyway we like each other unlike you because the russians hates you burger to the core.
All anti russia bullshit came from your country.
There's nothing to be gained from globalist jew controlled EU bureaucrats. It's funny that these people destroyed their nation and have the nerve to criticize someone who wants to protect his people.
Do not worry, fellow american, we can always help you to deal with this european cucks.
The irony is real. I can't wait
>mfw your salary caps out at $90k
>mfw mine caps out in the mid $200
>mfw you're butt hurt that you couldn't afford college
>France and Germany
OK then, they can take our share of African invaders and teach us a lesson by depriving us of all that strengthening diversity.
I won't be surprised if EU buddies up with China against Russia and US
How can u ask italy to side with someone, it's like asking france to be relevant
Fuck off, wage cuck.
>German saying Russians hate Americans more than Germans
Might be true I suppose, given the percentage of the German population that are nothing more than Russian rape babies.
lol... yeah, old Axis powers are "greatest allies", oh yeah, totally man, totally
Russia can't invade Ukraine only because they would likely face retribution from the US. If putin had a guarantee the US would never bother Russia ever again he could be enjoying breakfast in Versailles in a week.
You are hated from both left and right. Nobody likes the USA here
>NOBODY in Europe cares about russia
hmm so I guess that's why le Russian propaganda has been the hottest Euro-meme for the past two years.
Wait up we save France from the Germans not so many years back now they claim we are evil cause we are trying to keep bad people out of our country. Well go make more shit porn and fuck each other in the ass.
The EU has literally no military power though. The german and french love to send angry messages around but they'd crumble under the turkish military let alone fucking russia or the united states. Not to mention all of the eastern countries defecting instantly.